Semua Bab Alpha Arthur: Bab 11 - Bab 20
80 Bab
chapter ten
ARTHUR POV’S“Send her back to her people. Make sure to wipe her memory clean of everything she must have seen here. I want her gone before tomorrow.” I said to Jeremy as soon as we got back to the pack. Jeremy stared at me with widened eyes and dropped jaw. “Are you sure you really want her gone?”“You obey my orders Jeremy and don’t question me.”“Of course sir.”Dennis followed me. “Think carefully about this, Arthur.” He said matching my pace.“You have a few days until you are thirty-five dude! I hope you are well aware of that!”I said no word to him as I walked into my room and shut the door. I just wanted to be left alone. I grabbed my towel and headed into the wash room. Coming in contact with some of the humans made me feel dirty. Yes, I hated humans and even though I knew I was doing a stupid thing getting rid of my mate whom turned out to be human, I couldn’t feel a bit bad about it.Getting into the washroom, I climbed into the bath tub, switched on the water and let it c
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chapter eleven
ARTHUR’S POV“What was that? I mean who is she?” Samantha asked as she watched Jeremy carried the human girl away.I stared at her wondering if now was the right time to tell her everything.“Wait...” she sniffed the air and then her eyes rested on me, peering. “The girl being carried out stinks of human blood…”I shrugged. How had I had forgotten the power Samantha possesses as a werewolf. One of the strongest she wolves in my pack. Her sense of smell was great and her strength beyond words. Reason why I loved her.“Arthur…I’m right huh…she is human, what is a human doing here, right under your nose?” she asked, bewildered.“It just happened. Jeremy will take her back home. Come on let’s head back in.” I rounded her to start walking back to my room.“She is your mate.” She dropped as I walked past her.The words boomed behind me and caused me to halt in my tracks. I couldn’t hear any other sound as Samantha’s words reverberated in my head.She walked to where I stood.“Arthur, she is
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chapter twelve
“Get your things ready, you are going back to the states.”“Uh? Back to the states? But dad I just got back home and I already finished my program at school…” Eleanor protested.“There is no change of plans. The decision has been made.” Uncle Bob said, and chewed slowly without sparing her a glance.“Uncle Bob…I missed home…Can’t I just stay a bit more?” she turned towards Howard and mouthed to him, “Plead with me…”Howard made a grumbling face but soon joined her to plead. “Dad, uncle Bob, please let her stay for a bit more…”“See? Howard wants me to stay too…”Dad finished eating, dropped his spoon and stood up without saying a word. Soon uncle Bob stood too and left the dining table leaving Eleanor and Howard gaping after them.“Their minds are made up, sorry dude. Try again later…” Howard also stood and left.Eleanor let out a sigh as she let herself collapse weakly to her seat. She wondered if it wasn’t the best thing for her to go back to the states as her dad and uncle Bob sugg
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chapter thirteen
MAXWELL MURRAYA young man is seen sitting before a swimming pool. A pipe was hung in his lips which he held at intervals and dragged smoke out. He is starring into the water and across it. But in reality he was staring into blankness. His facial features are hardened and his thoughts deep.A servant came to inform him his parents has demanded to see him. He waved the servant off, sat still for a little while before he finally stood, thrashed the pipe, and started heading back in after grabbing a towel and hung across his shoulder. He marched straight to his room and changed into a more befitting wear after which he headed down to meet his parents.He walked into the house to see his parents already seated. A closer look told him it wasn’t just his parents sitting. Mr and Ms Jo, a family friend that had been away was seated as well.“Hello Maxwell.”“Hello Mr and Ms Jo,” he dipped his head slightly as he greeted them.“You have grown so much. How have things been with you?” Ms Jo ask
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chapter fourteen
SAMANTHA’S POVI hadn’t taken my mom’s words that seriously until she came dragging me to the dining for dinner in the evening, and seated in the dinner as I got in was Maxwell Murray!All through dinner, I totally kept to myself, made sure not to steal even as much as a glimpse at him and picked on my food all through. I hadn’t seen his face and couldn’t tell if my attitude had ruined his mood but judging from what the corners of my eyes caught, he ate pretty well.After diner, dad suggested I showed him around the house and like I expected mom was in support. I had actually expected that scene but was never ready for it until the next moment and I was left alone with Maxwell Murray.We both was mute for what seemed like seconds. Then he cleared his throat to get my attention. By then, I had slowly pushed my plate of untouched food aside and gazed at everything else but at him. He was sitting somewhat across me; two seats away from directly before me.“Hi Sam, erm, been quite a while
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chapter fifteen
