All Chapters of Treating Mr Psychopath: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
149 Chapters
Lucas P.O.VDifferent calls kept on coming in as I kept on deciphering where Ciro could had taken Elena to. It was too surprising to see that after a week of her kidnap, the security personnels, who had been everywhere couldn't get to know where her exact location was. It was as though Ciro had made Elena vanish from the face of the earth. However, I knew time would tell about the entire situation going on at the moment. Suddenly, I felt the cold wind of the evening hitting my body. How I wasn't able to close the window, all the while remained a serious mystery to me. While trying to close the window however, I noticed a stranger figure. It was odd especially for the fact that it was miles away from my window.On a closer look, I noticed the man was with a sniper in his hands and Instinctively I ducked, causing the incoming bullet move away. He tried it yet again and I kept on moving out of the way for the said bullet, till I was able to grip my gun. Having counted five, I boldly sto
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Third P.O.V“I cannot just stand and watch all the things I have labored for go to waste, never! During the exchange of fires, I got hit by one of their bullet. It was only a miracle that it didn’t hit my heart area” Ciro stated.“You are risking a lot of things Ciro and one of them is your life” Elena complained as she help the man stand up to his feet“How did you dressed your self from the wounds” Elena asked.“There have been nights where I have been injured badly more than this and I treated myself without anyone knowing; not even the boys” Ciro stated.Elena's eye was drawn to the scars that spread across his back and she touched them. Ciro was smart enough to have tattooed all of them and ensure that no one saw through them but Elena seemed to have seen them.“I got them all when I was young but that will be another story for another day” Ciro didn’t want her questioning him about the tattoo.“Are the boys aware of this?” Elena asked as she watch him make cereal himself and sur
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Lucas P.O.V"You all had only one job and that was to make sure that the entire place was well secured and right now, there of the prisoners are dead..." These were the words o heard the moment I stepped into the General Anton's office. He looked extremely pissed judging from his facials and I felt a little pity for the young ones at the place at the moment."We are sorry sir, we didn't know anyone would enter the prison and do such a thing" Prison? Did that guy just made mention of the prison. It may seem as though someone had killed prisoners."Get out of my office and wait for your punishment" General Anton, once again ordered and the two men instantly left the office, leaving the general and myself in one place."What brings you here detective Lucas" He said in a much calmer tone, having gone to take his seat."While I was making researches in my office yesterday, someone had the guts to try to kill me. I was hoping you would look into it yourself" He raised his head up in disbeli
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"What a hell of a roll coater day for me" He said, holding up his temple. Elena on the other hand, stood up and kisses him in the fore head, before leaving for a room. A gesture that Ciro hadn't thought would ever happen.Just before Elena could get to her room, she felt someone standing behind her and when she turned around, she noticed Insigne standing with his glasses on."You know something Elena, I may have erased the doubt I had about you, when we figured out that Marco was an insider giving information to the police. But with what I saw today at the HILTOP hotel, I may just have my doubts back" "I don't know what you are talking about" Elena indicated, feigning innocence."The footage showed that you were standing at a static point in the restroom and by my logical sense of reasoning, I believe an average person would do what they came to the restroom for and then eventually head out, but you just stood there. Were you tampering with the footages?" Inisgne asked."All that you
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Elena P.O.VStepping into the main building of the prisoners headquarters, there was only one thought I had in mind; finding a way to get Ciro out of there. Love they say could make anyone go at any length to make sacrifices, and sacrifices was what I was willing to do at this point for Ciro. I couldn't bare seeing him in prison, knowing that there has been a difference between this moment and the last time. Everyone, who saw me while heading towards Anton's office all had a look of curiosity in their face. The look which indicated whether or not I would remain the same after being in the loins of Ciro. Obviously, their question was valid as it turned out that I could never be the same again from that kidnap.Standing at the door to Anton's room, I took in a deep breath and prayed to whatever deity existed that my request be granted. "Come in" I heard his voice and for some moment, I was startled however I still kept my cool and made my way into the office. Upon seeing my face, Anto
