Все главы Taunting The Twin Alphas: Глава 21 - Глава 30
21 - Fancy Meeting You Here
~Cadence’s Point of View~ Okay so this last week of school was not going so great. I wasn’t sure if Weston had planned for us to sleep at the beach but we did anyway, and I missed the start of my class. Even when he dropped me off we ended up making out in his car for about twenty minutes and I definitely wasn’t getting even the end of it. The orbit he had around him just kept pulling me in and it was making me insane. I hurried up and got showered then hightailed it to the professor’s office. He gave me a look of disapproval but since I never usually missed and I had the almighty Cade powers of persuasion, he gave me a brief five minute overview of what I missed and a study guide for his final. One mess avoided. I hadn’t even looked at my phone since early yesterday afternoon and I threw myself on my couch to check it out. A missed call from that other relative of Lenox’s with a voicemail. A missed call from mom. Texts from Valerie and Hailey. Val: Still on for noon? I’m so excit
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22 - He Broke Me
~Cadence’s Point of View~ Unknown number: Hey this is Weston, I really couldn’t remember if you had my number. Just wanted to say I missed you, and thank you again for last night. I swear I can still feel you like you’re in my arms :) I wanted to scowl at the message but my heart fluttered. Could he be any sweeter? Shit… and maybe since my shirt from last night reeked of him it was currently laid out on my pillow. I bit my lip, and contemplated running in to sniff it. I could close my eyes and remember the feel of him jerking with his release into my throat. I could feel his warmth coating my mouth, the way his eyes looked at me like I was his goddess. The way his arms felt holding me after, like I was so precious and delicate. No one ever made me feel that … important and valuable. But what I remembered most was the strength I felt having that power over him. The power of holding his release under my discretion, a soon to be Alpha, completely at my mercy. I could have asked him fo
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23 - Falling
~Cadence’s Point of View~ Last night was one of the longest damn nights of my life. Even throwing back seven beers didn’t get me drunk enough to forget the visuals of my “mates” swimming around in my mind. Their lips on me, their naked bodies. Fanny damn near killed me with all the flashes she put in our head. I texted Weston a couple times so he didn’t think I was blowing him off, and of course he sent me a couple of my pictures, wanting to brag on how good they looked. I hated to admit it, but I did love them. I normally hated having my picture taken, but in that moment … post two of the best orgasms of my life and knowing I was about to go down on him … yeah I was feeling good and my face showed it. I finally played with myself until I passed out from exhaustion. I had a dream about waking up with Weston between my legs, getting me half-way there with his amazing tongue before ramming into me with his big, beautiful cock. Hmm… BEEP BEEP BEEP I rolled over and smacked the alar
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24 - Howling
~Lenox’s Point of View~ I had grand visions of Cade getting out her bungee harness and jumping on top of me right then and there. I had already told Pete if things looked heavy to get lost. But after the fall and the initial rush, she went right back to yelling at me once we were back on land. Don’t get me wrong, that was hot, but it wasn’t getting me in her pants. I watched as she sat down and put her shoes on, her face twisted with angst the entire time. She’s so damn sexy when she’s pissed. The way her eyes glare, her lips press together, even her ears seem to move in an angry way, I can’t describe it. It’s just very Cade. “Cade I’m so proud of you, that was incredible,” I said, as she stood up. Her bitch face managed to scowl even more as she snatched her purse and began to walk. I turned to wave good-bye to Pete and his mate, and he gave me the thumbs up. When she got to the car, she kept walking and my wolf began to growl at me. We were both so sure this was a great idea,
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25 - When Pigs Fly
~Cadence’s Point of View~ I held my stomach as I laughed again, I’d been trading undercover reporting stories with Evelyn fucking Howler for over an hour. Alec wouldn’t even believe me, would it be tacky for me to get a selfie? I mean this was Evelyn Howler … an absolute legend. EVELYN FREAKIN HOWLER. Was I even surprised that the Kellers knew them? I shouldn’t be. But that Lenox would use his date to bring me to meet my idol, a goddess in her own right here on earth? I wanted to be her, in every way. Both her and her mate were completely self made, started the newspaper from nothing. She wrote and he handled the practical and business end of things. I was nearly drunk with arousal in front of this woman and I didn’t even want her sexually. I felt as if I were dreaming, could I meet her again sometime just to talk shop? I’d kill for that. Everyone knew she didn’t give interviews herself, she wanted her stories to speak for her, and I felt the same. I did NOT want to be the story.
