บททั้งหมดของ His Salvation: บทที่ 1 - บทที่ 10
*** Brooklyn, New York Alessandra The loud music washed over me, euphoria filling every single part of me. Never had I felt more free, more in control of my life than when I was in the throng of sweaty, dancing bodies that were around me. Nothing could ever compare to this moment, the freedom that I longed so much for. Soon, Alessa...It won't be too long until your plans come to fruition... Until I can finally get away from the carnage, the sins of my father and the corrupt standing he beheld. His was a bloody life, one that each and every single one of my siblings and I had been pulled into. A timed existence for so many gunned for our heads. And with good reason after everything that the Rinaldi family has done... "You're spiraling, Alessa! Let's dancee! We'll worry about our fucked up existence tomorrow!" Vittoria shouted above the music, making me chuckle as I wrapped my hands around my little sister. Although there was a two year age difference between us, we were closer t
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Chapter One
***Long Island, New YorkAlessandra"Alessandra? Gesù Cristo. Where the hell have you guys been?! Papa has his men out looking for you two!"Selene shrill voice was louder than ever, her disapproving glare making me roll my eyes as I gestured at a passed out Tori that I was struggling to get through the door."Now is really not the time to put the judgmental shoes on, sis. Can you help me get her into bed?"Selene seemed to comprehend my words, her gaze finally settling on Vittoria before she took her other arm. Together, we lugged our little sister into bed before covering her up as she muttered unintelligible words.The sight made me chuckle, reminding me of just how much I loved her despite the fact that she just made me piggyback her up the spiral staircase to the second floor."Porca puttana...I can't feel my back. That little brat better thank her lucky stars that I love
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Chapter Two
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra Papa's voice sent a chill down my spine, my eyes turning to find his as he walked through the door and past Mama. Silence reigned within the room, the darkness floating down to engulf us as we prepared for the wrath of his anger that always came. "I agree, Massimo. It seems Alessandra is yet to learn her place in this world. You have failed in that respect, Nova." Uncle Salvatore stated as he followed my father in, his voice chilling my entire body as he turned to my silent mother. For all the fear I beheld when it came to my father's fraternal twin and younger brother, I couldn't help the annoyance that settled over me when he spoke to my mother like that. She seemed to sense my annoyance, her eyes relaying the message that I knew they would. I had to calm down, to remember that I was now in the presence of two of the most dangerous men in our world. I was extremely conscious of the shifted environment, not only because of the change in the
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Chapter Three
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra "I can't believe I slept through all that. I'm sorry, sorella maggiore. I really didn't realize how much of a mess we created. Papa really meant it this time, huh?" Tori muttered from beside me as she nervously sipped her bubbly champagne, her third glass for the night. I couldn't blame her nervousness. We were amidst the sea of guests, all of whom had come forth to offer their congratulations on Emilio and Selene's engagement. All of them are a bunch of snakes, dangerous beyond measure. They not only possess power but are greedy for more. Neither one of these people would think twice before ripping us apart were we to show any sort of weakness. It was this kind of negativity and constant plotting that I longed to run from. I can't spend the rest of my life trying to figure out people's next moves and watching my back. It's just too much. "Yeah, he did. I'm sorry, Tori. This is my fault. We should have left a little earlier in the night like
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Chapter Four
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra "Could the two of you explain to me why the fuck some random asshole is hitting up my phone and begging for a 'copper haired bombshell's' number?! I know you didn't give some random man my phone number, Tori!" Zeno was pissed as he approached us, his words confusing us momentarily before Tori and I shared a knowing look, recalling last night's antics and the love-struck bartender. Chuckles escaped us despite our older brother's glare and threatening step towards the two of us. "Oh come on, big brother. Even you have to admit it's somewhat funny." I urged, wiping the escaped tears from laughing too hard whereas Tori snorts were yet to die down. Zeno rolled his eyes at my words, choosing instead to down his drink rather than respond to me. "I can't believe he actually called you! Are you sure he isn't looking for you, though, big brother? I mean, you do fit the description. Copper hair, bombshell with secret tastes we may not be privy to. I alw
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Chapter Five
