All Chapters of Satisfying Her Darkest Fantasies: Chapter 961 - Chapter 970
989 Chapters
“Sure. I promised Eliza a pony. I think I promised to buy her a Corvette when she turned sixteen to get her to stop bawlin’ tonight.”“Sucker.”“Well, it didn’t work, so I don’t think it counts. Anyway, I thought I’d talk to Cord about gettin’ us a coupla horses so we can go ridin’ when the mood strikes us. And that chicken coop is in good shape if you wanna try your hand at raisin’ chickens. Ma has some great setters. She’d be happy to getcha started.”“Is this where you make a crack like ‘horse feathers’ to the city slicker when I say yes to ponies and hens?”Kade snickered.The swing creaked as they rocked. Night sounds surrounded them in a soothing outdoor lullaby.He asked, “Can you smell that sweet scent?”“Mmm-hmm.”“What kind of flower is that?”She inhaled. “Which one? The faint floral of the petunias? The pungent pepper of the marigolds? The sugary sweetness of the sweet peas? Or the heavy perfume of the clematis?”“You can tell the difference between all of them? That’s ama
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Had Kade ever picked up diapers and formula? She wandered into the living room and saw Eliza on a blanket on the floor and Kade lying on his side next to her.He said, “I think she’s gonna roll over soon.”“She’s too young.”“Not accordin’ to Brazelton. Lookit how fast she’s kickin’ them legs. Any time now she’s gonna be rockin’ and rollin’, ain’t you, baby girl?”Eliza grinned and made a goo noise.That girl was shameless when it came to charming her daddy.“You know, I think she’s teethin’, that’s why she’s been so cranky.”“Could be.”“Isn’t she supposed to be gettin’ another round of shots at four months?”“Yeah. I haven’t made the appointment yet.”“Huh. Well, we don’t want her fallin’ behind schedule. Be best if it was taken care of right away.”Skylar crossed her arms over her chest. “Why don’t you take care of it? Eliza sees Dr. Monroe. She’s in Moorcroft. Set it up in one of the convenient Monday through Friday, nine-to-five timeslots, wait with other sick kids for two hours
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The car was thrown into reverse, narrowly missing the fence. The engine gunned, muddy water and gravel sprayed her from head to bare toes as the vehicle fishtailed down the driveway and out of sight.“Goddammit!”A large hand landed on her shoulder and spun her around. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”“Didn’t you see that car? They were dumping garbage and who knows what else.”“And you ran out here to confront them?”“They were trespassing. What if they’d tried to break into the plant? Or tried to dump something toxic that’ll cost me thousands of dollars in clean up costs?”“Jesus Christ, Skylar, what if they would’ve pulled a gun out and shot you?”She went utterly still.“Bustin’ a couple of underage kids for drinkin’ ain’t worth your time and sure as hell ain’t worth your life.”“I-I—”“Don’t you ever do anything like that again, do you hear me?”Feeling like an idiot, Skylar twisted out of his grip and raced back to the house.She’d reached the tiny strip of grass in fr
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A shiver moved through her and gooseflesh broke out across her body.He rocked his hips. Each thrust followed by a slow retreat until just the cockhead remained inside. The words slow slow slow repeated in his mind.“I need to move faster. Like now. You’re so damn tight…”“Then move faster.” Skylar turned her head and licked the droplets caught on his stubble. “The water is getting cold anyway. Keep me warm, Kade. Make me burn. Don’t be a gentleman, be a wild man. Show me.” She placed her fingers over his on her clit and slid their joined hands into her wet, clenching sex.He plunged harder. Over and over. Never pulling completely out, but not holding back.Sky gasped and thrust against his invading cock as she fucked her pussy with their entwined fingers.The constant push/pull of his shaft, and the tight ring of her anal muscles squeezing his glans on the downstroke had his balls drawing up. But it was Skylar’s orgasm that sent him over the edge. He came so hard when her cunt and as
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“Don’t seem so complicated to me, but then again, I’m just a country girl. You love him, he loves you, get a preacher and get married. Simple.”Skylar slumped back in her chair. “What makes you think he loves me?”“He’s here, on his day off, takin’ care of kids that ain’t his, in order to help you out?Sugar, if that ain’t love, plain as day, I don’t know what is.” Annie left and closed the door.A couple hours later Kade was outside dumping garbage when an old Dodge truck pulled up to the outer gate, not in the general parking area.The bearded guy behind the wheel poked his head out the window and studied the building from top to bottom, side to side. Like he was casing the joint.The behavior raised Kade’s hackles. Still, he decided to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. The man disappeared inside the truck cab, then sat up. He tipped a bottle of booze and took several long swallows. Then he jumped out of the truck, puffed up his chest and all Kade’s doubts were fully realized.
