After some minutes, an ambulance drove into the premises. Two young men wearing the same uniform; oxblood coverall rushed towards Aunty Suzi, carrying a stretcher. They placed Sam on it after checking her vitals."Sir, she is unconscious. Her B.p is 140 over 100. Her pulse is 72 and there is a rise in her temperature." One of the young men said to the man that climbed out of the car. From his look, he seemed like the doctor even though he wasn't putting on the Lab coat."You need to sign these papers before we take her with us. You don't have to panic. The issue is not a very tough one. Her b.p is high and we need to boost it with an infusion." The man said, handing over the papers to Aunty Suzi. After signing them, she handed it back to him and they were about to push her into the ambulance."Excuse me, Doctor." Everyone turned as they heard the voice, even the doctor turned as well. The voice emanated a different aura, fear mixed with dreadfulness."I don't want her to be admitted t
Last Updated : 2023-01-30 Read more