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra "Thank you all for attending my daughter Selene's engagement party. This is a special occasion indeed. The union between the Rinaldi and Romano family will be absolute by the joining of our children. Thus, join me in declaring a toast to the new couple in town. May your union become everything we have dreamed of and beyond. Saluti!" "Saluti!" Papa declared, raising his glass high of which the rest of the guests mirrored with wide smiles, all of which were less than sincere if not completely fake. None of the individuals gathered would not hesitate to destroy us given the opportunity. Trust no one. That was key among the many rules taught to us from a young age. We knew when to be cautious of someone. Our trust had to be earned. That was just the kind of world we lived in. Ignoring the raised glasses, I downed my champagne glass in one swoop, much to my mother's chagrin as she granted me a disapproving look. I didn't care much for etiquette
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Chapter Six
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra I released a long, winded breath as I finally made my way towards the balcony. It would have to be my safe haven, away from all the conversations I would rather avoid and fake congratulations from women and men who wished to be in our shoes. Although I had left Diego to fend for himself amongst the sea of sharks, I knew he would be just fine. He has always been better at handling these situations than I am. The buzz of expensive champagne had began to settle in nicely within me and I welcomed it, anything to numb me and keep me from feeling like I've just been sold at an auction by my own Father. "Can you believe that announcement? Who do they think they're fooling with that whole 'union of our families' BS? We all know Don Massimo is hurrying to marry off Alessandra because she's a whore. I'm shocked Don Felipe Moreno is agreeing to have his son marry that pretentious bitch. Diego deserves so much better than her!" I paused at the threshold o
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Chapter Seven
*** Long Island, New York Alessandra "Alessandra Lucia Rinaldi! Kalýtera na katéveis tóra! I won't keep calling for you." My mother's voice finally broke through the music blasting through my headphones. It was rare for Nova Rinaldi to raise her voice, let alone revert back to her roots. She only ever used Greek around the house if she was particularly incensed and when Papa was not around. He did make her learn Italian and banned her from speaking in her 'Father's heathen tongue' when she was in public or anywhere around him... I rolled my eyes at the thought. Papa really can't live without trying to control every single aspect of our lives. The sadist enjoys bringing us into despair. Its like he feeds off of it. You would think with all the shit he's up to out there, he would have had his fill of it. "I'm coming, Mama!" I shouted down before she came up the stairs for me. I could finally descend from my self imposed exile. I really didn't want to see or interact with Papa or
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Chapter Eight
*** Manhattan, New York Draken The club was alive with activity, brimming with the set mood. Ecstasy saturated the air as did the smell of alcohol, cigarette smoke, sex and sweat. It was the heady combination that made any party outfit worth the visit. This was the currency of all the night owls, craving a good time and a few hours of inconsequential fun. This is, however, nothing like the wild abandon Moscow has to offer... It was no secret that I missed my home. It was the place that had not only birthed me but made me into the man that I was. Every bit of me, lethal and otherwise, had been shaped right on the hard and ruthless streets of my home and I regretted nothing of the years I had spent there. It had all been necessary, a lesson in the events to come. I valued every experience, brutal or not. It had brought me to this moment, to this new City that I would soon claim as my own with the help of the roots that had already been planted and those that would soon be stemmed j
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Chapter Nine
Long Island, New York Alessandra “Are you ready for this? There’s still time, you know. I volunteer to help you run.” I stated, grinning despite my mother’s unamused frown and my Aunt’s chuckle as she raised her emptied champagne glass to me. “I’m fine, I promise. I’m ready for this.” Selene declared, a serene smile on her lips despite the anxiety wedged deep in her eyes. She looked absolutely radiant in her well-fitting silk, spaghetti strapped wedding gown that flowed smoothly down to the floor with a small train. Her cathedral veil trailed after her, the lace of it complimenting her silk gown perfectly. Her make up was light, consisting of nude coloured lipstick, mascara laden lashes and winged eye liner. “I know we fight a lot but I do hope you know how much I love your annoying ass. If you need me, all you have to do is call me and I’ll be there. We are sisters and our bond can’t ever be broken, no matter what.” I declared, granting my veiled sister a genuine smile and re
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