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He’d threatened to take Eliza away, just like she’d feared.Why had she believed Kade would be different from any other man who’d been in her life? Charm her and then take what they wanted and leave her broken.Kade isn’t like that.Yes, he is.Chase him down and hash it out.No, let him cool off first.Talk about a split personality.“Sky, you should go back in. It’s five o’clock.”“Did everyone see what happened?”“Pretty much. Dee shooed the kids away, but Nadia watched the whole thing.”“How is she?”“Mad. Scared. Embarrassed.”“I’ll talk to her and try to calm her down before she leaves.”As she trudged inside, Skylar wondered who was going to calm her down.*****“What the hell happened to you?”“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Kade signaled the waitress and held up Cord’s bottle of Budweiser.“Where’s Buck?” Cam asked with a snicker. “I gotta admit, it’s funny as shit he’s changed his name after all these years.”“He’s sick as a dog. I wasn’t at the ranch today and he didn’t answ
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What she didn’t realize? That was not his family’s way to blab about personal issues…unless they considered her part of the family, which appeared to be the case with Sky.So why couldn’t Sky see that? Why was she so damn resistant to a permanent relationship with him? Why couldn’t he just buck up, tell her he loved her, and they were tying the knot whether she liked it or not?You’re taking control in every aspect of my life.Yeah. That caveman behavior would go over like a club to the head.“Kade? Buddy? You still here?” Cord asked.He looked up guiltily. “Sorry, just thinkin’ about something else. What’d I miss?”“Ben said Chase scored a ninety-one in the final go round in Lewiston on Sunday afternoon. Ended up in third place.”“Cool. Which circuit is that?”“Dodge. The PBR had an off week, but you know him. He’s obsessed with bull ridin’ so he found another event to feed his habit.”“Glad to see my little cuz is keepin’ the McKay name alive in the world of rodeo,”Colby said.“Rum
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Kade wouldn’t roll on his brother or his cousins anyway.Before Kade uttered another denial, the man hauled off and punched him in the eye like a champion boxer. Pain exploded in his head and he staggered back.“How’d you like that? An eye for an eye, fucker. That’ll teach you to keep your eyes off my wife.”While Kade was trying to regain his equilibrium, the guy delivered a wicked uppercut that rocked his jaw so hard his teeth clacked together and he bit his tongue.“Keep your mouth offa her.”Kade curled his arms around his head, attempting to protect it, when the guy slugged him in the gut with enough force to knock the air from his lungs. Through the pain Kade realized he was getting his ass kicked and he couldn’t stop it. He dropped to the pavement in defeat.“Stand up and fight me, you fuckin’ pussy.”A car door slammed, followed by bootsteps thumping down the sidewalk. “Hey!What the hell is goin’ on?”“Walk away. This ain’t your concern,” the man said.“The fuck it isn’t.”Co
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“Skylar doesn’t need saving in the same way, but she needs you. Don’t let her fears chase you away, Kade. Fight for her.”“I’m a little tired of fightin’ at the moment.”“I can imagine.”Kade stared at Skylar’s front door before he faced India. “You ever heard the phrase‘nice guys finish last’? It’s true. Been true my whole life. So, maybe it’d be nice for me for a change, if someone thought I was worth fightin’ for.”He climbed out of the car leaving India in stunned silence.*******Heeding Kade’s advice about her impetuous behavior, Skylar didn’t race down the porch steps when a set of headlights appeared at the end of the driveway. She paused in the doorway until she recognized India’s car. What was her sister doing here at eleven o’clock at night? Then Kade’s truck pulled up, but Kade didn’t jump from the cab. Colt McKay did.What the heck?The sight of Colt helping Kade out of the passenger’s side of India’s car finally spurred Sky into action.“What’s going on? Omigod, Kade, y
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He sighed deeply.She continued across his collarbones and shoulders. Down his pectorals. He hissed, not with pain when the nubby washcloth drifted over his nipples and the disks hardened into little points. Skylar realized since she’d handed Kade control of their interludes, he’d never allowed her to spend much time exploring his beautiful, strong body. She hadn’t lingered on learning how he liked to be touched above the waist. She hadn’t traced the delineated muscles of his abs and stomach with her tongue. Which was a damn crying shame, and a situation she’d rectify pronto.Skylar admired his meaty biceps and thick forearms as she ran the washcloth along his brawny arms. The back of his hands were scarred and scabbed; the palm side of his hands were callused and rough. The hands of a working rancher. She knew these strong hands could rein in a thousand-pound horse, or fix barbed wire fence or even knock a man out cold. But she also knew how unbelievably gentle these powerful hands c
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