Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Prince's Rebound : Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
55 Kabanata
He's The One
Lior sat crossed legs on his bed, his face staring into space as he stroked the fur of his cat, Summer. She was a white furred feline that had more grace and kindness than most people, but she also had an attitude that made him can't help but laugh sometimes.Except now.He had done all he could. For so long... He had dedicated his weeks to Sophie. To get her attention. What had he not done? A part of him even craved to get her attention on him again. Just to look at him, but it seemed like they had never been friends before.His love for her had made him respect her decision to not tell anyone. Even though Ora and Kenji had begged at the beginning, he ignored them, eventually locking himself up in the room.Summer, unlike everyone, never asked questions. She let him hold her without making a fuss out of it, and there were times when she would rest on his chest when she realized tears were streaming down his face.He wasn't sure how he could have gone a day without her.Lior's ears tw
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A Trap
"No!"Elizabeth was the first to react. Her face was twisted into complete scorn and rage as she yelled, "My son would never do such a thing! He can't— He's not the—"Then she turned to Leonard, her voice breaking. "Tell her she lies. Tell her,"It broke Lior hearing her. She sounded so desperate to hear her son uninvolved from this sin, but that was impossible. The girl was not lying."Madame Dalia," Leonard sounded angry, but his voice still carried sanity in it as he spoke each words as carefully as he could, "I need you to be sure, of your words. I will not hesitate to mete out the appropriate punishments if this is a lie.""I'm a Mother as well, your Majesty," Dalia's voice sounded hoarse now. And hurt. "I would never put such a traumatic experience on my daughter and foil her dignity for no just reasons."Leonard's jaw clenched as he stared at the woman. Though he wasn't looking at him, Lior could feel the disappointment flowing in waves out of his body and all around the room,
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Ignore Her Existence
How long had Nine sat there next to Mom waiting for someone to return?It was beginning to feel like they had probably forgotten them, or planned to do something with them. It would make sense, wouldn't it? If they tried getting rid of her and her baby.For the first time, since that day began, her hand rose to touch her stomach. There really was something growing inside of her. Something that would live. Something that she created.How could she never have known? Seen the signs? Was that why she had been sick? "Oh, yes, touch it."Mom's voice brought her out of her thoughts as she turned to the woman who now bore a devious grin. "Because that thing is going to make me very rich,"Bile rose to Nine's throat. How could she have forgotten? She still belonged to Mom, and now that she had a child, the same thing would happen. The thought that she'd bring a child into her life, to suffer the same way she had, made tears come up again. She couldn't let that happen. That would be— Oh, Godd
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Set Him Free
Lior stared outside the window of his room, to hers. He had no idea if Leonard had made her directly adjacent to his so he would be punished by looking through it every day but he ignored the thought.He watched as she touched everything. Felt everything. Like it was still all new to her, and he could also feel her awe. It was probably the bond telling him how she was feeling now and he resented it.Why did this have to happen? Why did she have to come back here? Why did he... Why did he have to feel what she felt? Of course, they had been times he had felt something odd, but since she had been so far away, he brushed it out as his Wolf instincts showing up.Still, he couldn't hate her. It had all been his fault. He was the one who hurt her. Who force himself on her. If he had just stayed away, if he had begged Sophie..."Lior?"He didn't turn to look as his brother walked in, shutting the door slowly. "Mother is resting now, so you don't have to worry."He said nothing."I spoke to
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Better To Be Ignored
Nine woke up with a start.Her heart raced as she stared outside the window. It was still dark, and the curtains on her windows were still open, allowing her to see the moon.She knew why she had woken. Even without looking at the clock, she was sure that it was three am. By now, she was up at the Petal, preparing to go to work at the Pub.Slowly, she crawled out of her bed, letting her feet fall to the floor. Before she had slept, someone had brought in a nightdress for her. It was a lace camisole and silk robe, with soft bunny slippers, but she didn't wear the slipper as she walked to the window.The floor was cold, but clean. Soothing to her. She reached the window, staring at the moon now. Nine had never had the chance to look at the sky before because she was always so busy to do so, but now that she looked at it, she suddenly felt calm.Everywhere was quiet, peaceful. It was a moment she had never experienced before, and she enjoyed it.Nine stood there, watching the sunrise be
