All Chapters of Atticus: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
57 Chapters
Chapter 21: Drama Queen
"C'mon, Bradley. Don'tcha miss me?" She whispers in Brad's ear but I can hear every word and I'm pretty sure she's very aware of that fact.Holy shit, who does this?"I said stop it, Sarah," Brad snaps back, biting out his words, looking at me the whole time. "Why don't you take your little friend home and meet me back at my place so we can talk? You know, somewhere private." Sarah smiles and then narrows her eyes directly at me. She smirks like she's won Brad back.Her confidence is freaking amazing, I'll give her that. But I also want to slap her across the face."We broke up two months ago. There's nothing to talk about." Anger contorts Brad's face, turning it almost blood red as he holds her wrists away from him. "Who says we're gonna talk, sweetie?" Her syrupy voice drips with condescendence, like she's all of a sudden talking to a child.Ick.Brad doesn't answer and pushes back, letting go of her. Her face changes and I can tell she's shocked he choose crazy-dressed-zer
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Chapter 22
** Brad **Candice couldn't get away from me fast enough. Jesus, what the hell was Sarah thinking? I haven't spoken to her in weeks and she pulls that shit? A normal person would have moved on but she isn't normal and she hasn't changed. She's still the same immature, entitled, over-privileged girl I was stupid enough to date. This is my fault. I should have known when she walked up to us nothing good would come from it. Why didn't I just ignore her and walk away? Either way I looked like an asshole. Glancing over at the passenger seat, I can still imagine Candice sitting there. Hell, I can still smell her and it's driving me nuts that I don't know what's going on inside her head. When she got out of my car, I realized something. I want to spend as much time with her as possible. But I have to be cool about it because she's almost like a scared animal and I don't want to spook her. It's entirely possible I'll scare her away. Instead of going home, I decide to drive around to cle
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Chapter 23
** Candice **The second I shut the door, the flashing light on the answering machine catches my eye. I almost trip on my own feet, trying to get to it before it blinks again. I'm pretty sure I know who left a message before I push play. As soon as I hear a woman's voice, saying she's calling from the school attendance office, I hit erase. God must be smiling down on me at this moment because if Mom had gotten to that message before me, I'd have hell to pay. I probably won't be as lucky next time. I have to put an end to this insanity. But why is it happening? And why am I dreaming about Atticus? Who is he? Hell, what is he? All I know is, he seemed very real this morning and in my dreams. He even told me he has psychic abilities, so maybe there's a way I can talk to him in my sleep. Assuming he shows up at all. The front door slams, startling me out of my thoughts. My head automatically turns toward the sound and I see my mother carrying a grocery sack into the kitchen. I suc
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Chapter 24: Date Night
After freshening up my makeup and curling the ends of my hair, I grab a pen and piece of notebook paper from my backpack. Out with friends to the movies, I write. Be back by midnight. No 'love, Candice' or silly little hearts because even I can't fake those. Still holding the note, I pull the strap of my purse across my chest, tossing in a few leftover coins, some lip gloss, and my I.D. I take one last look at myself in the mirror before closing my window and heading down stairs. I flip on the kitchen light, startled when I see a black roach scamper across the counter, immediately making me cringe. I can't stand bugs, especially disgusting roaches. We don't have enough food lying around to attract them so they must be coming from some other apartment. I'm so grossed out, I tiptoe into the kitchen like I'm walking through a minefield. I take Mom's note and fold it in half, leaving it upside down on the table like a little tent so it'll catch her eye in case she wakes up and doesn'
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Chapter 25: Sitting Close
Brad cranes his neck, looking over at Nick, who's obliviously watching the previews, and then says to Beth, "Want some popcorn?" as if trying to divert her attention. It was sweet of him, I'll give him that. Unfortunately, it's pretty clear Beth's not the kind of girl who would notice. She's already too mad at everyone else to care.She turns her head slowly to look over at him and curtly crosses her arms. She even huffs, like she's a pouting five year old. That's all it takes and I laugh out loud. I couldn't stop myself if I tried. This is pure entertainment. Her eyes instantly shift to me but luckily, I'm able to pass it off like I'm laughing at a preview.Lord have mercy. This poor girl is a mess.Suddenly, I don't feel so crazy. The movie starts soon after and I can't help a little internal sigh as Brad takes my hand. I snuggle next to him and watch Wayne and Garth play air guitars and fantasize to Dream Weaver in Wayne's parents' basement. **As we exit the theater, Nick t
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Chapter 26: Field Party
His warm, firm grip leads me straight into the music and chaos.Twenty minutes later, I'm holding one of those red Solo cups (full of lukewarm beer) as I watch Brad socialize with ease. My hand is still in his and there's a certain beauty in the way he's able to make me a part of his world even though he's doing all the talking. He makes me want to be here as much as he wants to be and I'm in awe of him all over again. He's introduced me to countless people as they welcome me into their Parkview High kegger society.The simplicity of the moment is an epiphany for me. I'm falling for him.Hard.**Almost an hour has gone by when Nick and Beth eventually join the circle of people surrounding Brad and me. They disappeared a while ago and I was starting to wonder if they'd gone. When I get a closer look, I see that Nick's shirt is buttoned wrong and the back of Beth's hair is a knotted mess with pieces of grass in it. Nick keeps scratching his chest between sips of beer while Beth l
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Chapter 27: Insecure Much?
