All Chapters of Satisfying Her Darkest Fantasies: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
989 Chapters
Or were they too fucked-up to ever be able to build a solid foundation?Being with her was a hell in itself. Being without her was worse. But if he hurt her . . . He closed his eyes, warding off the invading darkness, the violent spiral spinning round and round his head.He cursed the fact he was leaving the next day and welcomed it in turns. He hated the thought of being away from her that long, of not knowing how she was doing. If she was eating and sleeping. Taking proper care of herself. But he also welcomed the break. Perhaps it was what they both needed. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it could well be what he needed.A break. Like they were some longstanding couple in a relationship where one or both needed to take a step back and gain perspective. They weren’t a couple. They’d only had one official date.The question was whether she’d ever give them—him—another chance or if he’d fucked up any possibility at something special with her. They were kindred spirits. Both wounded soul
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It meant pushing her, but in a different way. He only wanted to take care of her. To allow her to lean on someone else, something he was certain she’d never done. She was a solitary figure, a reflection of himself in many ways. Two lonely, scarred souls. Maybe together they could heal.Somehow he had to break past her barriers, follow the path to the very heart and soul of her and prove that she could trust him. That she could rely on him, that he’d never willingly hurt her. Nothing in his current thoughts even alluded to sex. That could wait. Forever if necessary.This wasn’t about sex or making love. He couldn’t very well lie and say that he didn’t want her, that he didn’t lie awake at night aching with need to make love to her. But she wasn’t ready. And when the time did come, he knew he was going to have to do something he’d never done with any other woman.Relinquish control.It wasn’t an entirely comfortable thought. It made him feel . . . vulnerable. But however vulnerable he f
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Even as he posed the question again, his answer was still the same.Yeah, she was worth it. God only knew why but there it was. He couldn’t simply walk away from her, no matter that it was the path of least resistance.He was stuck, for lack of a better word. In between a rock and a hard place no doubt. His fate, his future, was in the hands of this delicate woman and the hell of it was she had no idea. No inkling that she had him so tied in knots.He massaged his nape, weariness assailing him. He’d wrapped things up in Dallas a day early, eager to be back, to see for himself how she was faring. Now he realized he never should have left, no matter that this contract was huge for his company. She’d needed him and he’d failed her. Just as he’d failed her their last night together.That would all end now because going forward she was his primary concern.Sophia climbed through the heavy veil of sleep, realizing at once that something was very different. Oddly, no panic registered. Just a
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Waffles and bacon. Perfect.“This looks wonderful,” she said huskily. “Thank you.”He scooted onto the bed beside her so they were shoulder to shoulder.“Eat up,” he encouraged. “I don’t want a single bite left over.”She grinned as she swallowed a scrumptious bite. “Admit it. You love getting to boss me around. It’s that whole dominant thing you have going on.”He looked surprised at the ease with which she spoke of the matter. It surprised her as well. It should freak her out. Certainly everything else had. And yet she knew to her soul that this man would never willfully hurt her. She might not know much else, but she did know that. Maybe it made her a trusting fool, but she felt safe with him. He’d seen her at her most vulnerable and he didn’t lord it over her. He didn’t try to press his obvious advantage. He treated her like she was precious. Breakable. With tenderness she didn’t fully comprehend but that she savored wholly.“You’ll learn in time that you have all the power where
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“I like you,” she admitted. “A lot, actually. And I know you don’t think I trust you, but I do. I can’t even explain it to myself. But I feel safe with you. I tell you things I don’t tell other people.”His smile broadened. “I’m very glad you feel safe with me, baby, because you are. Always. Absolutely. I will do anything and everything in my power to always keep you safe. Not just physically but emotionally as well. And I’m humbled by the fact that you’ve given me your trust. It’s a gift I don’t take lightly. I’ll do my best to ensure you never regret giving me that very precious gift.”She sighed and leaned back, her gaze still on him. She was absorbed in him. How quickly he’d become her security blanket. How easily she found herself sharing things with him she’d never share with anyone else.“I missed you while you were gone,” she admitted. “I was counting the hours and minutes until you got back. I wouldn’t let myself sleep after that first night. I was too afraid because I knew I
