Semua Bab Brown-Eyed Boy (Bk2): Bab 11 - Bab 20
35 Bab
11: Meeting Alexander
DANIELLiam has the softest of hands. His smooth skin felt fragile under my rougher hands.The bolt of chills down my spine, when I touched him, startled me. I was so immersed in his pain the first time I touched him, in the hospital, to feel other things. The things I felt today in the absence of tears. It wasn't hard to know what those chills meant.He and I had a rapport, a solid one. I still don't know how I will go about it, but I don't plan to overthink it. My intercom buzzed, and I contemplated picking it. My secretary was just here a few minutes ago. What the hell did she forget to mention? “What is it?”“There is a gentleman here to see you, he is calling himself Alexander.” From her tone I could gather he was no official. “I don't know any Alexander,” I said, mostly to myself. “Send him in,” The tall gentleman who graced my office screamed power and wealth. From his Patek Philippe watch, to his plaid 3-piece gray suit and not to forget his Alexander McQueen leather sho
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12: Hope
LIAMI breathlessly tucked in my spent c*ck, already starting to feel mortified, with my actions.Damn you, Daniel! For arousing these sensations, I can't even describe. For god's sake, I just finished wanking, picturing him. I have never had a faster release with my hand.What I feel for him isn't just sexual, it goes deeper than that. And I think he knows it too. Anytime he is around, I can't keep calm. My heart starts pounding, palms sweating and my cock jerks anytime I feel his touch. There is also this warm fuzziness I feel when I am with him. I have found it easy, to speak my mind in his presence, which rarely happens. Yesterday our gaze met briefly across the field, anyone watching would have caught onto us. I couldn't tear my eyes off him, and neither could he, honestly. It took much effort and nudging from Gianna for him to break the stare. And even then, I was disappointed he did.I had no caution with Daniel. No breaks, no restraints whatsoever. I was just falling hard,
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13: Buying Protection
DANIELI specifically requested Gianna to place Liam on office cleaning duty today. I haven't had time to talk to him in the last two days. I have been avoiding him in hopes of suppressing my desires. I want him badly, and avoiding him hasn't dampened that.I am expecting him to walk through the door any minute now, with cleaning supplies. The very thought of seeing him scares me delightfully. There was a light knock, and the knob turned. I swallowed hard. The door opened, and he peeked in, shyly at first. When his eyes found mine, he smiled, and it was contagious. I reeled in the comfort that I wasn't happy alone. He wanted to see me, and I, him.“Hey,” he walked further into the room, closing the door. He was standing just a few meters away. “ Hi.” I answered, getting on my feet. He fidgeted, clutching onto the mop tightly.“What is it?” It was obvious he wanted to say something. “You know you can trust me,” He seemed to think about it. My gaze didn't stray from him.“I have a
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14: Almost Raped
LIAM I stiffened in his arms the moment he hugged me. It was unexpected, but after the initial shock wore off, I allowed myself to relax and enjoy the warm embrace. Hugging Daniel felt nice, really nice. I buried my nose on his chest and smelled the lemon-ish fragrance clinging to his shirt. His hands which held just below my shoulders were rubbing softly on my back in a comforting manner. It was as if he was drilling it to my mind that he was there with me. I was aware of my body's reaction to his nearness, and so was he. I reluctantly pulled back, but we still stood close, feeling each other's breath. His head started to lower, closing the distance between our faces as seconds ticked by. If not for my untimely sneeze, our lips could have touched. He chuckled awkwardly, stepping back, drawing a nervous smile from me. We kept the conversation flowing for a few more minutes, and he promised to look into my request. We agreed he should leave and let me carry on with the cleaning.
