Semua Bab Taunting The Twin Alphas: Bab 11 - Bab 20
46 Bab
11 - Who's In Control?
~Cadence’s Point of View~ “You sure,” Hailey said, in a low whisper, as she tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I tingled all over at her touch, and damn she still smelled so good! I felt two pairs of eyes on me and even though they were in the middle of the field I felt their heat. I felt their irritation. “Yeah I think I’ll … take your advice,” I said, awkwardly and not knowing what to do with my hands. “All right go get ‘em girl,” she said, and turned to run off. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t watch her lucious ass that was barely contained in those little shorts… “Hey 27, got a minute,” she yelled. I drew a deep breath and looked up to see the twins staring at me. There were easily two dozen pigskin tramps out here, and I hadn’t seen them look at a single one. It almost made me feel … made me feel like… *Seen, I feel seen. Appreciated,* Fanny said, swooning. Damn, damn it all! Is that what that is? I slowly walked toward them, and they kept their stares the e
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12 - Figure Her Out
~Weston’s Point of View~ Could this female possibly be any more beautiful? Any more sexy? Why did it turn me on to watch my brother kissing her, shouldn’t I have been jealous? Wanting to rip his throat out? *Because he makes her happy too,” my wolf said, stating the obvious. I certainly never gave a damn what he did with any other female. But Cade was nothing, nowhere even close to any other female. Whether she knew it or not she looked at us like she wanted to devour us. She looked at us like we could be minutes away from stripping each other and joining our flesh. So why weren’t we?? Lenox and I had never had sex without a condom, that would absolutely only be for our mate. There could never be a risk that we get another pregnant. So now that we’d found her, now that we knew she was ours for life, how could our bodies wait? How could our wolves wait? Well there was an easy answer for our unnecessary sexual frustration. Her mouth and her attitude needed to get out of the way. No
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13 - Under, Or Over?
~Cadence’s Point of View~ I woke up Monday morning feeling completely out of sorts. I’d had an exhausting conversation with Valerie to get more details of this auction business so that I wouldn’t sound like a blithering idiot courting rich people. I made the calls but only got to speak to two people, one of which was their football coach who was positively giddy that his star players were getting front page action in the paper. He insisted I meet up with him to get his picture with them added to the article and in exchange, I managed to convince him to also invite a few people to the auction. No one pulls the wool over my eyes, I always come out on top. I always … win and get my way. But at the same time it is a give and take, both parties walk away happy. I just had no idea how I could translate that into my personal life. This new reality I had to navigate that said I was about to lose everything I worked tirelessly for all these years. After my first class I went to the library
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14 - Turn It Around
~Cadence’s Point of View~ The guys actually left me alone all day Monday, which was quite a shock. I’d like to say I used the time to solve all of my problems but the more time I spent with myself mulling over all the possible ways this would could blow the fuck up in my face, the worse it got. I stared at my counter in disgust. I’d finished off half a loaf of Italian bread, two pieces of chicken parm and some ziti. I felt sick and about to blow out of my jeans. *And nearly a full bottle of wine,* Fanny scolded. I pulled myself off the barstool and fell onto the couch. *We need to run it off, it’s the only way you’ll feel better. We BOTH need fresh air,* Fanny insisted. “I don’t trist you,” I said, out loud and pointing to the wall. *Cade, come on! Stop being childish! You’re already slurring your words. Nothing some cool air in our hair won’t fix,* she scolded. I sat up and rubbed my face. I did feel like shit and I knew what Fanny was saying was true. I just wasn’t sure she
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15 - Shift
~Cadence’s Point of View~ “Fuck it’s hot in here. Why is the heat on,” I mumbled as I popped open my eyes. Flesh. With a little light brown chest hair mixed in. I gaped at my hand, resting on said chest and scowled. “Reporter wakes up in the middle of her own news story hell, stay tuned for Mother’s Day gift ideas.” I moved slightly and felt an arm fall off my back. Their light snores continued uninterrupted. Shit, how am I going to get them out of here? My eyes rolled around the room and I suddenly realized I was not in MY apartment. Aw fuck me! They took me to THEIR house?? Was I about to be seen doing a walk of SHAME from the green house of testosterone I’d always desperately avoided? AND I HAD NONE OF MY OWN CLOTHES HERE?? Could this be ANY worse?? I closed my eyes and cursed myself. Then I had a brief moment of clarity and rolled my foot around. Still sore but I could walk. No, no no no! I couldn’t let anyone see me leave here, and like this? Seriously my WORST nightma
