Semua Bab The Alpha's Mistake: Bab 131 - Bab 137
137 Bab
Christian was presently in Doris’ house, he had engaged his men in creating a surprise for Miriam. Everywhere seemed decorated with balloons and expensive flowers. “Are you ready?” Christian asked his men. “Yes sir,” they both responded while wiping their hands with napkins.“Miriam would be here, are your hand's clean guys?” Christian asked them both.“Yes, of course, sir!” They responded yet again. “Okay good,” he said. “Oh wow,” The voice of Doris came the moment they walked towards the decorated area. “What is that?” Doris said all happy and cheerful.“I can’t believe this,” she kept saying while Miriam and her sister trudged from behind. “What have you gotten for us, oh wow!” Doris exclaimed in surprise. “Isn’t this too much for us, can I have some?” Doris asked, staring at the variety of food.“Sure!” The men answered. “What’s this for Christian?” Miriam questioned the moment they were both facing each other.“I heard that your marriage to Carlos has just been annulled,
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“Doris, please take care of Henry while I’m away. Okay!” Miriam said, grabbing her bag to leave the house.“Sure, I would make sure that he gets his bath,” Doris said but their little discussion was interrupted when Eleanor walked inside followed by Christian and the lawyer. “Miriam, you have got a guest,” Eleanor informed her sister before she could leave. “Miriam, Carlos had done something through a high source of justice!” Christian voiced.“And what’s that?” Miriam asked.“Based on everything that the lawyer had gotten from the court, it says that Carlos has already admitted the incident to you and that you have forgiven him before you even got married!” Christian voiced out and that had left Miriam’s mouth to hang open. “But that’s not true, he merely even told me that he was the one who had violated me. Oh my Goodness!” Miriam said, rubbing her forehead. “That’s a great defense!” Christian voiced out.“Your ex-husband is such a liar,” Doris said, wiggling her head in shame.
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It was late at night but Carlos didn't mind as he drove to Miriam's apartment with his friend Jeffery tagging along. The streets were quiet and the city lights cast a dim glow on the deserted sidewalks."Carlos, hey, it's late!" Jeffery said the moment they arrived in front of Miriam's apartment."Miriam might think you are here to kidnap Henry!" Jeffery added and Carlos would have chuckled at his statement if things were alright. "I just want to see Henry and not cause trouble!" Carlos said. He glanced at Jeffery, who was looking slightly worried."I understand your concern, Jeffery," Carlos replied, trying to reassure his friend. "But you know how much Henry means to me." Carlos added.Jeffery nodded reluctantly, understanding the depth of Carlos's feelings for his son. "I get it, man. We can do this tomorrow. Why don't we go home and come back!" Jeffrey said.Carlos hesitated for a moment, torn between his eagerness to see his son and Jeffery's valid concerns. He knew Jeffery was
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After leaving Miriam's apartment, Carlos couldn't go back home. He had driven to the bar to drink his pains away.Carlos sat in his car with his friend, parked outside the bar, feeling a mix of emotions after leaving Miriam's apartment. He had hoped for a different outcome, but the conversation he had with his son had left him with a heavy heart. Unable to face the solitude of his empty home, he sought solace in the familiar comfort of the bar.As he stepped out of the car, the cool night air enveloped him, causing him to shiver slightly. With a deep sigh, he walked towards the entrance with Jeffrey beside him, the dimly lit sign above casting a faint glow on the pavement. The sound of laughter and music seeped through the door, a stark contrast to the somberness that weighed on his mind.Pushing open the heavy wooden door, Carlos entered the bar and was immediately greeted by a wave of noise and the scent of alcohol. The room was filled with customers engaged in energetic conversa
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Meanwhile, Gina and her son walked inside the company, they discussed. "I thought that you weren't joining the press conference?" Gina questioned while she held her expensive purse tightly. Carlos looked up at her with a serious expression. "I just thought that it was best I keep myself busy because it takes my mind off Miriam." He replied. "By the way, regarding your court case. You don't have to worry about it because I promise to do everything for the court to dismiss your case, okay?" Gina told her son. Carlos nodded, a mixture of gratitude and worry on his face. "Thanks, Mom. I appreciate your support, but I can't shake off the feeling that things might not go as smoothly as we hope. The evidence against me seems pretty strong."Gina sighed and placed a reassuring hand on Carlos's shoulder. "I understand your concerns, Carlos. But we have a good legal team working on your case, and I trust that they'll do everything they can to prove your innocence. We'll fight this together,
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While Carlos was being taken to the station, the media wouldn't stop at no chance but to get a video of him. Carlos's mother, in a state of distress, had immediately reached out to the biggest lawyer she knew as soon as Carlos was being taken to the station. She understood the gravity of the situation and wanted to ensure that Carlos received the best legal representation possible.The lawyer, renowned for their expertise and reputation, agreed to meet Carlos and his mother at the police station. As they arrived, the media swarmed around them, eager to capture any glimpse or statement from Carlos. Reporters and cameraman jostled for positions, trying to get the perfect shot or interview.The lawyer, well-versed in handling high-profile cases, guided Carlos and his mother through the chaotic scene, shielding them from the intrusive media.They swiftly made their way into the station, where they could discuss the details of the case in a more private setting."Attorney, what are we
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Miriam had gotten home to notice her sister and friend watching the news. "You are here Miriam," Doris said the moment she noticed her friend. "Hey," Eleanor simply said."I'm glad that you are home because Carlos has just been arrested by the police!" She blurted out while Miriam gaze was fixed to the television. Miriam's heart skipped a beat as she turned her attention to the television. The news anchor's voice filled the room, reporting on the arrest of Carlos, a name she recognized so well. The screen displayed footage of a man being led away in handcuffs by police officers."I honestly had no idea that he would be handcuffed in front of everybody," Miriam said, a little bit guilty. Miriam's voice trembled as she spoke, the weight of the situation sinking in. "Well, I think that's good. That way, other criminals like him would know exactly what would happen to them when they do similar things." Doris said with no remorse.Miriam nodded slowly, her mind racing with a mix of e
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