All Chapters of MerryGold: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
99 Chapters
With his bag of peanuts, Thomas was sat under a tree. It was his turn to head the cows, as he watched them graze... he had his peanuts. He put one leg on top of the other, a sunhat, comfortably in peace. He thought of many things, how Merri had went off with Austin. Mrs Brown had informed him that, he was sorry enough to take her to get medical attention as she had not fully miscarried and the pain was unbearable as she was indeed still bleeding. Thomas only prayed she was alright, regardless of the shame she had caused him and the pain. He cared for her and he wanted her to be alright. Thomas had noted that he was not the only person who was inlove with Merri, Austin was too and maybe he should have noticed on their very first encounters when he had all those questions about Merri. Not wanting to be played for a fool, he only took Mrs Browns word because she was an elder and a respected elder. She had no reason to lie, therefore Thomas believed that Austin was inlove and remorseful s
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Dear Austin, my love, always will be. I certainly do not where to start, but ink and paper should be alright... a good start. I was never one for love letters but here I am. I have every written letter you once wrote to me, I treasure it with my heart and soul. I have so much to tell you, so much that I fear even stepping on your door step; given you will immediately ask me to be on my way. I do not blame you, you have every right to be enraged. It seems all I've caused is havoc and grief in your life but... we had our sweet moments. I've watched you grow to be the handsome, admirable man you're today. You carry yourself with confidence and a dominant aura. Something you never had when I first met you. You were that frail skinny boy with stunning big grey eyes with hues of Smokey blue. That smile of yours Austin, I could never forget. I'd love to think it's your most appealing feature... you hardly smile which I noticed the other day. You stay tight lipped and you jaw intact. Scary...
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Austin laid back as instructed, for the first time during sex he felt very anxious. Merri straddled herself on top of him. Her thighs on either side of his waist. She dry humped him as they made out. Her lips were soft against his. Puckered and lusciously stringing him along into her bait. Their fingers entwined, she moved her lips to the feel of his manhood, centering her clit for a better grind against him. His manhood was hard, compressed and felt good against her clit. Their kisses were soft, given time and thoroughly enjoyed. It was different compared to their moments at the plantation where they always had to be as quick as could be. Here they had time of the day and privacy. Merrigold breathed out, stopping the kiss... out of breath. Austin smiled at her, she could see how genuine and intense his love for her was. The look of adoration in his eyes did not go unnoticed. They did not speak for a moment, kissing her forehead... he hugged and squeezed her tight in his arms. Merri lo
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"No no no... I'm so afraid, I might piss my pants." Merrigold said backing away. Austin laughed at her reaction, continuing to remove his article of clothing."Fine, your loss. It's a beautiful day out so why not?!" He smirked."Is this why you brought me here, on this trail... you knew you would do this.""It's just a swim.""I can not swim, Austin.""I'm here to teach you.""No.""Fine, malady stay there and watch me enjoy a cold fresh breeze of the lake.""Why are you removing...your..." Merri facepalmed."I prefer to swim nude.""You're disgusting, traumatizing the poor fish." Merri added. Austin could not help but smile at her overreacting. "They did not at all in any form or manner ask for this.""I get it Merri, you're a saint."After a few moments of watching Austin undress and jumping into the greenish looking water. Merri let out a quiver. It looked rather disgusting and unhealthy."Why has it hardened...""What?""Quit acting oblivious you know what!""Because the water is
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He was used to the foul odor of the stable. It had not been the first night, he had spent a night in the godforsaken place. Blinking his eyes open, being greeted by the eyes of the almost 7ft horses blinking at him in oblivion, as they stood in their small compartments. Something he was quite used to but something was not right, it did not feel right. Feeling the weight of someone on his chest, he panicked. Merri was not here, this was not Merri... this was Merri's place, Faith was not Merri. What was Faith doing—In the mist of his confusion, it all suddenly dawned onto him what he had done. He had allowed the devil to use him to commit adultery. He felt sick to his chest, guilt was all he felt in tank loads. In his entire life, he had never seen himself being with anyone other than Merri. He had failed her, failed their commitment and relationship. Thomas felt that even though she had wronged him, he would never try to do the same or be that petty of a person. His heart leapt with c
