All Chapters of Fire & Vice: Savage Vendetta: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21
Vlad stalked away from the underground bunker, swearing viciously into the emptiness surrounding him. He knew there were men patrolling the land, but they knew better than to interrupt the Boss when he was working in the bunker. They were highly trained and intelligent, which is why they were rarely seen unless he wanted them visible. He shoved a hand through his hair and contemplated whether he'd made a mistake in locking Jane in the cell where she would be alone in the cold and darkness. He hated the thought of her even knowing that room existed, let alone her becoming a resident. If she weren't so damn stubborn he wouldn't have to resort to breaking her down as he might an enemy. Why didn't the woman just yield to him? Then he could have what he wanted, Jane in his home and his bed, warm and willing. He would shower her with gifts and lavish attention on every delectable inch of her curvy little body. Yet somehow he couldn't picture her happily spending her days shopping and ra
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Chapter 22
Sitnikov let out an involuntary sound of disgust and snapped, "Of course not!""No?" she said. "Then why did you bring me here. This doesn't seem like a place you would bring the woman you want to have sex with."She rolled over to look at him. Her arms remained wrapped around her middle, protectively. He hated the accusing look in her eyes, tempered with fear of him. He'd wanted to frighten her into talking, but he didn't like the result his actions got. "Jane, I could never bring myself to kill you, despite what you know of me.""But you would hurt me?" She pushed herself up on the dirty mattress, wincing slightly and pushing a hand through her disheveled black hair, fluffing it around her head like a halo. It had gotten longer in the past weeks she had been with him, it reached past her shoulders now. He liked the severe, straight style she usually wore, but he loved the slightly longer wavy look on her. He couldn't lie to her, she needed to know what it would be like to live w
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Chapter 23
Jane stared up at Vlad and slowly surrendered. She was in his control, living in his house, surviving by his grace and quite literally pinned beneath the grip of his powerful hand. He wanted her. It was in his every word and action. She had fought him, repeatedly, and she had failed on every level. And God help her, she wanted him too. Even as he threatened to crush her and force her surrender, her body melted for him. Her heart sped up and her pussy heated up at the thought of his big, hard body taking hers.Slowly, her body slumped against the door, held up only by his grip. She read the triumph in his dark eyes and looked away before she got pissed off and did something they would both regret. Again. Slowly Vlad removed his grip on her throat and ran his hand in a heavy caress down her arm until he reached her waist. Then he took her in a firm grip and held her against his side while he entered a series of digits that would open the thick metal door.Jane was grateful for the tall
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Chapter 24
His hands swept her body as he took over, brushing aside her hesitant touches and returning them with bruising, passionate caresses that seemed to touch her everywhere at once. Jane gasped when he reached down to yank the delicate cloth of her panties down her thighs. She lifted her legs to help him pull them off and arched into the heat of his body as he slid his long fingers back up the side of her naked body.Jane reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled Vlad's head down to her lips for another fiery kiss. She loved the feel of his firm mouth against her soft one, dominating her with his consuming caress. He growled into her mouth and returned the kiss with as much force as she could have asked for and more. She felt him shifting above her and realized that he was unzipping and pulling off his pants. Her mouth opened wide in a gasp when she felt his hot, bare flesh against her inner thigh.He kneeled on the bed above her and took her thighs in his large hands. Jane
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Chapter 25
Jane woke suddenly, disoriented and wondering why her chest felt so heavy. She realized right away it was the buzzing of her phone that woken her and that Vlad's arm lay across her chest, pinning her to the mattress. In the past week she had found out he was a light sleeper. Not wanting to wake him, she edged her arm out from under the covers and reached for her phone on the bedside table. She was a little surprised Vlad hadn't also woken to the buzzing sound. He must be tired, having to split his attention between his criminal empire and his new toy, she thought cynically. She depressed the button on her smartphone and read the message.The rat is in the cage.Jane smiled at the melodramatic, old-school copper language Des was using, but excitement filled her. She had to tell herself to breath calmly or she would wake Vlad. She was more than ready to confront the man who shot her in cold blood. She could kiss Desiree for setting it up for her. Now all she had to do was get out of Vl
