All Chapters of Hot Shots: Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 Chapters
Chapter 41
"Andy Grant here."Josh clutched his cell phone, stomach tightening the moment he heard his manager's voice."Hey, Andy. It's me."There was silence for so long at the other end of the connection he wondered if Andy had hung up."So you're not dead."Josh blew out a breath. Andy's voice was so flat and even he wondered if the man was going to tell him how glad he was Josh had surfaced or tell him to go to hell."Nope." He tried to lighten his voice. "Still walking, talking, and breathing.""You ready to come back to the land of the living?"Was he? Was he ready for this, even though he wasn't sure if he could drive? But he owed Andy a meeting, if nothing else."Only if you keep it between us for a little while longer."Another long pause."How long would that be?""Not very." He raked his fingers through his hair. "Andy, I'm real sorry I left you in the lurch the way I did. I know it was a rotten thing to do. But I was so fucked up after the accident, I didn't know if I'd e
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Chapter 42
They were cuddled on the big four poster, naked and exhausted but unwilling to stop touching each other. Josh had thought he'd never find a woman who completed him the way Kristin did. Who gave of herself so unselfishly in bed. Who was both strong and undemanding. Didn't it figure the minute he found someone like that, he might be getting ready to walk away from her.Less than a month had passed since their first date, and he couldn't pinpoint exactly when the Just for fun had turned into something else. Neither of them had put it into words, as if saying it out loud might spoil something. But this was definitely way past casual."I need to tell you something." He kept his arm wrapped around her, stroking her with his free hand.Next to him, her body tensed."Is this something good or something bad?""Don't know yet. Might turn out to be good. I hope so. Anyway. But the thing is, I'm taking two days off from the garage next week. I have some stuff I need to do.""Oh?"If possibl
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Chapter 43
Josh was working on a jacked-up track when the call came from Andy. He put down his tools, hollered he'd be right back in, in case anyone cared, and headed to the side of the parking lot to answer."It's all set for Thursday," Andy told him. "Day after tomorrow.""That soon?" Josh felt every one of his muscles tighten."Putting it off won't change things." Andy's voice was kind but firm. "If you're going to do this, putting it off won't help. And if it turns out you're done with NASCAR, well, then, we'll discuss all your other options."Josh blew out a breath and forced himself to relax. "You're right. As usual.""Listen. I want you to meet me in Lexington the day before. I'll text you the hotel reservations. We can have time to talk, think about options for your future no matter what happens, and get you ready for Thursday.""Okay. Yeah. Alright. Text me the hotel and time.""It'll be fine," Andy assured him. "No matter what happens."And Josh had to believe that.He did his
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Chapter 44
Josh checked his seat belt and the fastening on his helmet. Andy had brought his fire suit - just in case. He'd grinned. Zipping into it had been, unexpectedly, like being with an old friend. Andy had cleared everything with the manager of Kentucky Speedway, and, this morning, there was a car for him to use, a pit crew, the manager, and nothing else. The manager had told him there might be a person or two wandering in who had business, but no media or anything like that. It was the best he could do. Josh would have to be good with that and block it all out of his mind.NASCAR tracks ran in length anywhere from half a mile to two-and-a-half miles. This one was one-and-a-half, a hair over Darlington - the scene of his famous flameout. He thought the extra length might be to his advantage."You all set?" Andy leaned on the door of the racecar.Josh nodded. "As I'll ever be."He pulled in a deep breath and let it out slowly, waiting for the familiar panic to take over. Nothing. Nada. S
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Chapter 45
"Josh, what the hell is going on here?" Andy asked."Why don't you ask your photographer," he snapped."Because I asked you. Now come on. Give.""Miss Kitts has also been staying in Lucasville." He spat each word out like it was a rotten piece of fish. "When she met me, I guess she recognized me and made it her business to get close to me. That way she could get the real skinny. I'll bet this thing today is so she can sell the first pictures of Josh Nelson back on a track for a big fat bunch of money."Kristin's face was chalk white, and she clutched her camera as if it were the last item on earth. "That's not true at all, Josh. It's not. I had no idea who you were. Honestly. I - ""Yeah, right," he interrupted. "I'll say this. You should get an award for your acting. I hope I wasn't too much of a disappointment in bed because you sure had me fooled." He looked at Andy. "Let's get the fuck out of here."His manager, who knew him well enough not to argue, nodded. "Let me tie thing
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Chapter 46
Josh couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this miserable. He was lucky Antony was so understanding when he'd explained about who he was and what was happening. He'd listened to everything Josh said, nodding his head."So the crazy lady story was just that. A story."Josh nodded. "I'm sorry. I had to think of something real quick and - "Antony flapped a hand at him, brushing away his comment. "One question.""What's that?" Josh asked."Are you sure this is what you want? That you're ready to go back on the track?"Josh nodded. "Truth be told, I was nervous until I actually got behind the wheel of the car. But no panic, no fright, nothing but excitement and anticipation. The way it used to be.""Man. That's some story. More excitement than we're used to here in Lucasville." Antony shook his head. "So I guess you're finally over your demons. Or at least are managing them.""I hope so." He grinned. "I'm excited about getting back into competition. And about slaying my demons.
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Chapter 47
Saturday dragged by with interminable slowness. He drove into Sparta and hunted up the track manager, apologizing to him for his behavior and promising the man he'd do some special promo for the track to make up for it. Then he drove into Lexington to have something to do so he didn't go crazy sitting around. He ate dinner there and headed back to Lucasville, where he got into bed and spent the most restless night of his life. He thought of every minute he and Kristin had been together, the lushness of her body, the selfless way she gave herself to him, and the erotic combustion of their lovemaking.He lay in bed, reliving every one of their moments together, so aroused he finally stumbled into the shower, turned it on hot, and stroked himself to completion. He'd never thought that, at his age, he'd be jacking off to get relief. And relief was barely a word to describe it because it, in no way, gave him a tenth of the satisfaction he got from Kristin's hands on him, her mouth on him,
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Chapter 48
Kristin stood beside Andy Grant, watching the cars zip around the Darlington Raceway. She knew Josh had been exceptionally nervous about this race because it was where his career had come to a crashing halt a year ago. But so far so good. And last night, he had told her he finally had his mojo back, so his head was in a very good place. They had three laps to go, and he was currently in third place. She'd brought a small camera but was too nervous to do anything but watch."He's fine." Andy leaned down and spoke in her ear. Otherwise, it was hard to hear over the noise of the engines and the screaming of the crowd. "He was good on both pit stops, remember?"She nodded. Yes, he had been. Revved up but in control."He'll make his big play any minute," Andy went on. "Keep your eyes on the track."She and Josh and Andy had driven up from Atlanta a few days ago so he could do all his prerace things. He'd said they could move anywhere she wanted, but she loved his big house in a suburbs
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