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Commune means a group living together. The slaves shared all that they could and tried to make their living conditions as homely as possible. It meant taking turns and duties cooking for everyone. This had been an advantage Faith had taken to ill-treat Thomas. Thomas removed his hat as he greeted some of the elders and the people he lived with here and there sharing laughs. The line of food was long but not too long. Faith smirked when it was finally Thomas turn. "Turf luck, the corn is finished." She told him. "So is the gravy and potatoes." Faith muttered closing the big pot and tying her apron. "Oh, I don't mind sweet potatoes... if there is." He told her, trying to be civil. "I'm surprised you'd want to eat anything that I have prepared..?!" She laughed. "This is after all where the food is served, but why wouldn't I?" He questioned a little confused. "I thought you said when we were kids you'd pretend to like the food I cooked." "That was mud Faith, I thought we had resolved
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"Humor me...""Love, please allow me, I need to entirely concentrate, stand still...""This is so vulgar." Merri complained."What is so vulgar about a man painting a woman with a body of art."Merri let out a smile. Peaking from the canvas, Austin smiled back at her."You're not allowed to hang it anywhere where it is of public view.""I hardly get any visitors so what is the point?" He mumbled focused on his work."Regardless, I do not know where you will keep that be it between your mattress or in the wardrobe but if you hang it up. I will never forgive you..."Austin chuckled. "I won't put a face on it, just your body. Does that gladden you?""" she replied with a stern look."You're unbearable.""But you love me." She added."You're still unbearable." He countered."That's why you love me.""I refuse...""I must have been mistaken when you pleaded 'Merri, this is not you. I want you to fight me. Argue with me'..." Merrigold mimicked his base.Austin smirked, choosing to i
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He couldn't sleep not even with Hilda and her voluminous hair sprawled all over his chest for old times sake. She would not let him go through out the night, she held onto him tight. He could not shift without waking her up. Austin thought he'd go give Merrigold her clothes and a blanket when Hilda was finally dead asleep but it was close to impossible. His thoughts were on Merrigold, he knew what he had done was wrong. He had not done anything with Hilda, even though she had begged to but ended up passing out and confessing her love for him as always. It was not anything new... he thought. It was nearing eight am. He had to get up, Hilda had to leave. Austin did not feel at peace. Even if he tried, a subtle nudge of concern would not go away. Managing to get out of her clenching embrace. Austin tip toed out of the room, expecting Merri to be wildly upset with him for locking her inside a room during what later turned out to be a breezy cold night. As if he were a thief his his own h
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She had a lot on her mind. All regretful solicitude. It was hard to speak of something she had not came to terms with at all. The journey felt extremely long, dawdling. Merri noted that, the first journey with Austin had not felt this way because she was— she would not say it. She was glad she had never said it with her own lips. She would never say it, unless she was begging to look like a fool. Her thoughts wondered off to that woman, Hilda? Merrigold spitefully still remembered her name. Who names their child Hilda? Merrigold hated the name. Hilda? It irked her... so did Stella. A part of her felt sympathy for Austin when her thoughts wondered off to the confession he had made to her. Merrigold thought a lot throughout this nearly 36 hour carriage ride. There were stops here and there but it did not daze her from thinking.Ofcourse Austin had been intimate with Hilda before. An old friend, he had lied in her face. What was wrong with him? He said he loved
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Scrambling around waiting for the right moment or push to approach him. She felt nervous, Faith always felt nervous in Thomas presence. No wonder she made a full out of herself most of the time. Her nerves got the best of her only resulting in her displaying a bad defensive attitude. That wasn't her at all. She could be caring, likable, generous and pleasant to be around. Having a change of heart, she wanted to apologize to Thomas. He did not deserve that. He did not deserve to be ill-treated in the manner that she did. Today was a special day, she would earn his forgiveness and hopefully start a friendship afresh. Faith was aware that Thomas still loved Merri, that was alright. She'd simply be a good friend to them both...maybe just Thomas... and wait for their separation."Are you busy Thomas? I won't be long." Thomas stopped what he had been doing. Standing up straight, sweat visible... she could not help but admire how hardworking he was. He never complained even when overworked,
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