Semua Bab The Alpha King Unwanted Maid: Bab 21 - Bab 30
66 Bab
Bianca slowly pushed the light brown door to Anna's room open before peeping to see if the little girl was awake. It was 7.00 AM and Bianca knew that she might still be asleep since she wasn't going to school but Bianca was surprised to notice Anna was already awake and staring at some pictures on her iPad. "Baby, what are you doing?" Bianca asked, sauntering into the room before gently shutting the door behind her. She sat at the edge of the bed as Anna showed her a picture of a movie. "Do you want to watch this?" Bianca asked and the little girl nodded. "You can do that but you know that we have to ask your father for permission right?" Bianca asked and Anna nodded. "Alright, let's have your teeth cleaned before we go down to get your stomach some breakfast!" Bianca said as the little girl nodded excitedly. During breakfast, Bianca couldn't bring herself to say anything because the atmosphere at the table seemed to be intense as always but this time around, it got less awkward
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"Common man, I think that is a bad idea. I thought you hired two extra maids too? Why aren't you having them investigated too?" David asked his friend nattily."Because Nanny was the one who recommended them to me. She knows them so well and they have no criminal records! Trust me," Felix defended. "But why would you want to investigate Bianca for such an odd reason? I mean, isn't it a good thing that she is nice?" David asked. "That's exactly my point, being too nice seems skeptical! Most of these maids are either gold diggers, have bad criminal records which can't give them a better job or she could be running away from bad guys and that might put my kids in danger!" Felix said. "I still think you are overthinking things right now but if you believe that she can be tricky, then send me her full details then I would make sure a private investigator finds out everything about Bianca," David said. "Thank you," Felix uttered before hanging up. Meanwhile, Bianca and the other maid
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Bianca glared around the kitchen before sighing. She knew that her boss didn't trust but she never thought that he didn't even trust her to the extent that he would have her family investigated too. Bianca couldn't help it as she staggered towards her room to pack up her things to leave. She wasn't wanted here and she didn't need to force herself to be accepted in a place where she obviously wasn't wanted.She was about to leave but Daniella and Ria had noticed her. "Bianca, where are you going with your stacked luggage? It's not the holiday yet, right Daniella?" Ria asked and Daniella nodded in agreement. "I'm quitting my job, I just can't keep working here!" Bianca said. "Wait, have you been crying? Tell us what happened?" Daniella said but Bianca ignored them as she aimed to leave. She turned to notice Fiona who had a smile on her face before wriggling her head. Felix's investigator had left a while ago and he was upstairs in the balcony area watching his other two maids try to
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Felix had decided to take his both daughter out to watch the movie which was going to be shown today at the cinema. Felix had been standing outside the house waiting for his youngest daughter to come out of the house for Five minutes now! He had planned on picking up Fiona from school.Bianca soon came out with the little girl who was squealing in pure excitement. They were about to leave but Anna went towards where Bianca was standing before trying to pull her towards the car. "Baby, I can't come with you because your daddy has to take you girls alone to somewhere special!" Bianca said but Anna wiggled her head and kept on insisting that Bianca followed them. "If she wants you to come, it's fine! You can actually tag along." Felix said, making Bianca smile widely. "You should change into something else!" Felix said as Bianca nodded before getting back inside the house to change into something casual. They had ended up picking up Fiona from school who was obviously happy that she w
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Bianca held her breath tightly while her face had instantly turned a shade of red, she had hoped that her boss hadn't heard any of the things she had just said because that would be very embarrassing.“Biancaaaaaaa!” she screamed in her head.She couldn't help but to stay calm not wanting her eyes to meet that of her boss, she felt like it was rude to do that. “I think Anna is already asleep, you can now retire to bed!” Felix said sternly.She nodded, Bianca stood up from the bed to adjust the blanket. Bianca was going to leave but her boss's figure seemed to be blocking the entire place. The closeness was wrong but Bianca seemed to be enjoying every bit of warmness it gave. Closing her eyes, she bit her bottom lips to stop her from acting stupid in front of her boss again.“Sir, I have been willing to ask you something really important. It's been on my mind ever since today, I have been willing to ask for your permission, and I promise you that it won't get mixed up with my work he
