
His Salvation
His Salvation
Penulis: CarolleN



Brooklyn, New York


The loud music washed over me, euphoria filling every single part of me. Never had I felt more free, more in control of my life than when I was in the throng of sweaty, dancing bodies that were around me. Nothing could ever compare to this moment, the freedom that I longed so much for.

Soon, Alessa...It won't be too long until your plans come to fruition...

Until I can finally get away from the carnage, the sins of my father and the corrupt standing he beheld. His was a bloody life, one that each and every single one of my siblings and I had been pulled into. A timed existence for so many gunned for our heads.

And with good reason after everything that the Rinaldi family has done...

"You're spiraling, Alessa! Let's dancee! We'll worry about our fucked up existence tomorrow!"

Vittoria shouted above the music, making me chuckle as I wrapped my hands around my little sister. Although there was a two year age difference between us, we were closer than any other of our siblings. 

Vittoria had become my partner in crime, the other half of me I didn't even know I needed. Although some of our adventures had resulted in some pretty bad confrontations with our strict as hell father, many more had resulted in the best nights of our lives.

A night just like this.

All of our inhibitions, our fears of returning home or facing the events to come in the next couple of weeks gone and replaced with the happiness that always came whenever we were well and truly living our lives. 

Not the Barbie dolls we were in our other life.

"Well said, Tori! Now, how about another shot?"

Tori grinned, nodding enthusiastically as the two of us pushed through the throng of bodies and to the bar where the cute bartender instantly perked up at the sight of us. The handsome brunette grinned at the sight of Tori who returned it in kind, beginning the play to get us more drinks.

Her powers of persuasion were borderline scary. She enjoyed it a little more than she probably should but, then again, she is a Rinaldi.

We were born, raised, to be rotten to the core.

I secretly chuckled as I watched my little sister handle the brunette who hanged onto her every word, his gaze dazedly admiring every single inch of Tori. I could not blame him, though. Whereas I had gained our mother's half Greek genes with my blonde hair and blue-honey brown eyes, my little sister had  gained more of our father with her curly, copper colored locks and amber colored eyes.

Her petite body looked amazing in her little red dress, a great contrast to the short, dusty blue camisole dress I was in that hugged every one of my curves. Many were the times I had longed for my older sister Selene's model, lithe like body and Tori's petite form but my mother had been adamant, praising the Greek genes within me that shone through my body.

It's kinda hard to believe you when you look like freaking Bella Hadid, mama...

I shoved my self depreciating thoughts into the little box in the back of my head, threatening to explode from all the shit I was keeping inside, and focused instead on assessing the crowd of drunk party animals around us.

There is enough time to hate yourself later, Alessa. Most certainly in the weeks to come...

Ignoring all of the winks, waves and wolf whistles from the passing flock, I zeroed in on ensuring that we were still safe, still unrecognizable to all the men our father had posted everywhere. 

The expanse of his network is exhausting and annoying, most especially when you've snuck out and are certainly not supposed to be in a burlesque-esque club in downtown Brooklyn.

Because we are the pure princesses, fated to be married off to some dangerous bastard or the other. God forbid Massimo Rinaldi's daughters' purity was questioned. That was, after all, the most important selling point to these narrow-minded bastards- Virgin Brides.

I rolled my eyes at the very thought, the usual disgust washing over me.

Being the daughter of the Head of the Cosa Nostra-the Sicilian Mafia was a pain in the ass.

"Just a little bit more, Alessa...A little longer before your life completely changes..."

My sentence strayed, an unconscious action once my gaze landed on the man standing at the VIP balcony. Just as speechless as those around him were, I shamelessly took in everything about the mysterious figure who screamt power and a kind of darkness.

It really must be the alcohol...the only reason I am admiring a man I have sworn off of...

I had lived around Dark and Dangerous men my entire life. The life I had envisioned for myself after I attained my freedom would bear nothing of the stain of my past-including insanely handsome but dangerous men looking down the rest of us like we are nothing.

It should have put me off, his gaze that seemed to wash over the crowd just like mine had been a few moments ago. But I just couldn't look away, most especially when his gaze landed and stuck to mine.

Ah hell, he caught me looking...

The urge to look away, to be come the demure principessa of the Rinaldi family was strong, but not enough to fight my curiosity, the stubbornness that lurked deep within me that was growing harder and harder to hide.

He reminded me of all the men of power who lurked around my family, hoping and praying for one thing or the other-be it power or our destruction. His darkness did, however, seem to run deeper than what was present on the surface.

He reminded me of my father.

All the more reason to look away, Alessa, daddy issues aside.

Logic overruled my urge to hold his gaze, to admire every single bit of him. Despite the dim lighting in the club, I knew he was the most beautiful man I would ever look upon. He was perfection incarnate.

Just like I'm supposed to be.

I frowned at the very thought, finding myself glaring at the man who reminded me a little too much of the world I had left behind momentarily to enjoy the freedom that was kept from me. 

His head titled to the side, almost in question to my reaction and for a moment, I was sure his eyes were narrowed at my blatant disrespect. I had learnt enough from being around men like him to know that they never took kindly to the challenging of their dominance.

