All Chapters of Addicted To The Legacy Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
158 Chapters
Chapter 71: Glitched
Two years ago...She called. Her voice sounded scared. It's the only thing I can hear as I rush back from the movie set. I place a call to Drusila, but the old woman has deemed today fit for ignoring my calls. I try to calm myself, but I swear on my mother's grave if there's even a scratch on her skin, hell will break loose. Whoever needs to pay will pay.I leave the engine idle and dart into the building, looking for Scarlett. There are no signs of a break in or a fight. Since the pack moved to New York, things have been peaceful. The cleaning girl put up a slippery floor sign ahead of her, but I don't pay it any heed. I'm about to race up the stairs with my wolf's speed when Drusila flashes in front of me. She's crossing her arms and glaring at the wet floor behind me."I don't have time for this." I step around her, continuing the climb."How many times do I have to tell you and Jai-Blynn not to wear your shoes in the house after a run in the woods? It rained a few hours ago!" She s
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Chapter 72: A Friend Indeed
MARE:I don't know how to place my emotions, but Zeke once told me he's not afraid of the Diamond witches when it comes to me. He said they don't stand a chance and that he believes in me. I wonder if his thoughts are still the same. I trace my lips with my thumb, smiling like a loon.Kyra snorts. "Pathetic, Marelyn. Death is near, yet all you can think about is kissing a man that's not yours?"I roll my eyes and turn away. It's been an hour since Jai-Blynn showed up and ruined everything. Midnight has come and gone, but the whole of Moon Grove is still trapped in here. On my desk, Zeke's journal is there. I trace the edges of the hardcover, remembering what those nights felt like. Chicken wings. The thought makes me smile."You'll be the last person he goes for. The Alpha's strong. Someone as small and weak as you won't make it on his list of types." She takes the journal from me, scathing my self-confidence with her words. It gets to me, but it also makes me so angry. What have I don
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Chapter 73: Letting Her Go
ZEKE"We can't overlook the gravity of this news. If they've found another way, then we must kill Zane's pregnant mate."Silence spreads in the room after Orson shares his thoughts. We are holed up in my study. Drusila sits on the chair before me. Orson's at her side while Aiden stands with his hands folded against his chest behind them. Kass Rodin is on his feet next to the door while Kyra rests against an adjacent wall with her ankles crossed.Marelyn's with Frida in the dungeons. It's dangerous, but I let her because I know she needs the closure. Kyra reported the hour's attack to me. Jai-Blynn didn't come to play. I'm aware time is not on our side. Drusila's bent on the scowl on her face. She doesn't like that Kass is with us, but he's a significant part of Moon Grove, even though he lost to Aiden a few hours ago."I was taught not to harm innocent women and children, Orson." I break the ice in a sharp tone.The pack Zeta reads the room and clears his throat. He squirms in his seat
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Chapter 74: Cousin Aiden
I'm seated in the backseat of a black Ford Fiesta. At least, that's what Kyra calls it. The car is hers and she's behind the wheels. Aiden's in the passenger seat, drumming his fingers on the dashboard at intervals. There's a traffic light ahead. We stop, waiting for the red-light to change.The second we informed Jai-Blynn Moon Grove will cooperate, the attacks stopped. We've been on the road for over three hours. It's daybreak now. People are on the sidewalks catering to their daily activities. We are in Boston City, and the mood in the car is awkward. It lasts until Kyra breaks the silence streak."When are you planning on telling her, Aiden?" She asks, hands firm on the steering wheel.Aiden pinches his gaze on her. Her question shocked him. He didn't see it coming. I can see it also makes him uncomfortable. Whatever he's supposed to tell me, it's clear he planned to take that secret to his grave."Tell me what?" I look between them.Aiden sighs, leaning into his seat and staring o
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Chapter 75: Stolen Memories
I can tell many hours have gone by. I'm in a dark room, but I can't see anything else except the void. Jai-Blynn tied me to a chair with silver chains. I'm dressed in a tank top and shorts, sans my coat. The chilly weather is biting. There's blood all over my wrist and ankles. His traps are too tight. There's also wolf's bane is in my system. I can feel it. After meeting him at the hospital, I can't remember how I got here.There's someone in the room with me, though. My sense of smell is poor because of the effect of the Wolf's bane, but I can feel a presence in here. Where am I? I shut my eyes, trying to force the memories back, but I get nothing. It frustrates me.The door to the room opens. It disturbs the silence as it scrapes on the tiles beneath it. Someone flips the switch and light pours into the room. It's Jai-Blynn. He's still dressed in that all-black suit I saw him in. I scan the space. We are in a warehouse, but there are no windows in here. I glimpse the view outside the
