All Chapters of BEE Sugar Baby: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
I haven't received a bouquet today. Every day for the past nine days, there'll be a delivery man coming through that door around 10am, with a bouquet of tulips and a card attached to it. I don't know why he'd always send it to this particular bakery since I have another two in Jakarta but today, when there's no one coming at 10am, or 10.05am, or 10.10am, I got nervous. I actually trembled thinking he somehow sent that bouquet to the other branches that one of my employees would read the card and judge me for whoring with another man when I'm engaged to Andra Hartono. Or, they'd think it's Andra who wrote those sick, disgusting pick up lines. Either way, it's bad news for me. Everybody knows me as the well mannered woman who always dress modestly, never do controversial stuff, but with just that one card, it can destroy my reputation. People would call me a fake, for behaving like an angel in front of others but spread my legs to men behind closed doors.Urgh. This is killing me.
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The tulips, the cards, his annoying friendly smiles, his intimidating bulky figure, they never appear again after that fateful afternoon. Turns out that was the last day I ever saw him. Two weeks later I checked with the New York City Clerk's office regarding our marriage status after I received a reply from Cupcake that they indeed stamped the closeout of our contract last year. It was confusing because they didn't mention anything about our marriage since the contract was drawn before we got married, and there was no amendment after we did. The City Clerk mentioned there was no record of our marriage because we never had a civil one hence it was not registered, the Islamic ceremony was not recognised by them therefore my application for divorce was rejected, or rather ‘invalid’.I was stuck. I couldn't get divorced officially, since it was not registered. I also couldn't get divorced by Islamic law, because I need at least 4 years of missing husband if I were going for fasakh;
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When I first started the bakery with my sisters, my only goal was to be self-employed while doing the thing I love the most on daily basis. I mean, isn't that everybody's dream? To make money with their hobby? Our business grew beyond my imagination when we opened branches not just in Indonesia, but all over Asia. I feel like this is the way God makes up for my lack in the relationship department, for He grants me this unbelievable success in my career when in just four years, we managed to expand our business in Dubai, Japan, and more Asian countries. Dian is a brilliant when it comes to advertising our products that she managed to attract investors hence the main reason of our rapid growth. She once told me she's going to make us go international in two years, but we did it in just thirteen months. Now she's beating her ass again to achieve her mission to go beyond Asia. It's crazy, yet she made it so easy as if she can reach for the stars as long as we believe we can do it. Th
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The calm tone, the smiley face, the non-rushed steps, she obviously has predicted me to be here, to be at this place, at this particular time. Which means, Calvin Gunn also knows I'm gonna be here. "Mrs Gunn?" Dian's confused voice brings me back to the scene as I turn to her, ignoring Anna's greeting. She raises her eyebrows with a look as if asking ‘Who's this?’."Anna," I force myself to smile despite the turbulence in my blood knowing he's here, and we're about to meet again, after four long years, after he walked out that day when I asked him to leave. "She's my colleague in New York," I'm not lying, Anna WAS my colleague because we both worked for that asshole, "We played paintball all the time and you know me, I have bad aims, that's why she called me Misses Gun. Ahahahahahahahha." The laugh starts out as a fake but towards the end I actually laugh for real when Anna joins the charade, perhaps finding it amusing enough for her to laugh too. Dian blinks while watching us la
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I've had my fair share of being a contract owner when I was working in the corporate world before I ventured into baking and business. We needed to ensure the contractors are well prepared in the event they are granted the billion dollar contract hence the extensive grilling so yeah, I used to be a piranha myself. It was my job to grill them until I get all the answers.But once we get out of the meeting room, all of us are equal be it a contractor, the contract owner, or just a scriber. We'd sit and talk as if a war didn't occur just moments ago. The same thing is happening right now; I do notice the way they switch from being assholes in the meeting room to pleasant human being, asking questions that are for the sake of getting to know us, not to drain us to death like they did an hour ago. Professionals, are what they are.After the excruciatingly painful-to-watch session, we go to a restaurant for the lunch that follows. We've done this a lot previously, so this lunch is very muc
