All Chapters of Guilty : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
58 Chapters
Chapter 11
Leaving her at the hotel wasn't so gentleman of me but I couldn't possibly take her with me to the headquarters. She would ask questions which I had no intention of answering. A note was the best idea I conceived at the time so I went with it. Of course I had my doubts about her calling me that's why I left one the reception employers in charge of the situation. I told him that I don't care if he chases her, ties her, tickles her, whatever it takes. I needed to hear her voice after what we shared earlier. I needed to hear her gentle insults about my businesses and her curious tone to know more about them. It has been almost three hours since I left the hotel and I had absolutely no missed phone calls, texts messages even notifications from the receptionist. I started checking my phone nervously every two minutes, not paying any attention to the current meeting unfolding before my eyes. Alec coughed catching my attention and raised his eyebrow questioning my behavior. I nodded him tha
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Chapter 12
It has been a week since Zayn and I lastly talked after the incident at his hotel. I expected him to call, text or even leave a message for me at Samantha, even to just tease me. But what I got instead was complete silence from his side. Although, I must say it would be best if his visits to my office weren't that frequent after carrying me half-naked out of there. Fortunately, Samantha had informed everyone to take 10 minute break so that we could get out of there without anyone seeing me in such mess. Of course she insisted that I looked beautiful and not like a fucking train wreck which I was in reality. Anyway Samantha had gotten really hyped up about this whole Golden Party thing. An email was send to me in the week, inviting me. They were to celebrate 10 years since the first ever party. So they have switched up the theme a little bit. The theme due to the current release of the new James Bond movie was devoted to secret agents. It encouraged to wear something tight, eye-catchi
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Chapter 13
*Alexis*Getting out of the limo was a long journey. Reporters all around the entrance following my bodyguards asking them about my work while I tried to rush Samantha into the building who was blown away by the luxury and fame. Walking quickly into the building, the reporters were put down by the security of the building. Entering the building, we made our way to the elevator so that we reach the rooftop bar where the feast was hosted. As we waited for the elevator, I felt pairs of eyes stuck at the back of my head. It was true what I was wearing was the least to say provocative as it was so tight I didn't wear a bra and the only thing that could match the texture was black lacy thong. The bodysuit hugging my curves and complimenting them caused a friction between some bachelors down the lobby. Turning slightly around just so I could show them that they have been discovered, I smiled at them. Eventually the elevator came and we all boarded. Not loosing the chance to come with us the
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Chapter 14
*Alexis*The moment when I thought history was to repeat herself. The moment where all the walls I had built and all the memories I had tried to block, became one hell of a train wreck. The moment I felt his hands rubbing my inner thighs moving to my ladyhood, I heard a gunshot. Elijah fell on the floor, blood running from his head. That's when I felt the drops of blood that stained my face. Some of them running down my cheeks like tears. I just stood there in complete shock. My head was a bit dizzy and my heart pounded hard against my chest. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, so I stood there looking the life draining off the body before me. "Princess" I heard him. He was standing at the door with a gun in his hand. Dropping my eyes to it, I felt a shiver down my spine. He noticed my attention on his gun and he threw it away knowing that it scared me. "Princess, are you okay?" He approached me, he was worried I wouldn't talk. He hadn't got used to me not talking back. I just stood ther
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Chapter 15
*Alexis*The sweat running down my face, the heat spreading across my body with every punch. I punched hard the bag in front of me causing to move quickly. Before it could recover from the punch I gave, I was going for another. I was absorbed by my thoughts and my feelings. Well, one feeling, anger. I was angry. I was furious. How could I let this happen to me again? How could I have cried in front of him? Why did I show weakness? He must think I'm some pathetic little girl who can't defend herself and awaits for her prince in shinning armor. Damn it, Alexis! I thought you were strong but the minute your guards lowered you run into his hug. Maybe he doesn't think you're pathetic for sure, but I do. I hit the punching hardest than ever before as this thoughts clouded my head. It fell on the ground making an echoing noise which everyone noticed. I stood there, everybody looking at me. My dad approached me. He came in for a hug but I stopped him and exited the gym. I started running dow
