Все главы The Prince's Rebound : Глава 51 - Глава 55
A Hamster
"A-And what happened?"Skye stared at the female in front of him, her face filled with awe and eyes wide. She reminded him many times of an eager child and she probably was.It had been about five days since he started drawing her, though due to certain things, like her inability to stay away from food, tiredness and excessive need to sleep, he wasn't exactly started with painting.Not that he minded. She was... Good company even though he found that his new favorite habit was reading sex scenes to her and watching her redden till she begged him to stop as she covered her ears, shaking her head.He stared at the book in his hands. After the incident with the idiot and the fake bimbo, she said that Lior never found her a tutor so he volunteered to teach her, though there were times he found himself reading to her because there were words she probably wouldn't be able to pronounce and yet, she would still stubbornly try to and he'd watch her scrunch her nose and puff her cheeks then sta
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Just Not Now
There were times when Nine felt sad. Times like when Ora had to go do something else, most times at the vet clinic and though Nine had asked once to come with but Ora had completely disagreed, that it wasn't exactly safe around animals most of the time.Then there were other times when she watched Lior and his friend be together all the time. She was told that he was busy, and she only came to give him books because Sophie's Father was too sick to come and do that himself.And she felt bad, that she didn't like it. That she didn't... Like the fact that they were always together, even though she knew that Lior needed what Sophie was giving to him.It always made her seem... Useless. Like she could give him what Nine couldn't. That no matter what happened, Sophie would be the one by his side, not her.But Skye always made her feel better.He was a... Weird male. Unlike anyone she had ever met. He always seemed eager to please her, which was a new thing for her because no one ever looked
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Pretty Eyes
There was one thing Lior was beginning to realize about the female on the bed beside him and that was the fact that he could never predict whatever was happening around her.And for someone who didn't like sudden changes, this was... Growing on him.He watched as she curled more, making a small cooing sound, a small smile coming to his face. He had been going the wrong way all this time. At first, he didn't want to be around her because he feared that he would... Cross a line he shouldn't, or the bond would make him do something that he was not supposed to, but that was his mistake.All his Wolf wanted, under the primal needs and constand want, was to make sure she was alright. Watching Skye holding her like that, while it was so obvious she could barely stand any more, made his Wolf growl at the sight.For the longest part of his life, he was a born caregiver. He liked to make sure that the people he cared for, his pets were alright and she...She reminded him of a little child. Alw
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How it goes
"You are serious?" Lior asked for the umpteenth now, staring at his Grandmother like he could not believe what she was saying. "You didn't need me?""I did need you," Grandma April said, keeping a taunt face on. "This party would be incomplete without my grandson."The 'party' she was taking of was just her, Sanchez her caretaker and Kenji who was currently wearing a garland around his neck as they stood beside the swimminb pool. Asides that, no one else was here.He sighed now, fighting the urge to facepalm. "Grandma, this doesn't qualify as a party,""Not with that behavior it won't," She replied, her frown deepening. "I have no idea what is wrong with my grandchildren, all so uptight. You know, Lucas came to visit me at my retirement home and we were throwing a party but he refused to party with us. I even asked if he'd take weed, but he refused."He facepalmed now. "Grandma, please.""And you won't even be grateful that I found a way for you to relax from your 'princely' duties,"
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Santa Luna
Once upon a time, there was a boy with blond hair and green eyes that lived without the love of a Father and in fear of his Mother. Many times, he stole so he could find a way to eat and other times, he took care of his Mother when she was too... Out of her zone to remember cleaning herself.At six, he found out that he had an Aunt, a family member that was not Mother, and like any other child, he had been happy to hear that and was invited to go over to his Aunt's place that turned out to be a Palace because... She was a Queen.This little boy, was jealous. No one could blame him. His Aunt had everything and never once tried to help him or his Mother, and his jealousy only grew when he realized she had two children, one a Prince that had the kindest smiles and tended to treat him like he wasn't a poor sewer rat and a son that... Avoided him.He was a mischievous child, of course, though this was his only way to forget his life and caused as much trouble as he could, especially to the
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