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Not Like Others
Nine stared outside the dark window of the car she was in, her body rested on the door. Elizabeth Byron sat on the same seat, thought she was also at the farthest end, her eyes scrolling through the tablet in her hand.The air in the car was cold, but not as cold as Nine was feeling. Before they got into it, the Queen had pulled her to a corner and said with a snarl, "I saw what you did on the table, and you must think that you're smart, acting all shy and naive, but I will not fall for your trap. If you know what's good for you, and the thing growing inside you, you will stay away from both of my sons, or else,"Of course, she had not completed the threat but Nine had understood. It wasn't like she had expected anyone to accept her with open arms, but the hostility wasn't expected either. Was this how she was going to have to keep living?Worried about her self forever?The Queen's head suddenly snapped up from the tablet as she looked through the windshield. "What are they doing the
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Not As Easy
"Stop Slouching.""Keep your head up.""Do not bend, how do you not know this by now?""Shut your mouth and eat. One more sound coming from your direction, and you will never join us on this table again. Vanessa, have you thought her nothing?"After they had returned back from the hospital, the Queen's hostility to her for some reason, had grown. When they had lunch, she picked at everything Nine did. It had been easy to take because they had been the only ones there, but by dinnertime, when the King was seated there as well, Nine was sure she was going to burst into tears.After her complaints during lunch, Vanessa had given her backlashes, though she hid behind a nice and respectful facade to do it. For hours, she drummed Nine's head with etiquette rules that she could barely keep up with, and though she did her best to understand it, Elizabeth still had a problem.Of course, she hadn't expected her to be nice, but that was a new road for her. People had always had a problem with he
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Cruel Fate
Nine couldn't do it.It wasn't like she didn't try, she did. Doctor Cairn had handed over her schedule to the maids and they saw to it that she was fed exactly as stated, but she couldn't stand it.The food made her nauseous. Every single time. Smelling it made her stomach retch, and her head dizzy, but because she spent breakfast with the family in the dining room, she managed to withhold it.But as soon as she was done, she excused herself, hurried to her room, not caring if anyone would tell her off for running through the stairs, got into the bathroom, and let out everything she had in her belly, not excluding the chicken she had managed to steal again.The only thing she had no problem with, were fruits, and chicken soup, but in the schedule, it was listed as only thrice a week, and the maids didn't want to disobey the Doctor either.Nine knew if she was a little bit more forceful, they wouldn't say no to her, but she knew she wasn't the type. It was the baby making her that way.
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Shouldn't Be Hard
Queen Elizabeth Byron sat on her armchair, legs crossed with her finger playing with the ring on her left hand, eyes staring ahead.She was a strong woman. Powerful in many ways, but she had always had one weakness. Leonard.Just that morning, she had spoken to him, asked why he never came for breakfast anymore, and he had ignored her completely, saying he would see her later, when he was done with work.He never said it, but she knew that he was disappointed in her. Disappointed in the son she bore for him. All she had ever done, was please him. Tried to be good enough. If her son didn't see favour in his eyes...An angry look crossed her face now. It was that stupid commoner girl. A family that Elizabeth had spent all her life trying to fix together. To keep together, and she wanted to ruin that, with her stupid existence."My Queen?"The look quickly dissolved, leaving lingering annoyance as she tilted her head to answer the maid that had entered her lounge room. "What?""The Docto
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Meant To Be Alone
For the next three days, Nine behaved right. She let the Queen berate her and allowed Vanessa torment her silently. She could tell that it confused them, her not breaking down as she always did, but she didn't care.She needed to get on their good sides for today."Vanessa?"The girl braiding her hair with her scowl still on answered, "Yes, my Lady?""When you're done with me," Nine said, voice soft. "I will like to go on a walk." She heard the witch snort, "Why are you telling me? You always do so, without my permission."I'm telling you because I know you will tell the Queen, Nine thought, Which means she wouldn't look for me because she might be too busy hoping I've run away. "I didn't want you worrying about me."She heard her snicker, but say nothing else.When she was done, Nine changed into a more comfortable dress and shoes, ignoring the look on Vanessa's face and walked out of her room, heading to the Pantry so she could get an apple before she heard the voices coming from i
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