All Chapters of Winter's revenge : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
139 Chapters
Chapter 11
Isabella povI have packed my bag and are ready to go to the airport. I am nervous, about leaving my boys and Anna behind. Sitting in the kitchen waiting for Danny to come and pick me up.” Anna are you sure everything is going to be fine when I am away?” I ask her” Yes of course Bella, we have mange before when you have been away on business trips” she looks at me and I know they will be fine.” I know but there is so much to be done here and if anything goes wrong when I am over there, I don’t know when I can come back,” I tell her what my fears are.” Don’t think that way, we will make it and you don’t know if anything goes wrong” trying to reassure me but the fear is still there” I can’t help it, I am just worried””I know you are. But everything will be fine. Danny will help us if anything happens. We will always find a way, don’t worry””I better go and wake up the boys and say goodbye” I walk out of the kitchen and go to the boy's bedroom. My two little angels are sleeping. I
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Chapter 12
Silas povI pace back and forth in my office, waiting for any news. It was hours ago since Damien went to check Leeds on the mail, I can’t focus on my work which I should have done today. My mind keeps going back to her all the time! This is the first real lead we have had since she left, for years I have been looking for her. Almost lost my mind in the prosses. All these years grasping for any hope she is out there somewhere, I have a lot of things I want to say to her that I never did!I know she is the one sending the black roses, there can’t be anyone else. I knew the day she told me if I ever betrayed her she would send me eight black roses. For everything I have done wrong to her, she should do a lot more than send me roses. What I don’t get is why she sends me them now after all these years? She didn’t say a word to me when she had packed up her stuff and left the house. I just came home to an empty house that day, not a call or mess the whole time after. Just complete silence
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Chapter 13
Isabell povI can calmly leave the airport. The only luggage I have is in my cabin bag. No one is bothering me I can just leave, so far so good. Outside the airport, a taxi driver stands with a sign. Winter it says! I walk over and open the door, the driver gets in.” Hi I have received the address, is there any changes?” he says to me.”No everything is according to plan” I answer him and look out the window remembering the last time I was here.”Alright! Are you here in business or visiting someone?” he starts to have small talk.” It is a pure business trip. I am leaving again the day after tomorrow.””That was a very short business trip,” he says and I see him smile in the rear mirror.”well that is enough time for what I came here to do! I haven’t been here for many years, the city has developed” I say and keep looking around, so much has changed and at the same time, everything is so familiar.”Indeed it has. The latest addition is the highest building in the city. A new compan
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Chapter 14
Silas PovStepping on the gas I arrived at the hospital within eight minutes. Getting out of the car I don’t care that I park in the drop of zone. I just need to get in there now! When I get to the entrance and the sliding doors open I see in the corner of my eyes a woman in red hair and a hat with her eyes fixed on the ground exiting the building, in the sliding doors beside me. I get a feeling I know that woman, but I can’t recall that I know a woman with such red hair! The woman quickly disappears to the left, I shake off the feeling and walk inside.In just a minute I find the right room where Arthur is. I am about to push the door open when a nurse walks up behind me with a bouquet of red roses. Seven to be exact.”Are you here to see Arthur ?” she asks while my eyes are locked on the roses in her hands.”who send those roses?” I say and look up at the nurse.”A young woman was just here to see Arthur, she brought them with her!” my heart start to beat faster from her words.” Wh
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Chapter 15
Isabell PovWhen I walk outside the hospital I feel that someone is watching me. I don’t dare to turn around and find out who it is. It might be someone who would recognize me. I quickly take my leave to the left, my heart is racing. But I don’t feel that anyone is following me. After twenty minutes I finally slow down, maybe I am just being paranoid! There is a lot I have to see today before I can go back to the hospital. I hail a cab!”get me to the west side, house 318 on the main street.” I tell the cab driver”you mean the newly built houses down by the sea?””yes that’s right” I look out the window when we drive to the house, my old hometown! Will it feel like home again after everything that has happened? Will my boys like it here? I have so many memories here, both good and bad. Can I be happy here? Me and Silas in the same town again, with totally separate lives. My mind is railing with all kinds of questions and before I know it we have arrived.”I would hardly call that a h
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Chapter 16
Silas povI received a call when Dad and I just finished our dinner at the seafood restaurant. It was Damien, wanting to show me something! Outside the restaurant, I lean at the limousine and wait for Damien. It doesn't take long for Damien and some of his men to arrive.”We have found the security footage of the woman and the records from the airport. Her name is Bella Winter and she arrived Yesterday. Here is her passport photo” When Damien hands me the Ipad my heart skips a beat! On the Ipad is the red-headed woman. There is no doubt.It is her!I would recognize those green eyes everywhere. She has a serious gaze and a more mature face. My beautiful Belle has grown up! She is not that innocent little girl anymore. She is stunning, ever more beautiful than before. If that is possible?”It is her! She has changed hair color, but that is Isabell Johnsson.” I tell Damien”let me see her son!” My dad takes the iPad. ”you are right,” he says after just a glance at her.”Damien check the
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Chapter 17
Isabell pov”Mrs””Mrs are you alright?” I hear someone talking. I snap out of my trance and come back to reality.”hey Mrs are you alright ” the driver keeps saying”yes, yes I am fine! Just remember I need to go to the company right away. Can you make a turn right now?””yes Mrs,” the driver says. Shrinking down in my seat so no one sees me and the taxi driver makes a quick U-turn. That was way too close, I am not ready to run into him just yet...I need more time to prepare myself if I ever can be enough prepared to meet him again.My heart has not settled down when we reach the Winter. Co building. After paying the taxi driver I get out. When I walk into the building I see a couch and walk over and take a seat. I need to get a grip! I can't let him affect me like this. I am stronger than that! If he has this impact on me just by me seeing him, how am I going to be able to meet him?” get a grip Bella” I am telling myself. You can do this, you have to. Don't ever let him win and giv
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Chapter 18
Isabell pov”Who is there?” Arthur calls out.With the word stuck in my throat all, I manage to say is ”grandpa” Grandpa opens his eyes and looks at me! He just stares at me, and I am frozen to the spot...I can't speak or move right now.”B-Belle” I hear him whisper.”Yes grandpa it is me” I manage to squeeze out and slowly start to walk over to his bed.”Belle!! Is it you?” I see tears well up in his eyes and mine do just the same! I grab grandpas hand so he can feel I am real.”You are not dreaming grandpa! I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get here, I have missed you all so much” my voice cracks at the end.”Belle! Give me a hug” I lean over and hug grandpa tight, It feels so good.”I am so sorry for leaving you all without even a goodbye, I am so sorry. I have missed you all every day and night.” I just stand there and hug him, don’t want to let go! By this time both grandpa and I have tears streaming down our cheeks.” You are here now Belle, that’s all that matters””I c
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Chapter 19
Silas pov I am sitting in my office and sipping on some coffee it's over one hour before I'm going to the hospital, and I can’t focus on anything else today. My mind keeps going back to her the whole time, dads questions spinning around my mind. What do I say to her? I have so many things I want to say to her but how can I explain everything and make her understand it? I'm lost in my thoughts when Damien comes barging in.”
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Chapter 20
 Isabell pov Fuck that was close! Good dammit if Theo hadn’t been there. I wouldn't have been able to escape Silas. When I headed down the stairs Rose and some of her colleagues joined me and helpt me
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