All Chapters of The Ultimate Loser: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
Chapter 11
My grandmother died three years ago,’ Elena informed him matter-of-factly, stepping past him to walk along the concrete path to her front door, and her nerves coiled into a knot at the pit of her stomach at the knowledge that he was following her.‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ he was saying. ‘I remember her as a strong, robust woman who was seldom ill, and I find it difficult to believe that she isn’t still alive.Elena’s thoughts were chaotic to speak, and she needed those few moments to control her features as well as her erratic heart-beats while she unlocked the door, but Stephan was observing her with a faintly sardonic expression in his blue eyes when she turned to face him.May I come in, Elena?She hesitated nervously. She did not welcome the thought of being alone with him, but common sense warned that he might suspect she was afraid of him, so she pushed open the door, entering the small cottage ahead of him with a cool, ‘ You may come in, if you wish.’Elena led the way into he
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Chapter 12
What could she say in her own defense? He was searching for whatever whip he could lay his hands on in order to thrash her, and she could not blame him entirely.‘I’ve had a tough day, Stephan,’ she said coolly, her glance unwavering even while her hands clutched at the backrest of the chair in front of her to steady her trembling body. ‘Do you think you could explain the reason for this visit?He hooked his thumbs in the pocket of his denims, and he came closer to her, giving her the almost forgotten feeling that she had shrunk from average height to the size of a dwarf. Her eyes were almost on a level with the deep V of his polo where the dark hair curled against his chest. It evoked haunting memories of leisure picnics at Sweet Water River, and of lying in his arms with her cheek resting against his warm skin.Dear God! She must not think about the past! And above all, she must not think about what this man had once meant to her!‘I want to know why you left Sea City,’ he demanded
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Chapter 13
Elena drew aside the curtains at the window, and she filled the electric kettle under the tap before she plugged it on the wall and switched it on. She was functioning automatically, taking down two cups and saucers out of the wall cupboard and spooning Instant coffee into them. Her thoughts were in a turmoil, and her feelings were in an equally chaotic state. She clenched her hands where they rested on the cupboard, and she clamped her jaw so tightly that the muscles of her cheeks ached. Stephan was free to live his life as he wished, and so was she! What did it matter to her that he and Aura were lovers?Her nerves jarred violently at the sound of a step behind her, and she took a moment to control her features before she turned to find Stephan observing her from no more than a pace away. There was a gleam of mockery in his eyes, and it sent an embarrassing warmth rushing into her cheeks.‘Have I shocked your puritanical little mind?’ He demanded, the deep timbre of his voice ringi
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Chapter 14
Elena expected this, but his query still had the power to shake her, and she had to take a few moments to gather her scattered wits about her. She was painfully aware of the fact that she would have to exercise extreme caution. One carelessly chosen word could set him on the trail of his quest for the truth, but the truth would no longer serve a purpose and, for her sake, it had to remain hidden from him.‘I believe I said everything there was to say in my letter to you,’ she answered him calmly, with a calmness which was the opposite of how she felt inside, but she averted her gaze for fear of what he might see should he look into her eyes.‘Ah, yes…your letter.’ There was a sneer in his voice when he rose to his feet and crossed the room to stand in front of the window with his broad, formidable back turned towards her. ‘Your letter told me everything, and yet it told me nothing!’Oh, goodness, how could he know that it was the most agonizing letter I have ever had to write in my en
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Chapter 15
‘That’s what you said in your letter, and I refuse to believe it then!’His eyes were like twin flames searing her, and she felt herself shrinking away from their probing intensity.‘Why, Elena?’ he demanded ominously, towering over her as the shadowy fingers of dusk reached into the room. ‘What happened to make you change your mind about marrying me? Was it the thought that the chase would end for you with our marriage, and that you wanted to start the exciting ritual all over again with someone else?’‘Stop this ridiculous interrogation!’ she pleaded, not sure how much more of this she could take before she cracked, and she was desperately afraid that she might reveal the truth. ‘I didn’t love you enough to marry you and go away with you, and there’s nothing more to it than that!’ she lied.‘You’re lying!’ he accused her harshly, taking her shoulders in a crushing grip. ‘You’re lying to me, Elena!’For one fraction of a second Elena actually toyed with the idea of telling him what h