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26 - Tease
~Lenox's Point of View~ The whole ride to our last stop Cade could not stop gushing about Evelyn, and I just nodded. I loved that she was so animated and excited, I absolutely needed that momentum to continue. I had to bring her back to the here and now, I had to get her loose but not drunk. I had to get her comfortable and hey, if she could touch me that would be even better. I’d racked my brain trying to decide on the perfect dinner for us, and now it was late, nearly ten o’clock. I was starving so I knew she had to be as well. A regular restaurant wouldn’t suit us tonight, I needed more privacy. But I wasn’t the picnic type and I knew that’s what Weston had done, so I couldn’t be a copycat. I’d had to call in some serious favors to get our boat moved to this end of Moon Bay but when you’re a Keller, people don’t say no. So our family boat was docked and dinner was waiting for us. When she finally broke her thoughts I kissed her hand. “I hope you’re hungry baby, we’re about to
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27 - Fantasy
~Cadence’s Point of View~ I had been naked under a blanket with an equally naked Lenox for nearly ten minutes or so as he drew soft circles on my back. This did NOT at all go how I imagined! *You’re such a bitch Cade, he’s desperate for us, obviously! You just had the most mind blowing orgasm of your damn life and you’re not going to get him off? Do it, or I’m serious about putting you in heat, dead serious,* Fanny said, sticking her snout up. I huffed at her in my mind, was my wolf seriously black mailing me into giving a blow job?? What kind of bullshit is this!? *Oh please you WANT to do it, you’re just being stupid for NO reason! He’s been incredible tonight and you know it! Let’s make him feel as good as he made us feel,* she said, not backing down. I laid cuddled to Lenox’s chest, pretending to sleep … or something.He was warm and he smelled so good, his body called to me. It taunted me and I loved and hated it all at once. He knew damn well I wasn’t sleeping all right! W
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28 - Alpha Male
~Cadence’s Point of View~ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ . Two hours into the party and I was pretty buzzed. Okay so I may have taken a few body shots off Hailey and got myself into a chugging contest with Weston. He won, of course. But I was determined not to get wasted and it was more than time to slow things down. I had been on the lookout for my victim, the one who I would spill my dirty fantasy to, but first … I had to come up with one. I supposed it could be a fantasy I’d already experienced, if there was ever something I wanted to do or try I had done it. Why linger on what ifs? Isn’t college the time for exploration anyhow? Sure … I could take the easy way out, tell Hailey or one of the twins my fantasy, but where’s the fun in that? Lenox had been somewhat avoiding me and I was sure Weston noticed. Or maybe he was trying not to, and it left me with a hollow feeling in my belly. But I didn’t know how to fix it. *You do know,* Fanny insisted. I sighed. I knew the truth of the matt
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29 - Resigned
~Weston’s Point of View~ I really didn’t understand this dynamic between Lenox and Cade, fire and ice. But both from both of them. I hated games and bullshit, I was a straightforward person. But Lenox insisted she needed this to come around, so I held my tongue and agreed to his bullshit. I just needed us to move on with our lives and figure things out, we weren’t gonna make that happen if she was still torn on wanting us, wanting our lifestyle. I entered the bathroom, which reeked of sex and quickly locked the door. Lenox told me to pretty much be quiet and do what he said. He likened it to role playing, but I knew it was more than that. Role playing stops and this shit didn’t seem to have an end date. If it went on forever they’d make me insane. I watched as my brother grabbed a folded towel from the closet and dropped it on the floor in front of our mate. I finally took her in, her make-up was a mess and her dress was bunched up in her midsection, but she had a freshly fucked glo
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30 - Fiasco
~Lenox’s Point of View~ Maybe it had been the alcohol, but I was certain it was the fact my mate was in my bed that allowed me to sleep like a baby. Even if she was flaming pissed, even if she made me throw away the clothes I’d been wearing because they smelled faintly like Stacey. Even if Cade pretty much refused to speak to me and passed out curled up in Weston’s arms, it didn’t matter. She was in my bed, and now I knew she’d never spend another night apart from us. I wouldn’t allow it. We were marking her tonight, there was no doubt in my mind. Weston insisted we had a lot of shit to talk about, but we rode home in relative silence. I was too on edge, anxious about the conversation to come. He was a mixture of nervous and pissed. I knew he wanted to know every sordid detail of what happened with Cade and I, but I wasn’t confident I would tell him. I knew there were some things he shared privately with her, and he needed to know I would have the same. He told me when we first
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