All Chapters of Last Man Standing: Chapter 631 - Chapter 640
679 Chapters
Chapter 631
If Howard was going to strike at the Waker family, he had to hit them hard—wipe them out root and branch. So, he gave them a day to get their act together, enough time to call in all their heavy hitters."Got it!" Kaison said, his surprise quickly giving way to a firm nod.While Howard and his crew were making their way back to the Shadow Sect headquarters, at the heart of the Waker estate, inside the grandest villa of them all, two men sat in solemn conference.One, clad in robes that harked back to ancient times, was none other than the patriarch of the Waker family, Kevin Waker.His companion, garbed in somber gray, wore no expression on his face, his eyes sharp as daggers. His very presence seemed to swirl with menace—a man clearly not to be trifled with."Mr. Abason, let me offer my early congratulations!" Kevin said, lifting a glass of red wine from the table with a nod towards the other man. "Once you secure that formula, and report back, you're bound to climb even higher."
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Chapter 632
"Why the panic?" Kevin's expression turned stormy. "What could go so wrong?""I've just got word... the Third Master and everyone he took to the Fabish estate... They've all been cut down by the Shadow Sect." The guest struggled to get the words out, his throat dry with fear."What!?" Kevin's voice boomed.Italo, standing nearby, was momentarily stunned."Are you sure!?" Kevin demanded, his voice thick with rage."Positive..." the guest replied. "We double-checked as soon as we got the news...""Damn it!" Kevin's eyes were aflame as he slammed his hand down, reducing the coffee table to splinters."Master, there's more... The Shadow Sect sent a message," the guest stammered on."Out with it!" Kevin barked."They claim the Canfield family's secret formula is now in their possession… They also said the Third Master had spilled everything. They're giving you one day to surrender to the Shadow Sect, or else...they'll storm the Waker family compound to take prisoners.""Hmm!?" Ita
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Chapter 633
"Exactly," Shylah agreed."These leeches. They used to go nuts planting their cronies in every office they could. They've dialed it back these days, but their web's been spun wide."The high and mighty Waker family and their ilk are all in it together. If the family hits a snag, it's going to ripple right through their precious careers."So, whenever the Waker family hits a rough patch, you can bet these guys will show up to play."Howard nodded, his expression unreadable.After placing his cup down, he pressed on with his questioning, "And the Special Patrol folks? Are they the ones running the northern districts?""Absolutely," Shylah confirmed with another nod.Howard's gaze sharpened. "Impressive! The noble families really do hold some serious influence.""Sir, the Waker family must've caught wind that you're in Quintilian. They wouldn't send these people otherwise," Shylah added."Of course, they would've figured it out easily enough," Howard agreed. "What's the deal with
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Chapter 634
"Got it!" Kaison nodded emphatically before turning to Kevin and raising his voice."First off, the Waker family orchestrated a massacre of the entire Canfield family, then silenced the hitman who carried it out."Second, they're in cahoots with the Dark Shady Cartel, responsible for the death of four of our Shadow Sect members and the critical injury of our esteemed elder, Black Blade. Both charges are capital offenses!""Clear enough for you now?" Howard asked, his gaze fixed on Kevin."So that's what you were talking about, Master Howard. I only heard the news last night myself!" Kevin took a deep, silent breath before speaking again, his voice heavy with grief."What a tragedy for our family. All this was the secret doing of that disgrace, Norwin!"After getting the news yesterday, I thought of having him seized and dragged to the Shadow Sect to answer for his crimes. However, I found out he'd already been dealt with, so I let it go."The head of a noble house sure knew how
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Chapter 635
"Hold it right there!" The middle-aged man's commanding voice stopped him in his tracks.He then turned his attention to Howard."Master Howard, I'm familiar with the situation. It truly was an individual act by Norwin, the Waker family's third in command. It's unrelated to the rest of the Waker family. I trust you'll understand...""What's your name?" Howard cut him off."Metro Defense, Yvain Hayes," the middle-aged man replied, surprised."Does your view reflect your personal opinion or Metro Defense's?" Howard pressed on."What... What do you mean?" Yvain's heart skipped a beat."Answer me." Howard's voice grew stern.Yvain steadied himself with a deep breath before answering, "I... I'm with Metro Defense, so my views naturally represent Metro Defense...""Good to know," Howard said dismissively. He then pulled out his phone and dialed Monty, hitting the speaker button without another glance at Yvain."Master Howard!" Monty's voice came immediately after the first ring.Y
