All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S PROTECTIVE BROTHERS: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
132 Chapters
IVY POV I was sitting in that dank cell with those other women around me when I heard that someone was walking down the stairs. I was lying down on my cot. The other women seemed scared when they heard people approaching, but I just stayed where I was. " Hello there Ivy." Levi says. " Hey big brother. How's it going?" I asked not even bothering to get up. " I have to say, the timing of all of this is magnificant. I really had no idea that you were pregnant." He says. " Well, you just got goddam lucky then, didn't you?" I asked. " I guess I did. And I thought you capturing Lucy was a bad thing. Is she still alive?" He asked. " Probably not. And neither is Spencer." I say. And I turned my face to look at him and his face dropped at hearing that news. I guess Spencer was the one that he was planning on spending his life with. " Youn killed Spencer?" He asked. " I didn't. Cole did when he heard what she was planning on doing. And after betraying him. It really fucked him u
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As I was lying under that cabinet I heard other people in the room start to move around as well, so I kicked the cabinet off of me and I had a few cuts from the broken gass off the doors, but it wasn't anything serious. I got to my feet as fast as I could and Levi was getting to his feet. " I'm going to kill you for this." Levi says. And suddenly I shifted into my wolf and I crouched down daring him to kill me. So he also shifted and bared his teeth at me. Which is exactly what I did to him. He attacked me first and I was able to fend of the attack by side stepping it and then he grabbed my back leg and I whimpered in pain before I kicked my leg backwards and spun around growling at him. He charged at me again and I was prepared. We hit head on in a thunderous clash while snarling and trying to rip at each other. Levi was going for my throat and I was doing everything that I could to not leave my throat exposed. I was using ever tool that Asher had taught me to protect myself.
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There was obviously a whole media circus around what was going on with the town blowing up and us being right in the middle of it. But the military and the Govenor and officials backed up 100% of the way. Saying that these humans would be dead if it weren't for us. And the man responsible was now dead. Definitely dead this time with me killing him and a witness to the fact that he wasn't getting up like he did last time. It took ages for things to settle down for us but once they did, we were happy to just be back at home. Living our lives. Trying to stay off the radar of the humans. Just because they knew that we existed now, didn't mean we were going to use that to our advantage to go out amongst them all the time. We were still keeping to our territory and making sure that everything there was running smooth. And the people that were still unknown werewolves were going to stay like that. Because a lot of them worked in human towns and wanted to just live their lives without the
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Asher jumped up from his seat in such a sudden move that it got everyone's attention and I grabbed his hand to get him to calm down. " We're got hours yet." I say. " No. We don't. We need to go." He practically screeched. " What's going on?" His mother asked racing over. " She's in labour. We need to get the bag and go to the hospital." Asher said loudly. And now everyone knew that I was in labour. " Oh my god. Is it happening now?" Freya asked. " Oh my god." I groaned. " Would everyone calm down. Asher, get the bag and we'll go to the car. Just calm down. Cole will help me to the car. I'll meet you there." I demanded. " Alright. I can do that." He says running inside and Cole helped me stand up and walked me around the side of the house to the car that was out the front. Asher came running outside with the bag and threw it in the back and I looked at Cole. " Do you think you could drive? I don't want him killing us on the way there." I say. " No worries." Cole says. S
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ASHER POV I don't even remember telling myself to move but I was on my feet in a flash. A gutteral growl escaped my chest and I looked back down at Ivy. I kissed her on the forehead and then I barged out of the room past Beau. " Freya. Stay in that room with your sister and let me know the second she wakes up." I ordered. So Freya ran back to Ivy's room and inside. By the time I got outside there was already a huge gatherine of people wanting to help me find my son. " Alright. The whole territory is on lockdown. We've tripled patrols around the entire state. There's no way this person is leaving the territory. We have a lot of ground to cover but luckily it will be light soon. There are thousands of us and only one of them. She was dressed as a nurse and she left alone. There was no one waiting for her outside and she didn't get in a car so we know that she's on foot. Search every inch and house on this territory. Now go." My Beta Kai ordered everyone. He had done his homewor
