All Chapters of CHASING TIDE. (MxM): Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
153 Chapters
Chapter: 10******The crystal moon took its full size and its glorious brightness filled the great city. Sea creatures gathered in their hundreds to watch the crystal moon grow bigger and its brightness was exceedingly great, it brightness near blinding and the Sea Creatures couldn't look upon it for much longer. It was time they each returned to their homes and rested and as they all retired to their homes, the Tideian made his way to the Sea Mountain, the crystal moon glow eased into his body, the Tideian marks scattered about all over his body each creating a spiral returning to the crystal moon, the Tideian soon became as bright as the crystal moon even his eyes glowed like the moon and then he was ready.Having made it to the Base of the mountain, he began to summon the falling Tears into the many Golden jars he had made to appear, each creating a circle around the Tideian. The Mountain Tears began to drop into the Jars, its divine sparkle twinkled like millions of sea pearls.F
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Chapter: 11.*****Tide woke up to a burning sensation spreading fast across his left arm. Its pain was too intense and the burning scars which were starting to erupt from within his arms were beginning to drape his entire left arm with red bruises. He tried to heal himself but not after the third attempt had he realized that something was terribly wrong. He couldn't feel his soulpearl.Like his life had just been sucked out of him.He was...weak.Before his eyes he watched the bruises expand, spreading fast and eating up his arm, filling it with inflamed, painful, pus-filled boils. He needed help or he would die.Could it be the Mountain Tears he had dipped his hand into the day before? He had indeed acted foolishly. Why would he use his hand when he could have used his magic? Knowing just how powerful an undiluted Mountain Tears was. If the raw mountain Tears could cause sudden drought, how much more, his hand? How had he not thought of that? He had indeed acted foolishly.He hiss
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Chapter 12.*******Naga returned with three different healing potions. Each in different shaped bottles. Placing the small bottles on a nearby table, he turned towards the still sleeping Tideian, whispering a few spells then reached for his hair, cutting a strand of his hair, next he proceeded to scrape a few scales from the Tideian's tail. Once he had finished with what he needed, he slowly returned to his sitting position beside the table which held the bottles.Both Venus and Nixie watched intently as the Merdragon casts spell after spell, the room grew foggy with magical mists, a few iced droplets of water fell upon them and they watched in awe as the dragon transformed before them, into a giant snow dragon, picking up the sleeping Tideian with giant wings and holding him afloat in the mist, more spells were summoned. The process lasted for an hour and once the spell was done, the Merdragon retreated to his formal form and then proceeded to reach for the bottles, the hair, and sc
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Chapter: 13.*********The vision rather than comforting her left her with even more concern and more questions but the more questions she asks... "I don't understand," she whispered, turning to look at her dearest friend. "Naga," she called, tears brimming in the corners of her eyes. "Will I have to mourn the loss of my son?" The Merdragon held despair and pity in his icy eyes for the aching woman. ....the fewer answers she got."Although the future is not set in stone, I haven't felt death in his future, but there will be abundance of pain and suffering. His fate, like I mentioned earlier, is tied with Atana. And just like she did, he too shall journey into distance lands, a fulfillment of his destiny, and that of Atana's." He pulled both Venus's hands into his and held her hands in his. "Your son will be the greatest Tideian ever heard in all the Seven Seas." She nodded. As long as he wasn't going to be dead she could manage.She would have fought to avert this fate but she knew b
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Chapter: 14.*******"Hi, Daddy." The cheerful voice resounded through the speakers melting into the man's ears and he smiled warmly. "Hello, princess." She giggled. "How are you, my love?" He asked."I'm fine, thank you, Daddy, how about you?" She returned."I'm doing good, baby girl." He smiled. There was a short silence before he asked again. "How is school?""School is school." She replied nonchalantly and he chuckled."School is school, huh." He returned between laughter and smiled when he heard her exhale."Yeah, it's always the same thing every day, it's boring." She sighed and he forced another chuckle. "I have missed you, Daddy, can I come visit when we go on vacation?" "Of course, sweetheart, you are welcome to visit if your mother allows it." He frowned at that last thought."She's just too busy with her husband these days and oftentimes it is just me and Natalie." She paused and he heard her sigh. "Who is Natalie?" "She's the housekeeper and babysitter too." She sighed