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Felix was in his office handling some personal problems when the door to his office pulled open showing David his friend. “Felix, you aren't going home yet?” his friend asked, trudging towards Felix with a briefcase in his grip.He stared at the laptop in front of Felix before asking.“Playschool, is this for Anna, and are you sure about this?” David asked. “Yes, I had spoken to the doctor and I told him about what I had observed lately with Anna,” Felix told his friend who smiled proudly. “The doctor had said that it's worth a try!” Felix said to his friend.••••Meanwhile, The rest of the housekeepers were in the kitchen preparing dinner while they discussed among themselves.“Why is Bianca taking so long?” Danielle asked worriedly. “Excited, aren't we?” Ria questioned while slicing the tomatoes.“What's wrong with being excited? Aren't you excited for her?” Daniella asked while she wiped the plate dry with a clean napkin. “I actually am but I'm more angry than excited!” Ria
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Felix had instructed Bianca to sit while he brought out some ice from the fridge. He had made Ria fill a bowl with water for Bianca to put her leg while he poured the whole ice into the bowl, “You can just put some of them here, Ria!” Bianca uttered as Ria did as she was told. “Bianca, next time don't say you are okay when you are really not,” Felix said firmly.“Yes sir,” she said before chuckling.“Stop smiling,” he instructed her with a serious face.“I specifically asked you if you were okay and you told me that you were, your foot is swollen red already and you didn't think of finding yourself a help. If by tomorrow, it's still swollen, I want you to inform Ms. Kevin about this so she could take you to the doctor!” he instructed while she nodded with a small smile.“Sorry sir,” she apologized before he walked away.Bianca couldn't hold the blush any longer as she lustfully stared in the direction her boss had walked through. She soon began to hum dreamily but it all stopped wh
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“What’s taking Bianca so long?” Fiona asked with furrowed eyebrows mixed with a groan. She clutched her books tightly in her hands tiredly before adjusting her school bag. “Sorry if I took so long, good morning everyone!” Bianca greeted them with a wide smile and excitement. “Wow, nice!” Hunter complimented.“Thank you!” Bianca responded cheerfully with a smile.“I actually meant your lunchbox,” Hunter said, making everyone chuckle.“That was harsh!” Ria said almost in a whisper.“Baby, Ms. Kevin told me that you didn't want your lunch box anymore, so she gave it to me but it looks good on me right?” Bianca questioned the little girl who gave her a thumbs up. “Thank you for saying that!” Bianca said cheerfully. “I think we should go,” Felix told them after staring at the expensive wristwatch in his hands.“Fabian, I want you to drive both hunter and Fiona to school!” he instructed the driver who nodded in understanding and affirmation.“But dad, I want to go with you guys. Can I?”
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After a while, well more like some minutes. The silence in the car was finally broken. “Sir, could you please just pull over there? I would be getting off right there,” Bianca directed Felix, who kept mute.There is a brief pause, and the car gets so quiet that Bianca could hear her own heartbeat. Her boss's face was stone-cold, “Alright, thank you very much, sir. I will see you later!”Bianca cheerfully said before getting out of the car. “Bye, sir!” Bianca waved at her boss who ignored her before driving off.The very moment, her boss's car was out of sight. Bianca instantly stopped a cab before instructing the driver to take her to Minnesota law school.Bianca smiled broadly the moment she walked into the university campus. This was it, her dream was finally coming to pass one after the other. She slowly adjusted her uniform before walking into the big hallway but the security man on duty had stopped her.“Hey miss, can I see your school ID?” the man asked.“I’m sorry sir but I
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Felix and his youngest daughter had just gotten home. They walked inside the huge mansion which was quiet and a pin dropped to the floor at that very moment could be heard. “Did you play at school?” Felix asked his daughter.“Felix, how was Anna's first day at school?” The old lady questioned.“She is still learning to adjust, and I don’t think that she has interacted with her classmates,” he said with a sigh. “Don’t worry about it, she will eventually adjust!” Ms. Kevin informed.Felix became confused when he noticed that his daughter was pointing at something and he just couldn’t understand.“What is it, Anna?” He instantly questioned.“Nanny? I think your daughter wants you to call Bianca.” The old lady told Felix.Felix wasn’t planning on doing any of that but his daughter had done that cute pouty look he just couldn’t resist. “Alright baby, we would call your nanny!” Felix said.He went on his contact list to search for her contact before dialing the number. Felix placed the p
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