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Chapter 16
*Alexis*The ride was silent. I had questions about the where and why but I didn't bother asking him. Looking out the window I distracted myself. The tall skyscrapers dancing with the orange and red colours of the sunset. Sunset in New York was breathtaking. Even though that took away some of my frustration, I was still nervous for some bizarre reason and that caused to let out sigh. The moment the breath left my mouth, I felt those blue orbes on me again. They were trying to trace any kind of unpleasant emotion so that they would pose the right question. Examining me for a while, the car got slower. He placed a hand on my thigh which dropped immediately my glare on him and let me know that we had arrived. Before standing imposingly it was a massive building. It must had like over 60 floors as my eyes never made out the top of it. I turned to him with a questioning glare. He was waiting this kind of reaction. "Welcome, to my home" He pointed at the top of the building. A penthouse,
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Chapter 17
*Zayn*Seeing walking to the elevator, I knew I had fucked this whole meeting up. Even though, the best thing I could have done was to let her leave, I was too selfish. I wanted her to open up to me, I wanted her to trust me, I wanted her to see me differently. Pushing the button of the elevator, she waited for the doors to open. As she boarded, I realized she wouldn't think it twice and change her mind so I went after her. Her eyes were close and she was facing the elevator mirror, knowing she couldn't deal with me now. After she took some deep breaths she proceeded to see why the elevator wasn't moving. Turning around, her eyes wide open this time, she starred at me and took a step back. Her eyes were starting to tear up. I could see the pain behind those beautiful eyes. Taking a step back, she rested her head on the mirror leaning back. Her neck exposed, I felt the urge to come closer. "Please, Zayn...." She muttered her voice nearly escaping her mouth. We didn't exchange much w
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Chapter 18
Where the fuck...? What happened? Oh shit!We fucked. Well far better than talking about my mental problems which I have no intentions explaining. Opening my eyes, I observed the room around me. My clothes were on the floor. Bra on the nightstand and panties..... Where the fuck are my panties? I gently looked under the covers only to find nothing. Turning to his side I saw him sleeping. He looked so peaceful, calm and harmless. Nothing like him. That's when I saw it. My panties were hanging off the light. Entangled in those crystals. How the fuck? Did this become a fucking circus? My memories were still blur but I could sense that what had happened here was extremely inappropriate but so lustful. I stood up reaching for it quietly. The best thing right now was to get the hell out of here and to arrive at court in time. Right! I had court today in one hour. Splendid! Grabbing my belongings I exited the bedroom and locked the door. He has a phone let him call someone to open the doo
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Chapter 19
I unlocked the door before he could reach me and entered the house. My house was a representative of who I was. Chic, classy, elegant and sophisticated yet mysterious and spicy in all the right spots. I didn't need someone let along a man to tell what I already knew. I threw my keys on the kitchen's counter and went for my living room. Ignoring him completely, I took off my heels and placed them carefully beside the couch. Once I reached the couch, I reached for my whiskey bottle and two glasses. I turned to him and he nodded affirmatively. Pouring the liquid into the glass with my one hand, I let my hair down with the other. When I looked him over my shoulder, he was already smirking at me. Drinking in all my features.Taking his hands out of his pockets, he sat closely to me. With a slight smile, I moved away a bit and before he could say anything nasty, perverted or sexual, I shoved his drink on his hand. He chuckled, taking a sip. "I almost missed a trial today" I said, gettin l
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Chapter 20
Sleeping in his hands, cuddling with him on the floor with nothing but a blanket was something I haven't done in a longtime since my last relationship. It didn't end well and I promised myself I wouldn't do that shit anymore. But Zayn resurrected a part of myself that I had long thought it was dead. My romantic hopelessness side which was the least to say annoying. I couldn't let him know though. Not yet. Not when I didn't know if he wasn't going to leave....His hand caressing gently my arm and his fingers drawing sketches on my skin, I left out a sigh. His hand stopped and wrapped around my waist. I knew he had heard me when his other hand touched my chin. He raised it so that his eyes can meet mine. Those beautiful blue ocean eyes that had me speechless every time. He placed a kiss on my forehead and leaned back, trying to fall asleep. I curled onto his chest and hugged himtightly. Again resulting in being intoxicated by his perfume. This smell was mysterious and calming like the
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