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Anton P.O.VThe city's biggest restaurant has had a very huge upgrade and I could tell by the number of customers they were amassing alright before my very eyes. 'PAPA'S HOME' as it is usually called wasn't this big, it used to be a small scale eatery which only supplied junk food to kids, till a new owner took over. I was glad over the fact that one of my colleague had taken over this eatery."Do you generally take your time in having to loose focus or is this a habit?" A feminine voice pulled me back to consciousness. Upon looking up, I smiled at the young beautiful lady right infront of me."Miss Bella, quite a great honour meeting you ma'am" She didn't say a thing, but took her seat gracefully. Bella was one of the few criminal lawyers I admired. She had great work ethics and at the same time, was undoubtedly beautiful. Aside all this attributes, she was also very disciplined."When I received your text message, I was in a meeting and for the first time, I have to say it's a surpr
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Elena P.O.VHearing Ciro say he knew Bella was quite astonishing judging from the personality they both had. Bella was one who was quite a shy type and didn't like getting into much trouble. However, that couldn't be said about Ciro, who was and is still an embodiment of trouble."I miss you" His words pulled me out of my thoughts. Looking into the eyes of Ciro, for the first time ever, I could sense and unnerving emotion. Indeed I was glad that Ciro had changed. He wasn't the type to show his emotions prior, but with the look of things, he had gotten more orientation to show more, rather than conceal."Only if you know how much I yearn to just be with you for the rest of my life" I admitted to him. This would be the second time I would admit my feelings to him. Ciro had really thought me alot. He thought me that the best thing in the world was having to fell in love and that was where I took my muse from."Do you think Bella can get me out of here?" Again, a new emotion was showing r
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Ciro P.O.VAn eerie silence hit the entire court room, the moment I stepped into the doc. It was obvious that everyone needed to see who the greatest criminal master mind was. Amidst all the things going on, my thoughts weren't on any of these things. The fact that Elena had stepped into the court looking all sort of different emotion, touched me alot. I didn't want her getting worries over me."Your honour, this man standing before us today, has proven quite a number of times that he is nothing but an abomination to the whole world. In my entire years, serving as the state prosecutor, I have never met someone, so stubborn, so crazy and above all so dangerous like this man standing here. I believe the court almost lost counts of the numerous crimes he has committed" Seeing the face of this man alone, made me wanted to loose all sense of calm I had and just rush over to him and begin to tamper with every bone within his body."An abomination like this, need not stay within the walls of
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49. Ciro P.O.VThe doot of the priosn opened for the first time and my hope was for Elena to come through the door, but it was vanished, when the prison warden, came with a food flask. "Need I remind everyone here that I only eat when Elena brings food?" I said as he dropped the food flask on the floor."Elena had somewhere to go, she begged that I gave you this food" This is odd, Elena would never stop and drop food flask without checking up on me. Even if she had a place to go, she would always wish to see my face."Well, the food flask would remain till she comes. I cannot eat any of the food provided till I see her" The priosn warder stared at me with a look of disdain, which wasn't much of a surprise, considering we didn't get along from the start. "Listen here young man, you must eat that food else, I would make sure Elena doesn't bring food again" I was curious to understand why he was so eager for me to eat the food. I stared down at the food flask, then something flashed
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Anton P.O.VThe files were too much to handle, thus frustration begining to set in. I wonder when I would ever have rest. The previous night in Bella's house has been eventful. It was already settled that Bella was a lady that was of my taste and I would do anything to get her.The door opened and when I looked up, it was Elba and some of the prison guards. It was odd to see Elba step into my office on a day like this."And what brings you to my office Elba?" I asked, retuning back to the files that needed to be signed."Ciro Russo has been poisoned" I froze the moment he made that announcement. I looked up at him, hoping he was joking but there was no sign of humour in his eyes. "What do you mean by Ciro Russo has been poisoned?" I asked dropping all the files in my hands."He was poisoned by Elena. I was inspecting the prison, when I heard a bang on his door. Upon going to check out what was the situation, I was shocked to see Ciro holding his neck and pointing at the food flask."
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