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IVY POVI was slowly become aware of this irritating beeping noise near my head. I didn't know what it was and I didn't even know where I was. I slowly opened my eyes to a lightly dimmed room and I realized that I was in the hospital. Things started coming back to me slowly. My birthday party. Going into labour. The emergency c-section and then there was nothing. I don't remember anything. But I heard this weird gargling noise. I slowly turned my head slightly to the right and I saw Asher sitting in a chair next to my bed feeding a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. He lifted the baby up and started burping him and his eyes then flashed over to mine and he saw me watching. " Ivy." He says almost breathlessly. " How did the c-section go?" I asked. " The baby is fine. You had some complications." Asher says leaning forward. " What do you mean?" I asked. " You're in the ICU. You've been here for three days." He says. " What?" I almost choked out but my throat was so dry that i
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IVY POV A YEAR LATER It was now Connor's first birthday and the whole pack seems to have come out to celebrate. And to say that he got spoilt with presents is an understatement. He was the most spoilt child in the world right now. But he was loving the attention. It wasn't anything new to him. He was the furture Alpha and people were always willing to do things for him. It got to a point where I had to tell people to back off otherwise he would never learn to do anything for himself. And I wasn't going to have him that spoilt where he depended on omega's to wipe his own ass. Asher was really biusy these days with the werewolf council and our pack that seemed to be getting bigger all the time. I actually suggested turning people away, but because of our reputation, they wanted to join our pack. And train with our pack. We even had other packs sending their warriors to our pack to train before going back to their own packs. A lot has changed since Levi was gone. Freya was still in
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When I finally come out of my daze I kick into gear and start setting up rooms on the ground and first floor of the packhouse to accomodate those whose houses were just lost in the explosion. Asher had to go and help at the village but it was my responsiblity to make sure that our pack members were taken care of. Connor was very clingy after that and I needed to do everything while holding him and the omega's were cleaning up from the party. It wasn't really a celebration anymore. And I had to admit, I was pissed that my son's first birthday was ruined like this. Just like the day he was born and was kidnapped. Are any of his birthday's going to be alright? Or is he going to be forever damned to have shit happen on his birthday. I had to put that thought out of my head and I continued making sure that everyone was compfortable while other pack members had helped by donating some of their clothes and belongings that they didn't want anymore. And the ships in town did the same thing
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" We've pissed off a lot of people Asher. But I can't imagine any other werewolf wanting us dead." I say. " It wasn't a werewolf. There wasn't a scent. They couldn't find a scent to follow." Asher says. " You think it was human." I say. " We know that the human's are divided when it comes to werewolves. No matter how many times we save their lives, there are always going to be ones that are scared of us. And sometimes, they take it to the extreme." He explains. " I know. How do we find out who did it?" I asked. " I don't know. Not yet. We'll figure it out." He says. " Well, we have to start looking into extremists who are known for this type of shit." I say. " That would be a good start." He says. So Asher started looking into all extremist groups and previous groups that were protesting the existence of our kind. Some were not to happy when the government started working with us instead of killing us all off. I needed to make sure that no one else in the house found o
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Everyone knew that vampires existed but they stayed to the shadows. They never came out and made a scene. Vampires, we thought, preferred to stay to themselves and keep themselves hidden. At least that way it was easier for them to feed if people didn't know that they existed. My mind was reeling that vampires would be responsible on the attack at our pack. But it also made sense. They could have made it over the boarder without our patrols seeing them. Werewolves are fast, but so are vampires. If they waited for the right moment, they could have easily made it over. But they would have had to plant the bombs the night before, not during the party. They just made them go off at that time. They didn't want to kill us. They were definitely sending a message. Otherswise they would have set the explosives off during the night while those people were home. " Have you told the warriors?" I asked. " I've called a meeting. It's this afternoon." Asher says. " You look exhausted. You n
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