Semua Bab The Beta's Prize: Bab 31 - Bab 40
112 Bab
31. Ivan
I don’t know if I will ever be able to forgive myself. Or Martha for that matter. Why the hell was Cherish out there alone? Has everyone lost their minds and forgotten the depraved, psychotic people that lurk around every single door? The guards work here because they are frustrated drunks with gambling debts, the men fight to death here because they have no choice. The ones who do like fighting such as Denton, Shay, Maxwell, and Philo are deviants of the worst kind. Denton appears to have gathered himself a crew of like-minded bastards. He strokes his black beard and tells them the best way to torture an opponent, man or woman and they look on like he is a deity. Death holds no meaning for them anymore, their kicks come only from causing pain to others. All of them are hugely fearsome men, eager to build further muscles through over-eager grunting and lifting in the gymnasium. Seeing as nearly every prize is already dead after less than a week, they have only exercise to vent thei
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32. Ivan
Cherish remained in the infirmary whilst I was segregated from the team. Anxious days ached by. Encased in my small room I paced like a wild animal. The fear of her succumbing to her injuries plagued me constantly. I had no information, nobody came near my door as though my fall from grace was as catchable as flu. The anger at how Cherish had fallen prey to them ate me up. I barely ate or slept, hearing nothing, either from the infirmary or from Vincent. She couldn't be dead. I know Martha would have at least told me that somehow. I hope so. I also knew I still had to take my punishment. Perhaps I would be dead before she recovered. Killing a fellow teammate was probably more disliked by Vincent and Kingsley than Denton’s abduction of Cherish. Finally I was summoned. A smirking Kingsley tapped at my door, surrounded by guards toting stun guns. He had left it four days, building up the anticipation of just how horrifically he intended to make me pay for damaging his "product". The
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33. Cherish
When I finally woke, I was terrified I har somehow been transported back home. The dark, musty surroundings, the smell of too many bodies in a small bleak space made it all flood back. For a second I panicked that everything had been in a dream, until my vision cleared and I realised the dark, windowless room was unfamiliar and the woman gently dousing my head with a soaked sponge was Martha. “You made it,” she whispered, a sad smile on her creased face. Her brown eyes scoured mine, though I had no idea what she was searching for. “I have no idea how, but you did.” “My wolf,” I whispered weakly, “we met,” as I sipped from a cup of water. Martha clasped her hand to her chest. “Now if that is not the hand of Fate, the very Moon Goddess herself in action I do not know what is! To bond with your wolf, to gain shifter healing in the very instant you needed it to survive? Blessings indeed!” It was too much to think about right now. All I knew was I had never felt such hunger. My stomac
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34. Ivan
Kohl had been working overtime since Martha told us Cherish was returning. I slept for longer than I ever thought possible whilst he worked to repair my damaged flesh. Shifter healing can only do so much, I woke to find myself stiff, aching, and still covered in bandages. I managed to get myself something to eat and have a wash before crashing out on the bed again, my back facing towards the ceiling. I was sound asleep when the crashing of Cherish bursting through the door woke me. She didn’t have to say a word, I knew it was her from the scent of berries that drifted across the air plus the way Kohl leapt to attention. He must have been exhausted from healing me, yet he was as active as a puppy in her presence. “Ivan,” she whispered as I heard her footsteps patter along the wooden floor. The mattress sank as she lowered herself. I was swiftly confronted by the overwhelmingly gorgeous image of her blue eyes and blonde-framed oval face staring at me from the other pillow. My eyes sea
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35. Cherish
He stopped kissing me and propped himself up, so he was completely leaning over my body. Even with his bandages his body was one of a god, every muscle exquisitely chiselled and shaped. His presence was suddenly more serious, intense. His voice had ougher, gravellier tone that sent thunderbolts of desire straight to my core. “If I can’t trust you not to hurt my back...” “You can,” I urged, stroking his chest. Halo sent skittish, giddy excitement racing down my body alongside the lustful sparks of desire from Ivan’s kisses. “I don’t think you can, but let us see,'' he growled as he guided my hands up to the wooden headboard of the bed. As he gently curled my fingers around the wooden rails he whispered into my ear, “now do you need tying or can you and your minx of a wolf behave?” The dark desire oozing through his rugged voice combined with the golden shimmer in his eyes left my heart pounding. The closer he got the more the smell of apples encircled my senses, I was drowning in