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His statement of her being in absolute control intrigued her. It wasn’t something that had ever occurred to her and she was curious as to whether it would make her feel less panicky, or perhaps she could prevent the inevitable meltdown if she had complete control of the situation.She still wasn’t sure of how it would work exactly, but she planned to work up the courage to broach the subject with James. Soon. Because she wanted to take that next step. She wanted it badly. But she didn’t want a repeat of their last experience. One humiliating meltdown was enough. Another wouldn’t likely endear her to him. At some point his patience would wear thin. And the last thing she wanted was to be a tease. Get him hopeful and worked up only to yank the rug out from under him. Or herself for that matter.Maybe Karla and Sandra could give her some advice. That would certainly be something new. Her asking them for advice when it came to men and sex. They might never get over the shock of it!When s
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Derrick shot him an inscrutable look. He made a V with his fingertips and rested his chin against them in a thoughtful manner.“And what does she think about all of this? You?” Derrick amended.“Are we talking personally or professionally here?” James asked coolly.“Personally. We’re all very protective of Sophia. I don’t want to see her get hurt. You are precisely the kind of man she doesn’t need.”“I disagree. She’s mine,” James repeated. “That’s all you need to know. She’s currently staying with me after working herself into the ground last week while I was gone. She collapsed in the office and I took her home so I could take care of her. God knows someone needed to. But if you think I in any way forced her, you’re wrong. She’s there willingly. I have every intention of keeping her out of work the remainder of this week as well. She’s exhausted and she needs the break. And when she comes back, I want it to be in the capacity of more than our office manager. So that gives you a week
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The pièce de résistance, however, were the heels. She was normally a flip-flop kind of girl and wouldn’t be caught dead in a pair of heels. But she was feeling brave and a little sassy and so, on her way home from lunch, she’d stopped and bought a pair of spiked, blingy heels that she had to admit looked damn good on her. She just hoped like hell she didn’t make an ass of herself by face-planting when she tried to walk in them.“I wanted to look good for you,” she said hesitantly.He gathered her close again, careful to keep her from teetering on her heels. “Baby, you look good to me no matter what you’re wearing, but let me assure you. You look gorgeous. I’m a lucky bastard to be seen with you. Let me change into something besides my work clothes and then I’ll take you out. Think you can slow dance with those killer shoes?”She smiled, taking in his appreciative stare, it stroking her feminine ego. She hadn’t ever considered she had one until now.“If you hold me close enough I won’t
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“Hell yes,” he muttered.He pulled out several bills from his wallet and tossed them on the table next to their plates. Then he rose, holding out his hand to her. She took it, allowing him to pull her up next to him, and the two hurried out to his car.The ride home was silent, but she found comfort in the thick tension between them. Their need was evident. Neither of them tried to hide it or make it something it wasn’t.When they pulled into his drive, she felt a moment’s uncertainty, but quickly tamped it down. She was going ahead with this. She had questions. She wanted a much clearer picture of what he’d promised her.As soon as they entered the house, she started toward the living room, leaving him to follow her lead. She reclined on the couch and then patted the spot beside her in silent invitation.When he settled beside her, she turned, swallowing back her fears. With this man she could be herself. And with this man, maybe she could finally be whole again. Not again. For the f
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His gaze was serious. “We will, baby. We will. There’s no hurry and I don’t want you to ever feel pressured to give me something you can’t. I’ll wait because the end result is worth it. You’re worth it.”Her chest swelled, knotting with emotion. He made it sound so easy, and she supposed it was. Time. They had all they needed. He’d been very clear about wanting her and waiting for as long as it took. Did he realize the enormity of such a gift?She leaned down and pressed her lips to his belly, just an inch above where his cock rested. He flinched and let out a gasp, giving her courage to touch him intimately with her mouth.Carefully, she kissed the tip, just as she had his belly, but then grew bolder, flicking out her tongue to lick the head.“Jesus,” he choked out. “You’re killing me.”Feeling powerful, she took more control, sucking the tip into her mouth, holding him there for a long moment while she lapped at the precum seeping from the slit. Then she sucked him deep, enjoying hi
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