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15 : Deal
LIAM There was a very uncomfortable silence, for a minute or two before they all started laughing, as if I had just cracked a joke of a lifetime. “Did you hear that, boys? He wants to buy our protection.” There was another defeating laughter. Did Daniel know these kinds of things happen? I wondered, facing my assailants with determination.“Tell me your price,” I growled desperately. The attention was back again on me. “You need money and I need protection.” I added with certainty catching their interest. “How much do you have?” The boss asked seriously,“Two hundred bills. “ I replied immediately.“Okay,” he accepted instantly, making me wary. The bastard didn't laugh, negotiate or kick me, surprisingly. “Does that mean you accept?” I must have jinxed it. He slapped me hard. “Never make me repeat myself, now pay up.” He scolded grimly.I traced my palm over my bruised cheek. “I will pay, but you have to guarantee my safety.” I held my ground, aggravating him more. “From you as w
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16: Friends
DANIEL My agitation only grew with time. When it got the better of me, I locked my office in a hurry, headed to the parking lot. I will have to wait until Monday to confront Liam. My phone blasted with Chris's name on the screen. I let it go straight to voicemail. I knew he would be pissed, but I would rather do the explaining face to face. My thoughts drifted back to Liam as I sped through the highway. I sincerely want the best for him, but I am not sure to what extent. I'm jeopardizing everything I believe in, just because I am interested in him. I would have talked to him before I left, but I didn't trust my emotions around him. Not when I am this agitated. My only hope is that those bastards don't end up double-crossing him. Because it would force me to react, and I am not sure whether it would be good for anyone. I took a right turn and spotted an empty parking spot, which I hurriedly occupied. I sighted Chris the moment I got into the bar. He was seated by the counter, glan
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17: Death Threat
LIAM It has been two weeks since I stopped tiptoeing around the prison scared. It has also been two weeks since the last time Daniel sought me out.He has been avoiding me and I figured it's because I joined the crew, instead of waiting for him like I had promised I would.It's irritating. I can't just march into his office, and demand to have a talk. Many are the days I have contemplated doing exactly that, but I know it would be jeopardizing the both of us. So, I have been patient, hoping he will get over whatever hurt ego issues he has going on and hear my side of the story. But he hasn't. And I am worried that perhaps he has lost interest in me. It's not a delightful feeling. Long gone, are the sneaky tender stolen gazes. Now, whenever our eyes meet, he quickly averts.My days are now spent with the crew, playing my part. I wasn't thrilled when I found out that my protection included spending all my time outside the cell with them. But it was the only way they could guarantee m
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18: Owe A Kiss
DANIELOne might think that I am used to the chaos and mess that comes with my title as a warden, but don't be fooled.The kind of sh*t that goes around in prison is quite unpredictable. Take for instance now, it's just a few minutes past 4 am, and I am in my car heading to work. Apparently, I had three murders on my hands and no one knows anything. From what I understand, it started with a fire.Three hours later and my phone is blowing up crazily. My superiors are demanding answers I don't have. And it doesn't help that I have a certain inmate to avoid. I have four guys interviewing the inmates on the matter and Gianna, Kane, and I are working on an incident report. We need to have a convincing argument on why no one saw anything, or things will become really ugly for all of us. They might send in audits, and nothing good comes from such visits. But at the same time, three bodies cannot be ignored. I have three families to sadden with the breaking news, and I can't find a logical
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19: Kiss
LIAMMy mood can only be described as fabulous, ever since I cornered him a week ago and cleared our misunderstanding. Things have gotten more interesting…. Winks, deliberate lip bites, and naughty smirks seem to be our signature mode of communication. My days have got better than I hoped, all thanks to Daniel. Dad commented on my optimism the last time he visited. You are glowing, his words.Thinking back at our previous encounter, I can't seem to stop smiling. The simple caresses on my back felt euphoric as I buried my nose in his chest, inhaling his intoxicating scent. My attachment to Daniel has escalated quickly, which scares me greatly. I'm still cautious, but I can't deny that the warden arouses something deeper in me than Spencer ever did.Matthew banged his hand on the wall, startling me in the process. I slightly frowned in concern, but he just shook his head and as I was about to question it. I let him be. Just then, our cells opened, signifying it's time for dinner. I
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20: Debt Cleared
DANIEL “F*ck!” I turned sharply, cursing loudly. I didn't move, though.How could I have not seen it? All this while it has been staring right at me, but I was a dumbass for not seeing it. Liam is still hung up on Spencer.I had said 'f*ck' it and went after my deepest desires. I would have devoured his lips sooner, but I needed his consent. Also, I wanted to let him know that he had a choice; that he would always have one. When I halted in my movements, it was to search for any sign of discomfort on his face. I am still fighting to level my breathing before I face him. He leaned closer and bumped his head on my back as he wrapped his hands on my waist. “Why did you stop me?” His shaky voice sounded pained, with a hint of desperation.He tightened his hold on me as he rubbed his face up and down, back and forth on my back. “ Talk to me, please. I don't understand…” he trailed off.I turned to face him without saying a word deliberately. I lifted my hand and ran my fingers through
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