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16 - Dominant
~Lenox’s Point of View~ Fuck this girl has no clue what she does to me! She gets me all revved up, hot and bothered with just a look, just her smug as hell face. Females never have that level of confidence around me. Cade didn’t give a shit what was in my bank account, what I drove or what I bought her. So what the hell would I do for our date? I had no idea and only a day to figure it out. I was actually half tempted to ask my mom for advice, which was really out of character for me. But Cade was hardly someone I could impress with flashy shit, and that’s how my mom was too. Cade wasn’t simple though, she wouldn’t be happy with a stroll in the woods while I pick her flowers. I didn’t know much about what Weston was doing, only that he’d put a ton of thought into it, he was consumed. He said this was his first impression, his real one. He wanted to try and hit a reset button with her, whereas all I wanted to do was grease her wheels. I wanted to push her to the brink of insanity u
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17 - Unexpected
~Cadence’s Point of View~ After the weird ass phone call this morning I got my head back in the game and had a chat with Valerie. She was so into the idea of being auctioned now she was pulling out all the stops. She had us booked with hair and make-up Saturday afternoon but said I would be calling the shots and telling them what to do. She had us booked tomorrow to visit a boutique and get gowns, shoes, etc. I was of course going to offer to pay but I was more than certain anything she was picking out was out of my price range. I was absolutely not willing to max out my credit card for this shindig. All in all, I was in good spirits. I was trying to keep an open mind about my date with Weston, especially since he was clearly the lesser of the two evils. *Well it doesn’t hurt that we had an amazing night’s sleep, nestled with our mates where we belong, where we should have been every night for the past few nights,* Fanny huffed. I couldn’t in any way deny that I had, in fact, had
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18 - Turmoil
~Weston’s Point of View~ When Cade first put her hands on me in the car I honestly wasn’t totally sure if she was hitting me or what. But when she nearly devoured me like a praying mantis my body just fucking reacted like I’d never felt. It was pure electricity and I’d never felt more alive. My hot as hell mate groped me like her life depended on my touch, my lips on her… hell I nearly came in my pants when she moaned, her body slightly vibrating with need. I can’t even begin to imagine what the real thing will be like, but if all goes well tonight I’ll at least get a taste. Fuck I’m a junkie needing a Cadence fix. *Hell yeah! We need more of that! More, more and more, all night,* Everett begged. This was the first time she really showed a physical interest in me, and I begged the goddess to let her good mood continue. Give us this night care-free and perfect. Let Cade just be herself, no pressure, no stress. Just us and the fresh ocean air. I was pulling out all the stops, being
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19 - Cheek To Cheek
~Cadence’s Point of View~ Fucking hell. Not only was Weston getting me to open up and be the carefree girl I rarely let out, he was getting to me… to my heart. Just a couple hours and he’d managed to change my view of him, would it revert back once Lenox was around? I just didn’t know. Hell MY MOOD might likely revert back when Lenox is around. But seeing him with that pup, and how the mom looked at him … it was too much. Seeing how much pride was in her eyes, the fulfillment that she got out of Weston taking two minutes out of his day to address her, and help her child… I knew without a doubt both Vivian and her daughter would remember that moment, tell everyone about it. Fanny was losing her shit, demanding I tell the female I was their Luna and happy to help. That she know her Luna was a good she-wolf and proud of her mate’s dedication to the pack. I had no idea who her mate was or what he was doing though, and I didn’t want to seem insincere. Weston also just looked so… natural
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20 - Dreaming Of Her Mouth
~Weston’s Point of View~ Goddess please let this all be real, permanently real. Cade had shown me so much of herself tonight, she let herself be vulnerable. Something I didn’t think would happen but it was, and it was more than I could have ever imagined. I didn't chase women, I never had to. They offered themselves up to me and I decided if they were worth it or not but this one I wanted nothing more than to trap underneath me and hold forever. When we met her I thought my days of chasing tail were long over. But she made us chase her, and I feel … I feel like I caught her. But could Lenox? Fucking Lenox. I tried not to waste brain power on him tonight. Not while we ran around each other in the low surf and flicked water at each other. Not even when she fell and then faked being hurt so she could pull me down with her. If Lenox fucked up all the progress I made with her, I may just have to kill him. I’d had my best pal Chase, and future Beta, put one of my high end cameras in the
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