All Chapters of His Desire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
57 Chapters
~KivaDragging my fork through my vegetables, I keep my back pinned straight and my eyes lowered.Tonight, I have three of Caspian’s close friends visiting for dinner. Each have their own political significance, and each are boisterous and loud, which is not the company I assumed Caspian would keep."You know, I've always wanted to meet you, Princess Kiva,” one of them, Charlie exclaims, grinning broadly.I shift uncomfortably. "Really?""Sure. Everyone talks about the pretty Princess who lives in that castle that no one can get to.”I swallow uncomfortably, glancing toward the threshold of the dining room where I know Ark and another guard stand.He will be hearing all of this, I just know it."You've wanted to get in to see my wife?" Caspian questions, chewing on a roasted carrot."Soon to be wife, and yeah, I thought about it." Charlie shrugs lightly, winking at me.My stomach turns. Does he think this is charming?The man beside Charlie holds his stomach as he laughs, nudging his
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~KivaI rub my hands down the front of my pants, fingers trembling.I’ve been summoned by an obscure letter left on my dresser to meet Caspian at his room tonight. I know what that means, but if I avoid this, like I want to, I may ruin the thin thread of trust between us.He must have taken into account his past failure when he came to my room.Thankfully Ark is off tonight. The guard having taken his place merely nodded in understanding when I told him I was heading to the Prince’s room.I just hope this doesn’t get back to Ark…I knock softly on Caspian’s door, hoping he won’t hear it and I can claim in the morning that I figured he was asleep.Unfortunately, he opens the door, grinning at the sight of me."You wanted me?"He opens the door a little wider. "Kiva. Come in."Swallowing thickly, I stride into the impressively sized room. My eyes immediately draw to the large bed in the centre of it, dressed in a dark coloured duvet.At least Caspian isn’t naked. He wears a loose shirt
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~KivaI let out a long, slow breath.All the tension has ebbed out of my shoulders, as I dump my small bag of belongings onto the bed.This inn isn’t far from Caspian’s. I told him I was visiting home for a night, which he mercifully didn’t question.I wonder what he would do if he learned I was spending a night with Ark, in a small double bed in a tiny little room.“This place is nice.” I’m aware of how awkward I sound, but it’s impossible to avoid.“Some staff at Caspian’s estate told me about.”I sit on the edge of the bed, playing with the end of the patterned quilt.There is no one here to interrupt us. We don’t have to be quiet, or secretive. It’s just us, in this intimate space where our only company is this tension we can’t seem to shake.“No doubt someone who wanted you to take them here,” I say playfully, although the thought stings.Ark smiles, drawing the flimsy curtains closed. “Jealous?”"No...but it's true, isn't it?"I know girls want him. I’ve heard it from my own sta
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~KivaA week ago, I returned home. Two days ago, my mate sent me a letter.Ark must have gotten into my room while I was gone. I'm not sure why he bothered, since he could have just told me he wanted to speak to my face, but clearly he is maintaining the ruse that he isn't working for the rebellion.It all seems so ridiculous. There is so much pointless lying, considering the truth is so obviously laid out.Regardless, I'm heading out into the forest tonight to meet with the masked figure.Ark is supposedly elsewhere tonight. Convenient that I've been requested to leave the manor he isn't working...Ice crunches underfoot as I pick my way carefully through the forest. My skin crawls with a haunting feeling like I'm being watched, or followed.I pause, glancing over my shoulder.Nothing. Just flimsy shadows wrapped around trees, seeming to crawl their way toward me. A soft but steady breeze rustles the canopy above me, adding to the ominous scene unfolding around me.Turning around I g
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~KivaA week passes and I hear nothing from Taven.Good. He can listen.Ark doesn't seem to share his propensity for keeping back, hidden. Although, he hasn't pushed me on the issue, nor has he brought Taven up.Thankfully...It's been my focus all week to keep this mate issue out of my head.So, when Caspian invites me back to his manor to go over what is going to occur at our wedding, I happily agree.Anything is to keep my mind off Ark and Taven is a good thing.“The ceremony will be outside," Caspian tells me, leading me into the backyard. It's a dreary sight out here, with the dark clouds that loom overhead and the lifeless garden that struggles to grow through the frost.“A bit cold, don’t you think?” I mumble, wrapping my coat tighter around myself.I suppose on my wedding day my temperature will be the last thing that bothers me.“It shouldn’t be too long,” he responds, breath clouding in front of him as he surveys the area.Something seems off today. He’s stiff, more reserved.
