All Chapters of Winter's Idolatry: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
38 Chapters
I woke up the next morning with a headache starting to form as soon as I became conscious. I licked my chapped lips as I slowly opened my eyes, taking my time to let them adjust to the sunlight."Hell," I muttered, loudly groaning. "Dallas! Get off me!" I screeched as I threw his arm off of my body. I sat up and realized that I must've fallen asleep in Dallas's room last night.Dallas stirred a bit, a faint incomprehensible mumble coming from him but he didn't wake up.I groaned extra loudly once again and then started annoyingly pushing Dallas's shoulder."Stop," he mumbled, turning so his face was no longer shoved in his pillow. He unconsciously licked his lips. His features were soft, his lips agape the slightest bit, his chest was heaving up and down and his hair was a mess."Are you done checking me out?" Dallas murmured softly, his voice hoarse.I pushed him once again, this time harder, my eyebrows furrowing in embarrassment, "I was not!"Dallas slowly opened his eyes, blinking
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My Monday morning started off with Dallas pestering me which I wasn't sure if I should consider a surprise or not at this point. I was standing by some lockers with Orion, having a pleasant conversation when Dallas came over."Ah, if it isn't my little princess!" He chimed cheerfully as he came over and swung an arm around my shoulder."Nu-uh," I quickly shoo his arm off me and took a step away from him, closer to Orion. "Boundaries.""What boundaries?" Dallas asked innocently, feigning a clueless tone. "We slept together, I don't think boundaries exist between us anymore."My jaw dropped when he said that. I knew he was a little rat but that was not expected. I was even more speechless and stunned when I saw how nonchalantly he said that, a smirk laying on his lips."What?" Orion mustered, seeming to choke a bit."That's not - are you - why the hell would you say that?" My sentences were all jumbling together and coming out incompetent as I stuttered, unsure of what to say because I
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Preslie was going on all morning about the ball since it was just in a week. I wasn't surprised to hear her yapping off about it but eventually I was tired and irritated of talking about how she wanted to curl her hair so I left.In our school, on the third floor there was a room at the end of the hall that had these massive windows that went up to the roof and overlooked the whole entire football field, parking lot and even further. No students were allowed in there unless it was for a necessary reason but me being me, I somehow had a key. Not that I needed one because picking locks was a talent I had.I was having a weird few days ever since that harsh conversation I had with River so I was never really in the mood to talk to people lately. I was constantly finding myself going back and thinking through River's words over and over again.I was leaning against the banister and staring out at the empty, snow covered field when a presence came behind me."What are you doing here?"I tu
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"Preslie, can you hurry up? I can't feel my ass." I groaned, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for her to finish curling my hair."Stop whining, you look amazing." She smiled as she finished the last strand. "We've been waiting for tonight for so long and now it's finally here. How do you feel?""We weren't waiting for it, you were." I rolled my eyes, standing up and taking a look at myself in the mirror. I had to admit that I did look pretty good.I liked my dress more than I thought now that I was all dressed up. For some reason, I was starting to get a little excited which was weird for me."You look so cute," Ocean smiled, coming over to Preslie and I by the vanity with her phone out ready for snapchat pictures.Preslie was wearing a long and elegant satin light pink dress that has a sequenced piece around the waist. It made her look like a princess and suited her personality.Ocean was wearing a long, light blue, sleeveless dress that flowed gracefully and was jewelled at t
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I should probably explain what is going on.River embarrassed me in front of my whole school, then I ran out crying, then I kissed Dallas, then I ran away from him.After running away from Dallas like a fool, I found Dom and had him give me a ride home which he was perfectly fine with. He wanted to stay over and make sure I'm fine but I needed to be alone. Ocean, Preslie, and Orion all tried calling me all night to see if I was fine but I ended up turning my phone off and crying myself to sleep.When I woke up the next morning and checked my phone I had dozens on dozens of missed calls and texts from my friends - including Dallas."Hey Eliza... um I'm just calling to see if you're okay. It's Dallas... by the way. You probably figured that so never mind. I don't really know how to leave voicemails, wow..... But anyways, I'm not sure why you ran off like that but I need to know if you made it home safely. Um, yeah, call me back please.""Hey Eliza, It's Dallas again. Dom told me he drov