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Chapter: 15.*******"Hello," he jumped at the sudden voice coming from the door, he got on his feet quickly and bowed slightly for the newly arrived."Um, hi, my name is Alexander Rodriguez, I'm here for an interview." He informed the professionally dressed lady politely and she smiled."Don't be so formal, Mr. Alexander, my name is Rosa and I'm just a secretary." He chuckled a little and she laughed. "Yes, I'm aware of your coming but the Boss isn't available at the moment, with lots of companies to manage he's barely anywhere when he's needed which is why he's in desperate need of someone to be in charge here." "When you say to be in charge, are you by any chance referring to the entire mall?" He asked, confused. This wasn't part of Easton's description; it also just confirmed what he knew before now.He wasn't getting the job."Yes," she nodded and walked over to her seat. "Please, sit." She waved and he sat. "You've had experience in this job before, yes?" She asked, flipping th
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Chapter: 16.********He dashed out of the office like the hounds of hell were after him. Rosa screamed for him to stop from inside the office but that would only happen over his dead body."Mr. Alex! Wait!""Thank you for your time, Rosa, but I quit!" He called back without thinking."Quit?" She asked bemused, "but you haven't even been employed yet!" She ran after him. "Please, don't leave, I assure you, you'll get the job you have nothing to worry about.""I would rather not-" the rest of his words snapped back into his throat when he stumbled into a wall while trying to make a turn for the left.Grunting annoyingly he pushed and looked up, eyes falling into a sea of blue, the same pair he had just seen in that picture just seconds ago. It wasn't a wall. It was Micheal and judging from Rosa who had addressed him by Clayton, he knew it could probably be his last name or whatever. Micheal stood a few inches taller, with magnificent dark hair, strong chiseled features, and a wall for
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Chapter: 17.*********It was a beautiful afternoon in Aqaurial, Tide had just gotten out of class, the kids today seem to be in good spirits as none threw meaningless questions as usual. Today is going to be a busy day as his mother had made him promise, he would visit Atana's resting ground then Diondra as well as Neptune to confess his wrong doings before the King hears from another, his punishment would be too severe if that should happen. His Aqturbo was sitting in front of the school, his mom had made him buy one since she didn't want him swimming everywhere, he hated driving that thing but he had to agree, he was still healing and if he didn't give his soulpearl time to heal fully, he could break down again. Standing beside the aqturbo, he exhaled and summoned a butterfly then sent it off with a message to Nixie. He needed her to send in some flowers and he hadn't even driven off when the merfairy tapped at the window, hugging in her hands a bunch of flowers. He rolled down t
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Chapter: 18.*********Two days after the incident at the Mall, the broken man hasn't recovered from the shock but with the help of Easton, he could eat, sleep and look forward to another day. He had remembered waking up to a cozy bed and a warm duvet wrapped around him. His eyes roamed the unfamiliar bedroom, his nostrils inhaling the cologne he recognized all too well. It belonged to East but how had he ended up in Easton's bedroom when he had fallen asleep in his bathtub back in his shabby apartment.Tossing in the blue duvet, his eyes caught a tray sitting on the bedside table, a single rose laid beside a silver coffee mug. A smile found his lips, stretching them into a burst of full-blown laughter when he finally sat up and took the picture in close. A breakfast sat in the tray with a little side note. Didn't take Easton for a romantic type.Alexander took the coffee mug first and nearly downed the entire steamy content before placing the mug back into the tray, picking up a toa
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Chapter: 19.********Walking down the roadside he enjoyed the cool but refreshing breeze, his little town was surrounded by the sea, mountains, and rocks, the air is always fresh and the birds would sing from every tree. A perfect place for tourists and they got them a lot in the Beachlands. At the beach, he was surprised that there were already tons of people. Children played in the sands, surfers surfed the peaceful waves and many others just swam or took casual walks while others rested under the umbrella shades made by the many coconut trees. It was calming, the salty smell that blows in with the wind, soft chatters, giggles of chasing children, splashes from the waves, Seagulls squawking, and birds chirping, it was all too calming and he enjoyed it, soaking up the different sounds surrounding him, it cleared his mind and filled his thoughts with nothingness. The sand was becoming harder to walk on so he stopped and took off his shoes, filled with sand, he turned them over to
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