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Chapter 26
It was a simple trick. Jane used her connection with Claudia Cantore to send Boris running from the house. She 'let' him overhear a fake conversation between herself and the blond woman about Laney being in trouble at the club. Even though Jane had set him up, she was shocked at how fast the man had run to rescue the little Asian woman. He was going to be pissed when he found Laney to be safe and sound and in zero need of his intervention. Sometimes being a PI really paid off. She'd learned about Boris' unrequited feelings for Laney ages ago and had been waiting months to use that piece of gossip to her advantage.Several minutes after Boris had left, Vlad exited his office to head into the city for his meeting. She tossed him a cold look when he suggested she might miss him. He laughed and kissed her hard enough on the mouth that she gasped and her lips tingled from the pressure. Vlad did like to make an impression.?"Where is Boris?" he asked.Jane's heart sped up and she dropped
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Chapter 27
"I've been expecting you," he said, not getting up from his chair. "Thought you'd come sooner though.""Gunshot wounds take time to heal," she snapped, keeping her gun level on his relaxed form."I meant, I thought your boyfriend would be by sooner," he clarified.Jane's eyes flickered around the room, trying to determine if he had a weapon. She couldn't see anything. "I didn't tell him.""I figured," he said heavily. "He shot up half the town searching for your attacker and didn't come sniffing around me. If you'd told him, I'd be hanging out with Dennis Yankovich by now." He looked at her speculatively. "He doesn't know you're here.""No," she confirmed."Once he finds out, I'm a dead man. Even if you decide not to kill me.""I'm not going to kill you Grubs, I just want some answers." He flinched at the pet name she used to call him. "Whether you live or die depends on you. Once you're in custody, you can be sent to a federal prison in a different state, out of Sitnikov's infl
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Chapter 28
The ride home was icily silent. Vlad allowed her to brood without comment or touch. Though she had been a cop for ten years, she wasn't used to seeing such brutality from a person with whom she was emotionally involved. Jane stifled a bitter laugh. She never got emotionally involved with anyone, so her entire fucked up relationship with Vladimir Sitnikov was a novelty. If pressed, she couldn't even begin to describe her own feelings toward the tall, dark mob boss. Fear. Lust. Hate. "Is this why you didn't just take me when you had the chance? You wanted me to find out about my former employers? All those months ago, I practically dared you to fuck me on your doorstep. You wanted me to know he was in your pocket, but you didn't want to be the one to tell me." Her voice wavered with pain and anger.He looked across the length of the seat at her with cool disinterest. "That was part of the reason. At the time you weren't ready for me yet.""And now I am?" she asked with a shiver."
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Chapter 29
"I want to go home Vlad. Now," she insisted, crossing her arms tightly over her chest.He unbuttoned his shirt and pulled off both the shirt and the jacket, draping them over the back of a chair that was pushed up against the marble kitchen island. "No Jane," he said, his voice low, the accent becoming more pronounced as he stalked toward her. "You want to be treated like a whore."He stopped in front of her, his naked chest displaying the stark array of tattoos. The temple with its base of skulls looked more sinister than ever to her, reminding her that he wasn't a pretend bad guy. He was the real thing. And she constantly mocked and defied him. She was only alive because something about her caught his attention to the point of obsession. She tilted her chin and glared up into his dark, soulless eyes, daring him to do his worst.His lips pulled back in a thin, feral grin. He spread his arms wide, "This is where I bring my whores, where I fuck and suck and then leave. Sometimes if t
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Chapter 30
Jane grinned happily as she sat crosslegged on the floor of Vlad's study in front of his open safe with a pile of VERY incriminating papers piled in her lap. She could hardly believe the code she'd managed to oversee while being forced to trail Vlad everywhere he went actually worked and that her Russian lover felt comfortable enough leaving work in there with his ex-cop girlfriend staying in the same house. Well, he certainly had made spying on his criminal enterprise a whole lot easier the past few days. After the whole kicking-him-in-the-junk and beating-him-up-with-a-toilet-chip incident, followed by the sneaking out of his fortress to confront an attempted murderer by herself snafu, Vlad hadn't been feeling too trusting of Jane. So he'd decided she was to be babysat by Boris at all times. And when not with Boris, she was to be accompanied by Vlad. She wasn't even allowed to pee alone for those few days after she'd confronted Gruber. But the one thing Vladimir Stinikov, impenetra
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