All Chapters of Death To The Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
71 Chapters
Chapter 41: Mea Causea
“What are you doing here?” his voice is a soft whisper in my ear as he pulls me close, locking me in his arms like he will never let me go. When his hands smooth my hair and the gentle up and down of his chest moves in time with mine, I know I made the right choice.“Everything fucking hurts,” I say on a sharp inhale.“I’m so sorry I hurt you, Mea Causea.” Enzo says, his special nickname sending a warm tingling through my body. He adjusts his arms around me, somehow making us closer than we had been before.“I killed that guy in the woods,” I tell him, my voice growing distant and cold.“You what?” Enzo freezes. “What guy? Who did you kill in the woods?” “Henley’s partner.” Enzo breaks our embrace and looks down at me with guarded eyes. He is trying to understand.“He found me in the woods after I ran into Alpha James. He said some things. I was tired of playing meek slave girl and he didn’t like my attitude.”“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Ivy,” Enzo says with a small fr
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Chapter 42: Running with a ghost
I stare at Enzo. There is nothing else for me to do but stare. The nickname he has had for me since they assigned him as my guardian means ‘my reason’. He wasn’t being dramatic or making shit up when he said he loved me. Enzo wasn’t lying when he said it’s been since the beginning. He has spent years pining for me while I could only feel anger and spite. He found in me a reason to live while I sought a reason to die while honoring my family. “Don’t” he warns me and my eyes focus on him. “Don’t do that” But his warning falls on deaf ears. How can I not blame myself for my stupidity? “I’ve been so blind…” I start and He sighs heavily. “You have had other things to deal with, Ivy,” he says looking conflicted. “Five years, Enzo. Five years.” I exhale angrily. For someone trained in the art of meticulous observation, I have been incredibly blind. “And I would have waited for five more.” He runs a hand through his hair and drops his head back on the bed frame. “Ivy… You don’t have to
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Chapter 43: Rumors can be damning
~Enzo POV~The second Ivy takes off, I move in the opposite direction. After discovering Henley was still loyal to our original pack, it was easy to convince him to help in any way necessary. I needed him to help get Sarah over the border, since learning their patrol schedule was damn near impossible with Otis on my back. Thankfully, with my premature departure date, Otis has been around less. For a hot minute, I thought he might have improved his sleuthing skills, but then I passed him in the park off the main street with who I assume is his mate. They care less about what I do with my time now that my leaving is imminent. And I plan to use that to my advantage. I don’t trust James. I wish I could have spent more time following his ass around, but as much as Ivy’s concern has been revenge for her, keeping her alive and safe has been my primary goal. And finding out that she killed a guy in the woods because I left her with her supposed mate who abandoned her on the trail pisses me
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Chapter 44: Well, shit.
I make my way up a tree as Henley continues to sprint toward the wide camouflage complex. There is a wall of trees surrounding the dark green-colored building and ivy that crawls up its side, inching closer to the roof. It makes it seem like the building has been here for centuries. The only clue that it hasn’t is the trees. The trees surrounding the building are all younger, and shorter than the massive tall trees the forest usually produces. Where the trees around the complex are small and smooth, the old trees are wide and rough. The more I stare, the more out of place it seems to appear as though someone was trying to create a camouflage look, but somehow overdid it. Yet, I still never saw it. There had only been one area I hadn’t explored in the pack, and I was certain that was the area Henley would lead me to. He had started to at one point. But then he turned. So instead I tailed him to an area I had checked many times but still missed this. Had I allowed my mind to be preoc
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Chapter 45: Long time no see
~Ivy POV~ I can’t help but turn the music on as I move around the house, cleaning each room just as Sarah would have done. It’s strange, feeling lighter and happier even when terrible things have happened or new truths come to light. After running with what I and telling myself was Caleb’s ghost, I can’t seem to shake this undeniably happy mood. This light airy feeling that even though all the things we are doing are hard, it will be okay. Caleb is watching out for me. Even from his grave he is being the protective big brother and finding his way to my soul to touch it, let it know that it’s ok to be free and enjoy the things life brings us. Like runs in the woods, or the embrace of someone you love. For so long, I have buried my head in the sand and refused to acknowledge that the sun rises. It was easy down there, in the silence of my head. No one bothered me because they weren’t allowed in. Maybe that is why I feel all these things? These conflicting emotions or feelings toward
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Chapter 46: Clem?