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Christmas Day"I'll get it!" I yell down to my parents when the doorbell rung. I ran down the stairs and opened the door to greet Orion, as expected."Hey, Liz!" Orion chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his neck and greeted him with a big hug."Merry Christmas, Rio," I smiled as I pulled away from him."Merry Christmas." He returned the smile, staring me in my eyes as he spoke. "I missed you.""You saw me two days ago," I chuckled as I let him into my house."Long enough." He shrugged, taking his coat off and placing it on the coat hook."You're early," I stated as we made our way into the kitchen where my parents were. "I'm still in my pyjamas." I looked down at my pyjamas that had red nosed reindeers all over them."Yes, and they're very cute." Orion nudged me."Good morning, Orion. Merry Christmas." My mom smiled as she placed down a plate of pancakes on the table. He had been spending a lot of time with me so he happened to come over a bit meaning he met my parents and they were
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Jago was throwing a massive New Years Eve party that everyone was excited for. I, of course refused to attend but Preslie and Ocean said they wouldn't let me live if I didn't come. Since it was New Years, it was too big of a deal for even Ocean to agree to let me sit out.I got there with Ocean and we got drunk almost right away. The whole night was pretty uneventful. It was just drinking, dancing, beer pong, and more dancing.It was pretty fun because the whole time Ocean and I just bounced around like sugar-high kids and made a blast of the time we had.Then came time for the clock to strike 12 and considering it was New Years, we all knew what that meant.Everybody knows the whole New Year's 12am kiss tradition. We don't even have to talk about it because it's the one thing that we all know we're thinking.Honestly, at this point nobody knows the real deep traditional reason why the New Year's kiss is so important but yet that's what everyone is ready to pucker up for. Adding in th
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Today was the day every kid was dreading. The day we were coming back to school after winter break."Are you and Orion a thing?" Ocean asked as we walked towards our homeroom classes. Of course this was the first thing she would ask me. I had drunkenly rambled to her about our New Year's kiss and she knew that we spent most of the winter break together."What do you mean? Why would you assume that?" I figured the answer of my questions but asked anyways."You guys have gotten really close. You're cute together too." Ocean smirked, sending me a hopeful look as if she were waiting for me to admit that we were together. I knew she was rooting for Orion and I before we had grown close.I gave her a flat look, "Yes, we're friends.""Just friends?"I shrugged, "I don't know, Ocean. We never labelled ourselves after the whole... New Years thing." Ocean was the only person I told about the kiss on New Years because I knew she wouldn't go off and tell other people about it. I didn't know what
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It had now been three weeks since school had started after the winter break. Things were changing.Orion and I were together, I guess. We weren't officially dating but a kiss here and there, a few dates... basically dating but not officially so for now, we're a thing.On the other note, Dallas and I had not talked. Aside from his usual unnecessary comment while Ocean and I were talking on the first day back, nothing.It was a bit weird not having Dallas's comments and annoying presence follow me around but it also made sense. Like it was established, our friendship was solely while we needed each other as dates for the ball. The ball has now past and along with it went our "friendship".It bothered me which was annoying because I didn't want to be affected by it but I was. I wasn't sure how to feel. I figured I would just build a bridge and get over it.I could tell that Dallas occasionally made an effort to come and talk to me but I simply ignored him and went the other way. I don't
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Dom slightly winced as I told him about mine and Dallas's conversation. "That's a bit rough, Liz."I groaned and laid flat on my back on my bed. "I know, Dom. What do I do?" I felt flustered, confused, and conflicted. I tried to push Dallas out of my mind but he was the only thing I could think about. I knew I hurt him and that hurt me.Dom spun around in my desk chair. "That's a tough one.""That's not help," I muttered at his response."Okay, fine." He rolled his eyes playfully. "Well, are you and Orion together?""Yes?" I offered, giving him a confused look. "I mean not officially dating yet, but yes, we're together."Dom took a second to digest what I said, shaking his head. "Okay, then that settles it. You're with Orion so Dallas is a no go. Let him be.""I hurt him!" I exclaimed, sitting up. "I was such a bitch. I can't just leave that like that.""I'm confused. Dallas or Orion? Who do you want to be with?""Orion, of course." I scoffed, hugging a pillow. "Orion's an amazing guy
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