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36. Ivan
It is only by the narrowest of margins that I did not kill Cherish this afternoon. Hurtling blindly towards a precipice, the fat head of my length actually pressing against her entrance, the hurricane of sparks pleasuring me, to then turn away at the last and not thrust it inside her was monumental. Kohl had howled at me in anger for not giving in, he is desperate to connect with her wolf but I won’t. Not just because she might not survive but because that act…well for me it is love. Love is not something I am willing to surrender to in this place. I cannot. For her sake and mine. Love makes people fools. I bitterly remind Kohl to remember the depths love has already taken us to. The only reason we are trapped within the Axelon gang's clutches of death is due to the ruined ashes of what I thought was the truest love one could encounter. That of one’s mate. “Sorry,” I gruffly uttered as her eyes sleepily fluttered open."I should not have called you mine.” To my shame her pretty fa
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37. Cherish
After a night in silence, returning once more to my bed of towels I am bathed softly by Martha. She looked at my green and purple wrists with confusion as I soak in the tub. “Cherish, is everything okay?” “It is,” plunging my arms into the murky water, “we had some fun that is all.” “Some fun,” she replied with a sarcastic click of the tongue, “is that what it is called now.” I squirmed in embarrassment, “yes, Ivan has made it clear this isn’t a…match or relationship.” “Ivan has?” Martha undeniably interested but I couldn’t say much more on the matter. Even if Ivan was blowing hot and cold like a monsoon he had asked me to keep the escape trunk idea to myself. There were too many sides of Ivan to understand. How could someone so sweet and softly mannered be able to turn away from someone so easily? When his resolve snapped and he lunged at my body, his hot, feverish kisses were like a man possessed yet he was able to turn himself back to stone? Maybe I am merely a plaything,
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38. Ivan
A serious, sombre Cherish returned from the bathhouse late yesterday evening and climbed straight into the trunk, fitting the lid over her head. “I fit, there should be no problems,”, avoiding any eye contact. /Good/ Kohl murmured even though I knew he was stung at her coldness. I have to remain strong and stop giving into the softer desires within. Cherish clearly knows it is more important to escape from here than to indulge in a romance with someone destined for a grisly death. I need to follow suit. “Thank you Cherish. I will let you know the rest of the plan soon.” She merely nodded and took herself off to the furthest corner of the room with a book. /It is for the best. She is being sensible, probably taking sound advice from her wolf./ Though Kohl is talking sense, the idea that she will be out of here and I will be…well exactly as I once was is a struggle to comprehend. The only thing making it bearable will be the fact that some of my honour, as a Beta Warrior will be res
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39. Cherish
I despise waiting. If this ordeal has taught me anything about myself it is that I truly hate waiting around and I really hate not being charge of my own life. The room just feels smaller, more enclosing with every passing minute. By the time I hear footsteps I am almost frantic with worry.The last time this kind of meeting was called Ivan was almost whipped to death. He knocked softly at the door as I pulled away the chair and unlocked it. His face was ghastly white, green eyes vacant as he almost stumbled back into the room. “Ivan, what’s happened?” Taking his arm I guided him to the huge mattress and made him sit down. Then I ran over to the fire and prepared a kettle of tea. He looked to be in shock. He sat looking down with his elbows on his knees, hunched in silence. I placed the hot drink by his side then softly sat next to him. “There is no escape now. I’m sorry but that plan is over,” he said flatly. “Do you want to talk about it?'' The chill in his voice made me cold,
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40. Ivan
"I was going to rip your throat out on tour but a few more days won't hurt," Denton growled as we had a rare sparring session together. Without Killian, and Denton maiming most of the rookies, Vincent had put us together. I wondered what happened to his prize. Killian had said she was too scared to leave his room…once he died, what was her fate? "You've only just healed from your whipping, how are you going to win anything?" I grunted back, dodging vicious swipes to my ribs. Denton’s beard, once something he maintained to a glossy sheen with pride had become ragged and messy. His huge body, covered in silvery-white scar trails like mine looked older, worn. The whipping had stripped strength from him, but he still had his burning anger and hatred. That could still beat any opponent. Including me. "I am going to win because then I am going to get permission to fuck your little wife over your corpse," he hissed. "Then I'm going to pass her around every man in the team, Kingsley can use
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