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Chapter 636
With a sudden thud, Kaison's hand came down in a swift chop, and Yvain's eyes flipped back as he collapsed, unconscious.Truth be told, Yvain was no slouch in a fight, but he had already lost any desire to resist, making it easy for Kaison to knock him out with a single blow.Kaison then pulled him aside without further ado."Master Howard, don't you think that's a bit excessive?" Kevin's forehead creased with worry. He had plans to call in some backup from Metro Defense to flex their muscle, but things had escalated too quickly."Are you trying to meddle with the Shadow Sect's investigation, Mr. Kevin Waker?" Howard asked calmly.Kevin inhaled sharply, feeling his patience wearing thin.The sound of footsteps echoed as a middle-aged man strode in, a posse trailing behind him."Greetings, district governors!" Kevin called, eager to make a good impression.The man, known as Charlie Quale, nodded and turned to Howard. "Special Patrol's north district governor, Charlie, at your se
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Chapter 637
"Is that so?" Howard's smile returned."Sir!" At that moment, Shylah hurried over and murmured something to Howard."Understood," Howard nodded before turning to Charlie. "Didn't you say it was only Norwin who was mixed up with the Dark Shady Cartel? You'd better keep your eyes peeled then!""What are you getting at?" Charlie's frown deepened.Next to him, Kevin's own brow wrinkled, a bad feeling brewing inside him.Right then, a wave of formidable energy rolled in from the courtyard gate, blanketing the front yard like storm clouds rolling in.The Waker family's rank-and-file warriors felt a choking pressure, their faces etched with terror as they scrambled back 100 meters.A moment later, 100 figures strode confidently through the gate. Each radiated power, the weakest among them at the advanced level of martial general, and the group included several martial gods and knights.The leader of the group was a force to be reckoned with, nearly at the level of a martial emperor in
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Chapter 638
With a heavy sigh, Kevin let out a breath laden with anxiety. His energy levels spiked and dipped as he grappled with a decision that weighed heavily on him.He turned his gaze to the man standing behind Mr. Abason. "Mr. Abason, this feels like you're sending my Waker family to the slaughter!""Mr. Kevin Waker, you're overstating things!" the lead man interjected before Italo could reply."You're probably concerned about Master Howard's formidable abilities. However, let me assure you, as strong as Master Howard is, he's not unbeatable!"Your family patriarch is nearly at the level of a martial emperor. If he teams up with me, we should be able to handle Master Howard without much trouble!"And as for the rest of the Shadow Sect, they're nothing to worry about, except for Shylah."Kevin inhaled deeply once more."Mr. Kevin Waker, don't feel pressured to answer right away. Take your time—I'll give you three minutes to think it over," the man said, giving him space.At that, Char
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Chapter 639
"Let's take the fight to them!" Raindon was brimming with battle lust. "No one moves without my say-so!" Shylah shot back. "Well, Master Howard, your troops sure do listen to you!" The man smirked. "Now, let's see what you decide, Master Howard!"Trading all your hard-earned power for thirty lives, it might just be worth it!""Give me a name. I won't cut down an unknown," Howard said calmly.Shylah smirked at his words. When did their boss ever spare anyone, known or not?"So, Master Howard has no intention of sparing any of these thirty souls?" The man chuckled before revealing his identity. "Alkaid, one of the Dark Shady Cartel's Seven Overlords!"The Dark Shady Cartel's Seven Overlords were named for the Big Dipper stars: Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid."Excellent!" Howard nodded. "After today, the Dark Shady Cartel will be down one overlord.""Well then, let's see what you've got, King of the West, Master Howard!" Alkaid said before turning to Ke
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Chapter 640
In an instant, their auras exploded, fierce and unyielding, shooting into the heavens. Their near-martial emperor cultivation base was on full display, casting a formidable presence over the area.The spectators gasped for air, their bodies shaking as they scrambled back hundreds of meters to escape the overwhelming force.Korbin moved swiftly. His saber danced through the air, carving out a storm of icy, biting lights. Above them, a massive, ethereal saber took form, dwarfing his own weapon. It crackled with thunder, a harbinger of death's chill.Alkaid was just as quick, his wrists a blur as he wove a vast net of sword energy, a tapestry of blades that promised destruction."Come at me!" they bellowed in unison, ready to clash.The colossal shadow of a blade, charged with the ferocity of a thunderclap, bore down on Howard. The wind screamed around him, and the earth itself seemed to scream in shock.Sword shadows rained down like a tempest, their shrill cries slicing through th
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