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"We'll just have to slow down our activity this year, if it comes to worse, maybe we'll close one of the two bakeries in Bali. And maybe, one in Singapore, and-"My heart churns hearing the branches that are being mentioned while the rest of the team frown at the growing list. It's hard to stay and listen to this but I have to because she's prepping for our meeting later with the other investors to explain the closure of these bakeries. We did try cooking up some other positive back-up plans if Calvin Gunn and the gang indeed decided to pull out their investment but right now we're down to the last option. "We'll be fine." She smiles tightly though I know her heart is breaking into pieces because she was so excited on our way here, she's been excited since we got the green light last year, thinking this is the moment we're finally going beyond Asian market. Only to be shot this hard. "I'm gonna go get some snack for us." I stand up after being cooped up with the team since eight i
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"I'll go straight to the point since you have another meeting in fifteen minutes." He sips on his drink but I know he's listening intently so I continue, "I'd like to know if you're gonna pull out your investment." His mouth opens signalling he's about to answer me but I quickly intercept while I still have the courage in me, "And! And I also wanna know if we're, uhm, if we're..." Shit where the hell did the bravery go to? "Still married?" He supplies casually. I nod, watching him take another sip of that annoying drink. He seems to be nonchalant about this I don't think he's aware of how important these two matters are to me. "Which one would you like to know first?" "It doesn't matter." "Okay," he finally puts down his drink, "There's a yes, and the other is a no. Take a guess which is which." I sigh, "So we're still married." "Is it that bad to be married to me?" He asks playfully, "I thought I'm a catch?" "Yeah if you aim to marry an asshole who sleeps around while refus
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I don't know what I'm doing either but I am here ten minutes earlier than the time we agreed. He insisted on postponing his next appointment to cater for the discussion he wanted to have about our relationship but I didn't think it's appropriate for him to cancel when the guy was already in the next room. So I agreed to see him after business hour since his schedule is packed. Here I am, standing in front of the restaurant at the hotel I'm staying by 7.45pm, thinking it'd be good to get here earlier so I can prepare myself. Prepare for what? I'm also not sure for what, I just know that I need to familiarise myself with the surrounding first, to minimise the impact of being shocked of what's to come. That man is sure unpredictable. "Mr Gunn is already here," the hostess informs when I mention the reservation Anna made. There it goes, my hope to be prepared. "He's been here since 7," the chatty girl adds while directing me to the table. That means he came here straight from work?
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"I'm only asking two things, you can dictate the rest. Two years, and that we stay in New York." I went crazy with my list but all he did was agreeing to every bit of it, dropping signature at each point with no request for amendment. I would've gotten away if I put a million a month but I'm not doing this for money, my sole purpose is to obtain my single status. [ 1. Two years, then on the first day after that two years duration you're obligated to divorce me both legally and Islamically, at the court. ]Which means, he has to register our marriage officially at the clerk office in New York. In case he's being sneaky and refuses to fulfil his part of divorcing me, I can ask for it at the court properly instead of floating on the sky thinking what else can I do to make him divorce me. Like it's been the past five years. See, I'm being smart now. [ 2. I will not be Scarlett Monroe, be it in private or with others -friends, family, colleagues, anyone- and I'm to be addressed and ac
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"You're married to the prick who wouldn't give us the money?!" Dian whisper-shout at me while I make tea at the kitchen. As promised, three days after I inform my family about my status, Calvin Gunn appears at our front yard in a casual outfit, looking like he's about to do a Come Visit Indonesia photoshoot with his short sleeve Indonesian batik, black pants, and a pair of aviator. Arriving in a sparkly sports car, it is definitely too flashy despite our own luxurious cars in the garage. I thought he's supposed to be modest and humble? I mean this is the first meeting with my family, tone down a bit the billionaire life, will you? "He treated us like shit in the meeting room-""I thought you said you liked him?" She scoffs at the audacity I had to cut her off, "I'm mad now! Of course I'll focus on the bad traits only! Shut up, Alya! I still hate him for marrying you behind our back, but to know he had the power to actually give us money, give his WIFE money, to save his WIFE's bus
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