"Get the fuck away from him." Beth spits her words out; her face changing when we make eye contact and I swear, she's about to come at me.Holy shit."Whoa, whoa, Beth!" Nick puts his arms up between us like he's already breaking up a fight."Beth..." I start to say but she interrupts, wedging her way past Nick with her finger pointed only inches from my face."You touch him again, bitch, and I'll kick your fucking ass!""Seriously? You thought I was copping a feel of your boyfriend?" I don't even try to disguise my sarcasm because this is ridiculous. She is completely out of control. Suddenly, I hear screaming and see her coming straight for me. All I see are hands until Nick picks her up, carrying her flailing limbs away from me. I'm totally mortified and embarrassed. I've never come close to getting in a fight, much less over a guy. Nick is still holding Beth back when Brad walks past me. He must have had enough because he gets in Beth's face and when she looks up at him I
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Chapter 28: That Was Interesting
Brad asked if he could pick me up in the morning and I told him he could. I also told him he didn't have to walk me to the door because I didn't want to take the chance of waking Mom. As soon as I walk in, I hear his car drive away and I'm relieved I made the decision to walk up by myself. Cigarette smoke practically wafts out at me. I can feel my nose scrunching up the second I race up the stairs, hoping somehow I'll avoid the stench. I make it to my room so fast I wonder if the smoke even knew I was there. I close my bedroom door as softly as I can before yanking up the window and turning on the lamp just below.The house is very quiet. More than likely, Mom passed out long ago. I could check on her, like the dutiful daughter I'm not, or I could relax and think about my date. The night couldn't have gone any smoother. So why am I waiting for my world to come crashing down? I force myself to shake off the feeling and glance over at the clock. I made it home ten minutes before my
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Chapter 29: The Calling
I take a deep breath in through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I do it three more times because when I'm panicked it always helps. Can't hurt to do it now. "Atticus." I whisper his name out loud; thinking somehow saying his name will help. The warm sensation in my belly increases, continuing to relax my body. I feel a sudden sense of calmness engulfing me. "Atticus," I whisper again, closing my eyes as my mind starts to slowly drift. Concentrating seems to help and it becomes easier and easier to give in to the soothing heat in my belly. It feels so good I can't think of anything else...**A white, foggy mist surrounds the edges of my sight, making it difficult to see. I'm confused and a little scared when another blanket of warmth washes over me, relaxing my body as the mist begins to slowly fade. I immediately recognize that I'm back inside the house and it's somewhat dark, just like it was this morning. It feels very different because when I glance around from room to
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Chapter 30
Is This Real?I open my eyes when I hear footsteps and then I see him. All of him. Just like in the portrait, he has the same clothes; the same youthful look. His emerald eyes catch mine and suddenly it feels like I would sacrifice everything to never have to leave him again."You are beautiful," he says, touching the side of my face and instantly I want his approval. I can't speak because this house, his voice, my want for more is overwhelming. It's as if Atticus knows when he reaches for my hand, pulling me closer to him, that his touch helps. I feel like I'm looking at a beautiful sculpture and the second I take my eyes away, he will disappear. So I don't. I simply stare at him, completely in awe."Do you remember me?" he asks, gazing into my eyes."I don't understand," I whisper, finally finding my voice.He smiles, like he can see into every private piece of my soul. "You will, my darling. You will.""CANDICE, wake up!" I force my eyes to open and see my mother glaring
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