I pull away from Caleb and just stare at him, my fingers touching his scar and running over his face as I try to make sense of everything. This feels like a dream. I went from being alone, having no one but Enzo, to having my brother back. It doesn’t seem like he has had an easy five years either. My smile slowly fades and my aching eyes well up again when he takes my hands in his. I can see that they are rough and discolored, even in the crappy lighting. “How are you alive?” I ask, sucking my bottom lip in on a sharp inhale. “Enzo said he left you…” I tilt my head, that familiar burn in my chest when I think about the day that changed everything. “Shhh, Ivanya,” Caleb says softly. “We can talk about that soon. Right now, let me look at you.”He takes a step back as I look at the woman. After a minute, I look back and Caleb’s eyes are guarded and his lips pursed. “What?” I ask, looking down. “You have a bruise on your jaw…” he says. “Is that from Deacon?” He asks and I shrug. I h
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Chapter 47: Trigger Warning!
***TRIGGER WARNING: Extreme violence and gore! There is torture in this chapter, if this is something that triggers you please forgo this chapter. ~ENZO POV~ I can feel everything. Whether I am awake or asleep, it doesn’t matter. The pain settles deep in my bones, in the recesses of my mind, and buries itself deep. It’s rotting me from the fucking inside out. My muscles contract involuntarily as something as simple as the blood pumping through my veins becomes agonizing. Death has never been a fear of mine, but it has also never been something I crave. Until now. I can feel my veins bulging and straining as whatever the fuck they put in me spreads, poisoning my body and my mind. I clamp my teeth tight, my jaw creaking under the strain as I fight the urge to scream out. It would be natural and completely acceptable to do so. If I weren’t who I am and they weren’t dickheads looking to get off on my pain. “Who are you?” Jonathon rails at me again. He breathes heavily as he stalks t
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Chapter 48: Confrontations
~Ivy POV~Three days ago, you couldn’t have convinced me that James had a violent bone in his body. Well, ok. I had seen flickers of a temper in him when he drank, but that had been few and far in between. But now, three days after he exploded about Sarah, I know better. I have also learned he is the kind to disappear after he detonates. I have been hoping to find out if he is my mate or not. But he fucking disappeared. Left me with handwritten instructions to clean up his mess inside the house while he tried to rectify the one I made outside the house. Getting Sarah out isn't something I feel bad about. I understand now that this pack has a sick need to own people and not just in the slave sense of the term. I have had three days to sit and ponder the words he used and the anger and desperation behind them.‘What’s mine' he screamed at me. Like I’d taken his prize possession. Like I’d taken his… mate. I frown and shake that thought from my head, wiping down the counter again. He has
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Chapter 49: Who?
James narrows his eyes, fury burning in them as he stalks toward me. But I stay in place, my shoulders back and my chin held high.“You killed all of them?” he seethesI give him a shrug. “Maybe not all of them, but definitely killed Beta Dorian.”He rears back in surprise. His eyes roam over me and his lips set in a hard line as if he is trying to come to some conclusion about me. “Maybe you did, maybe didn’t,” he whispers, his eyes growing hard. “Why are you here, then?”“That’s my business.”“Your business affects my business.” He hisses and I roll my eyes. Damn, it feels good to do that without fear of being beaten. “We have the same endgame, James.” I say flatly, “Why the fuck does the in-between matter?” “Because as much as I hate my father and want him dead, I still have a responsibility to this pack.”“Fine. We will leave the pack out of it.” I say with a shrug. I never intended on doing anything to secure or bring about the downfall of this pack. Sure in the beginning I hop
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Chapter 50: You're dead
~Enzo POV~ I feel like I’m swaying with the breeze on a pleasant summer night in the meadow. Or having a dance with a lover at a ball. A tender sway that lulls you to sleep and promises only joyful things. The sway grows more violent, more rapid, and panicked as I try to snap myself out of my headspace. The place I learned to run to in order to avoid pain and allow my wolf to heal us. The world slams into me, my ears ringing, my mind splitting and my eyes, fuck, my eyes sting. I gasp for air as I blink the blackness away and pain shots through me. Every single part of my body aches and tingles. A blunt object hits my forearms, and I cry out in agony. “Ah!” someone says gleefully. “Fuck boy awakes.” I have nothing to say, no witty comeback. They have beaten it out of me. My voice has long since fled my body. Not that I blame it, I too wish I could leave this fucking misery. The worst part about all of this–the torture is knowing that I will never get to see her smiling face again.
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