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~KivaI stare into the mirror, hating what looks back.Today is my wedding day. This afternoon I will be wed to Caspian, and I will be a Princess in his territory. To make matters worse, I’ll be moving in here full time.And there will be no avoiding Caspian.My door swings open, my father striding in.“Today is the day,” I muse, brushing at a few stray hairs that have fallen from my up-do. Two girls spent three hours getting me ready, and now I’m exhausted. My eyes drift to where my dress hangs. I hate it. I hate this entire time experience.“You were born for this, daughter,” father exclaims, adjusting the lapels of his jacket.“I just hope I’ll be happy,” I breathe.I don’t seem to have the energy to force a smile onto my face right now. Instead, I look solemn, like the life has been sucked out of me overnight. Father doesn’t seem to notice, though. “I’m going to miss you around the manor.” He rests his hands on my shoulders, meeting my gaze in the mirror.I swing around in my ch
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~KivaI stare at Ark’s imposing boots as they pace back and forth in front of me."You're not concentrating,” he points out.My quivering arms give out from under me, my stomach falling flat against the polished wood floor."How can I?" I grumble."Is this about Caspian?""No, although I'm pretty sure I married a horrible man,” I mutter tiredly, forcing myself up into a sitting position.It's a miracle I’m still able to train. I’ve made a point not to mention it to Caspian. If he knew, he would tell me to stop, although I’ve been at my father’s for a couple days while my recent husband has been away on a trip.If Ark hasn’t received such a highly regarded recommendation to remain as my personal guard from my father, I don’t think he would still be employed.Eventually Caspian will tire of appeasing my father, though.Without Ark, I’ll drown here."Has he said anything about the consummation?" Ark asks tightly, adjusting his gloves. I can hear the bite of anger in his voice, although h
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~KivaArk presses his hand against my back, guiding me through the darkness."I'm freezing." My teeth are chattering as my wet clothing clings to my skin.I just crossed the river back through the forest. If Ark’s training has achieved anything, it’s giving me enough stamina to cross with much more ease than my first attempt.From there, we stalked through the trees and to this dilapidated shack that is apparently a safe house.Ark shoves a door open that nearly swings off its rusty hinges. He stoops his head down and wanders inside, helping me along.The ceiling sags down, swallowing half the room. When Ark mentioned a safe house, I had other ideas. Not…this."There are blankets in here,” he assures me, waving dust out of the way."It looks empty,” I note.Nothing of worth seems to be in here except for a few empty shelves that are cracked and falling apart. Even the windows are cloudy and half overgrown by undergrowth from the forest. "This isn't the safe spot." He kicks a spot on
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~Kiva A throbbing in the back of my head accompanies as I wake. For a moment I’m just still, reabsorbing my memories. Ark drugged me after I revealed his plan to kidnap me. Something deep within me is staring to rot. Trust. I blink my eyes open, fighting the temptation to remain sleeping. I’m not ready to face this new reality. The only thing that prompts me is my gratefulness that I’m alive and that he didn’t just kill me. Taven sits at the edge of my bed, looking down at his hands. “What’s going on,” I ask shakily, pulling myself up. My skin is clammy, my mouth dry like I’ve woken from a nap. At least I’m in a bed, my legs under stiff covers. The room we are in is unconventional though, with no furniture and no windows. Is this a prison without the metal bars? “Ah, you’re awake. Good.” Taven turns to me, round blue eyes examining. If I’m with Taven I’m with the rebellion. Ark, the guilty, untrustworthy monster has taken me to the rebellion that I assume he also works for.
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~Kiva Taven keeps a strong hold on my arm as he knocks on a hardwood door at the lowest level of the compound. It’s opened a crack, and then enough for an arm to reach out to yank me into the room. The door slams, locking Taven out. I doubt I’ll see him again anytime soon. Turning around, I see a few people scattered about and then Ark, standing in the centre of them. An immense weight of emotions crushes down upon me to the point I nearly choke on them. It takes me a moment to force away the fear, but once it’s gone, it leaves pure rage in its wake. “You…”His expression softens as he approaches me. “Kiva, let me explain-““You lied to me.” I hate that my voice cracks. I hate that I sound so weak, so betrayed. But that is exactly what I am. “You’re angry, that’s understandable, but-““You told me you didn’t work for them. You made me feel safe.” I take a step away from him, hating the way he draws closer. I hate that he looks the same. He should be uglier, like his face was
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