Well, he can kiss my ass...

My sentiments seemed to be his for he looked away after our heavy contact, returning his attention to the man beside him. I had been effectively dismissed, like a leaf blowing by and, for some reason, I was as relieved as I was annoyed at his nonchalance.

Jackass...Not worth my time anyway...

"Here. Sorry it took so long. He was a little too stubborn on me not giving him my number. We should probably leave soon before he realizes that I just gave him Zeno's."

Our older brother would certainly not be pleased by being spam called by a love-struck bartender. The very thought made us both laugh out loud before we clinked tequila glasses and downed the shots. The warmth of the alcohol was welcome, more so when the music changed to a song that was our favorite.

"Yes! Let's go!"

Tori shouted excitedly, pulling me back into the throng of bodies and drunk dancers who equally cheered at the new track. We danced with wild abandon, my mind blocking everything out, including the dark stranger. 

I was now in the moment as my sister and I danced close to each other, singing along to the lyrics of the club banger. These were the moments I lived for, moments I risked my life for. I was willing to face everything, all so I could live in this very moment for the rest of my existence.

 Tori and I stood back to back, our movements almost synchronized as we moved to the music. Our harmony was broken, though, as my eyes landed on the figure in front of me, the dangerous man who stood tall amongst every single person around him. 

Holy shit...He is beyond my every imagination...

Raven black hair that was cut into a fade, vivid emerald green eyes, he really was perfection incarnate. So handsome, he seemed to pull in every single person around him, most especially the women who danced around him, clearly struggling to gain his attention.

His eyes were fixated on me though, never once straying to the woman in front of him he now held close, almost as if challenging me. 

"What the actual fuck..."

I murmured, stunned by the venom and exhilaration that coursed through me at the very thought of having some sort of deranged face off with him. I wanted to challenge him, to show him that he could never do anything to unsettle me. That I was nothing like the girls around him, vying for the scraps of his attention.

Satisfied that Tori was fine as she danced with a party of bachelorette ladies, I  turned to face the man to my left, one who had been eyeing me for a while now.

A Rinaldi is always aware of her surroundings.

"You wanna dance?"

I called out, earning an excited nod and grin from the cute, boy next door who immediately came to stand behind me. My gaze never met the dark stranger who did not seem as cocky as before, his eyes hardening as he followed my every move.

Sexiness dripped from my every movement as I moved unlike my usual reservedness. My hands traveled from my hair, down to my breasts and my thighs, savoring as it went as I moved to the beat. Never did my gaze shift or move from his that darkened with every touch on my body.

"Fuck, you're so sexy. Definitely way out of my league."

Boy next door murmured in my ear, his hand wrapping around my waist before pulling me flush to his aroused front. I released a nervous chuckle, all my thoughts of rebellion and war with a stranger I barely know gone and replaced with the caution stemmed deep within me.

"Great. Then you'll understand when I walk away. Thanks for the dance."

I responded, granting the star struck man a flirty wink before walking towards Tori who seemed frozen on the spot. Confused, I followed her gaze, my eyes landing on the reason behind my unease, my flitting gaze on every single one of the club goers around us.

"Ah, shit. How did they find us so fast?"

I stated, glaring at the three men who seemed to have spotted us just as I had spotted them. 

"I don't know but they don't look happy."

Tori shrugged, following me through the crowd. Gone was our excitement, replaced with the seriousness we would need to get away from the men chasing us. Plan B was now in effect and we each knew what we had to do. 

One of the exits loomed over the horizon, exactly where I had spotted it on entry while searching for escape routes. 

Being observant, strategizing. That was the only way to survive in our world.

Tori's hand in mine, I began the swift journey to the door but we never made it there. A hand reached out from within one of the doors, grabbing my free hand.

A gasp escaped me, my fight or flight instincts preparing for whatever outcome but my heart settled at the sight of the dark and dangerous stranger. 

"Fuck...I'm guessing the fact that you aren't breaking his bones means you know him. Though it would be a travesty to lay a hand on that gorgeous face."

Tori slurred, her words prompting a flush to settle on my body as I shook my head at my little sister's drunken antics. She had clearly drank more than the set limit. We could not afford to be too intoxicated. That had not ended well when we snuck back in to the mansion a year ago.

A ghost of a smile played on his lips, one that disappeared as soon as it came. He, instead, gestured to what seemed to be a hidden door beyond the office we were now in.

"The people after you, they've covered that exit. This one is, however, clear."

That's all he said, never once asking more questions. Questions of how he knew, who he was and why he was helping us swirled in my mind but all of them were overridden by the need to get away from my father's men.

We need to get back as soon as possible.

Nodding, I led Tori towards the said door, glancing back only to grin at our dark and dangerous savior. I couldn't help it. I couldn't fight the part of me that longed to ignore him as I was taught to. 

Men in our world only ever wanted things that we could never give them.

"Thank you, handsome. I guess I owe you one."

My smile was more genuine than I intended it to be as was my quick wink before taking off through the door, leaving him staring after us.

The ghost of a smile had turned into a full blown grin which made my heart skip a damn beat.

Well, that ain't the worst thing to see before going off to face your probable death at the hands of your deranged father.


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