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Chapter 76: Stuck Between Choices
ZEKE Earlier... A fucking day! She's been gone the entire day and I can't find her. I knew this was a terrible idea, but then, it was the only way to take her suffering away. I rake a hand through my hair, pacing in my study, one end to another end. "Zeke." Drusila placates me with her voice. She's the only who can come this close to me when I'm this furious and won't get harmed. "Calm yourself. Jai-Blynn won't harm Marelyn. I have faith that he won't. Kyra and Aiden are look—" "Faith!" I toss a few papers on my desk to the floor, letting it rain them. "How does faith guarantee her safety, huh? Can your faith vouch that she's still alive?" I never let my anger get the best of me, but it's feeding off me in waves and I can't stop the fire. Marelyn knows how to call for me. She will do that. I know she will, but the wait is killing me. I can't sit here idling away while Jai-Blynn decides on killing Isolde and Marelyn behind my back. There's an ominous feeling in the pit of my stomac
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Chapter 77: The Things We Do
Two years ago...She's in the kitchen. She's cooking something that smells heavenly on the stove. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. She giggles, smiling hard at me. I can't get over the gleam in her eyes. I've missed this. She snuggles into my hold, turning to face me. I kiss her lips slowly, like we have all the time in the world to do this. "How's my gorgeous pregnant wife doing?" She can't stop smiling even if she tries. "Shh. Someone might hear you."We found out we were pregnant yesterday and kept the news a secret. Scarlett won't tell her family, and I won't tell Drusila. No one except the two of us knows what's coming. Our baby."I'm on top of the world, Letty. You did that." I lie while planting another kiss on her lips. She can't know what my real thoughts on this matter are, or she'll never forgive me. I will try my hardest to make her smile last. I might even discover how to make it permanent. Who knows?"I'm happy, too. There's so much I want to do
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Chapter 78: It Stays Between Us
I get down from her car and follow her up a short stairs leading to the entrance door of a town house lined with flowers. Alexis doesn't respond. She turns the key in the lock and the door opens. I follow her in. Her house is warm and neat. I expect to feel like I'm in a witch's home, but there are no cauldrons and potions lying around."You play baseball?" I ask, picking up the bat at the corner next to the bookshelf. There's a signed ball locked away in a see-through box in between the books in the middle row.She breezes in and out of the kitchen, and passes me in the living room with a reply. "Why? You think witches only fuck with brooms and spells? I have a life, you know?"I drop the bat, rubbing a hand over the back of my neck. She's right. Apart from being a wolf, I have a perfectly built life in this city as well. It's the same for everyone else. Deserters, and even those back in Carodia. There's more to life than what we are.I turn to the only framed photo on the wall. It's
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Chapter 79: Running To You
A few minutes later..."Don't even think about lying, Alexis." I stand, moving closer. "Marelyn's not dead. She can't be dead, right?"Alexis taunts me with her silence. She can see it's eating me away on the inside, but she doesn't think I deserve to be put out of my misery so easily."Say something, for crying out loud. This wasn't the plan!""I'll answer you in a few. I just want to understand other things first," she says.My hand rakes through my hair as I pace in small circles. I need to know if Marelyn is alright. I can't possibly imagine the other option being the case."What kind of game are you playing, huh?" I grab the nape of her dress and tug her towards me. She's glowering at me and breathing hard. This isn't how partners should treat themselves, but she gave me no choice.Alexis struggles to pull my hand away. "Let go of me!""Tell me. Now!"She flares her nostrils, hesitating for moments. "What if I told you there's a slight chance Scarlett Burns is still alive?"I free
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Chapter 80: One Dead Witch
He's gone. The space carries an eerie silence for minutes. I don't stand from my place against the chair because I'm staring at Isolde's dead body, wondering if I did the right thing. I should have stopped him from finding the Celtic Isle. Even after everything, my heart wanted to show him mercy, but Jai-Blynn will come back stronger. When he does, I can only hope Zeke and I will be strong enough to destroy him. I hold my stomach, also hoping I haven't put our unborn baby in harm's way by letting him off scot free. I have another worry. Jai-Blynn is not a pure blood. Carodia was never his home. He will come for the land the moon goddess built for her werewolves. A land he has no ties with. I know greed drives him, but the reason he's willing to go this far still beats me. Jai-Blynn said he wants revenge against Zeke because of me, but what about everything else? I exhale. It's over, but it's not really over. I pull myself up and walk to where Isolde is lying lifeless. Her eyes are s
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