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Chapter 16
Elena started to shake like someone in post-operative shock, and her hands clenched spasmodically at her sides until her nails bit savagely into her palms.‘Goodbye, Stephan,’ she said through her teeth, and she could not have made it any clearer that she wanted him to go.‘Not goodbye, Elena,’ he contradicted her mockingly, coming up behind her and standing so close to her that she could almost feel the heat of his body against her back. ‘We shall meet again, but until then I suggest you do some serious thinking. You owe me the truth, and I want nothing less from you.’There was a threatening note in his voice, and it sent a shiver racing up her spine, when he walked out of the cottage and closed the front door firmly behind him. Moments later she heard him drive away, and only then did she relax the rigid hold on herself to collapse on to the cane bench in a shuddering, sobbing heap.The past and present had collided viciously to expose her as an emotional fraud. Oh, she had been so
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Chapter 17
It rained all day Friday as if to match her dismal mood, and it was still raining the Monday of the following week when she went to work in the morning. The weather did not keep the patients away, and dripping raincoats and umbrellas left puddles of water on the tiled floor in the reception area. The waiting room was packed when Dr Cleave from his early morning rounds at the hospital, and it took almost three chaotic hours before the waiting room started clearing.It was during the course of that morning that Theo Allen telephoned to invite Elena to dine with him at his restaurant in town.A refusal sprang to her lips, and then she thought, why not? She had not seen Theo for some weeks, and having dinner with him would be preferable to spending another evening alone at home with nothing but her miserable thoughts for company.She accepted his invitation and, knowing that she was busy,he ended their brief conversation with an abrupt, "I’ll pick you up at seven."Elena did not question
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Chapter 18
Theo placed their order and plied her with wine until their escargots were served. The wine had perhaps made her adventurous, she could not be sure, but she actually enjoyed her first taste of snails, and she relaxed to enjoy the rest of their meal.‘Dr Lynch came into the restaurant one evening to sample our cuisine.’ Theo remarked some time later when they were drinking their coffee, and Elena’s heart seemed to jerk uncomfortably in her chest at the topic he had chosen for conversation. ‘ I suppose you have heard that he’s the fellow who bought Rose Gardens from Lady Mint.’ Theo elaborated on the subject,’ and I must say that the lady who accompanied the good doctor was quite a dish.’‘Mr Stephan is a specialist, and so doesn’t use the title Doctor,’ Elena explained, raising her cup to a sip of strong, aromatic coffee, and congratulating herself on the fact that she could speak without the tremor in her voice.‘Do you know him?’ Theo pounced unexpectedly.‘Yes,’ she answered him abr
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Chapter 19
An owl hooted in a tree close to the cottage when Theo drove away, and Elena shivered involuntarily as she stood watching the Mercedes’ tail-lights disappear down the lane, leaving her alone with Stephan. Wisp of clouds drifted across the moon to bathe the earth in an eerie darkness, and the owl hooted once again as Elena turned to see Stephan push himself away from his car.She could not see his face, but his tall frame was an ominous shadow moving towards her, and her hand fluttered nervously towards the gate to grip it firmly. ‘What are you doing here at this time of the night?’‘I was waiting for you,’ he drawled with a ring of mockery in his deep voice. ‘ I thought it might be interesting to meet your latest conquest, but he left in such a hurry that I never caught a glimpse of the unfortunate fellow.’Your latest conquest! an unfortunate fellow! Her throat tightened as if she had swallowed a hot piece of food that refused to go down.‘Go away, Stephan!’ she hissed through her te
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Chapter 20
Elena was shattered by the mental picture he had painted of her, and horror and revulsion fought for supremacy when she forced herself to meet his cold, contemptuous stare. ‘Stephan, was like that at all!’‘How do you manage to look so innocently sincere while all the time you’re a lying little bitch? he demanded with a stinging disdain that was like a savage crushing blow delivered directly to her heart. ‘. The water is boiling,’ he changed the subject abruptly, glancing beyond her.Only then did she hear the high-pitched whistle, and she turned sharply to switch off the kettle. Her hand shook violently when she lifted the kettle to pour water into one of the cups, and she somehow missed her mark, to pour boiling water over her hand which was resting on the cupboard beside the cup.Her gasp of pain coincided with Stephan’s exclamation of anger, and her hand was snatched and held beneath the cold water tap. The flow of water eased the sting while Stephan took a tray of ice cube
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