VAMPIRE CLAN HIDEOUTLUCASIn a large long room, a man is standing behind the window, both hands slipped into the pockets of the black pants he wore. He is 6’2 tall, chiseled hard face. His name is Lucas, the leader of the vampire clan. A century old but still very handsome.A lady vampire leapt up behind him, almost in a sneaky manner. Her fangs shot out and her eyes changed colors but as she made to lean in towards Lucas, he dodged to his right, swiftly turned and caught her by her neck.Her name is Lauretha. Third in command in the vampire clan. Fifty years of age but looked extremely young.“Did you think I wouldn’t know you was here?” he questioned holding her throat tightly.She groaned and lets her fangs snaps back to her teeth. “Shit! why do you always have to be so sensitive…” she grunted as her eyes sparkled up at him.He loosened his grip on her and turned back to stare out of the window.“You seem to be in a fix. What are you thinking about? Something’s up?” she asked and
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chapter sixteen
MATTEO RODRIGUEZMatteo Rodriguez has just gotten back from his morning exercise. His body dripped of sweat and smelt of fresh leaves and of woods. He marched straight to the fridge and grabbed a sachet of packaged blood. He tore it open with one bite and gulped the whole content at a go. He wheezed out air and hissed noisily with a squeezed face. There was nothing better than drinking human blood.For some years now, the vampires have stayed hidden after been hunted down by the humans. Now they mostly fed on packaged blood gotten from animals. He feared he might not have been able to control the desire to taste a human blood if he had come in contact with one as he trained that morning as his recent craving for human blood had gotten quite desperate in the past few days.Animal blood tastes like shit to him if not to all vampires. He was just about to head into the bathroom to wash up when the doorbell rang.He groaned, turned to go get the door.He peeped through the camera as he go
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chapter seventeen
Eleanor broke into a full run after she got out of the hospital. The thought of having her family see her as a monster broke her heart. She thought of going to Elisa but her head wasn’t having it. She couldn’t afford to hurt another person. She wanted to be away from everyone and alone. And so she ran, breathlessly down the street. Even as she ran, the restlessness she felt kept tugging at her chest. She kept having this feeling of a being in her but she strongly shut her head against it.She screeched to a stop at a convenience store, dashed in and grabbed a bottled water from the display shelf and walked to the sales counter. She noticed the moment she stepped into the place and headed for the water section, she got unusual stares from people also buying stuff. Eleanor ignored them, she has had a lot for the day to care about people’s stupid stares.She grabbed the water and walked down to the sales counter.“Here.” she dropped the water on the counter and waited for the lady to sca
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chapter eighteen
“Dad, Uncle Bob…” Howard called quietly after Eleanor had left the ward.“Yes Howard. Do you feel any pain in any part of your body or do I just call the doctor?” Dad asked him worriedly.Howard nodded no and then kept mute. He was wondering if he should spill what he saw and knew or not. His only sister now feared him. The flash of what her eyes had looked like seconds before she pushed him flashed in his head. It was like a sparkling fire. He had never seen his sister act so strange and unusual. But then he worried that telling their dad and uncle could cause more trouble for her.“You must speak to save her, what if she is sick or in trouble…what if she hurts someone else out there…you must speak to save her…” another voice told him.He groaned.“Howard? are you sure you don’t need the doctor?”“Eleanor is behaving strange….and different…” he blurted.His dad and uncle squinted in confusion at him. “What do you mean by strange?” uncle Bob asked curiously.“I can’t really say but th
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chapter nineteen
ELEANOR’S POV I heard Elisa’s last words to me as I parted with her. I was angry, mad but above all sad that my trusted friend had been lying to me all along. She must be shameless to have brought my family into this. I wasn’t going to ask dad anything. Hurting Howard was enough and I am not willing to make them distrust me further. “Eleanor…you have been a fool all along…” I muttered sadly to myself. In all these, tears refused to drop from my eyes. I was just walking with nowhere in mind as my direction. I felt my shoulder brush past people but I neither knew what they looked like nor when they passed as I felt only numbness. “Listen to your friend. She might have hurt you but you don’t think she would ever lie to you with your family…” a voice said within me. It was that strange tiny voice in me again, always sounding as if it was part of me, as though it knew anything about me. I grounded my teeth and forced myself to not hear the voice. “Aren’t you ever curious why you grew u
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