

While Carlos was being taken to the station, the media wouldn't stop at no chance but to get a video of him.

Carlos's mother, in a state of distress, had immediately reached out to the biggest lawyer she knew as soon as Carlos was being taken to the station.

She understood the gravity of the situation and wanted to ensure that Carlos received the best legal representation possible.

The lawyer, renowned for their expertise and reputation, agreed to meet Carlos and his mother at the police station. As they arrived, the media swarmed around them, eager to capture any glimpse or statement from Carlos.

Reporters and cameraman

jostled for positions, trying to get the perfect shot or interview.

The lawyer, well-versed in handling high-profile cases, guided Carlos and his mother through the chaotic scene, shielding them from the intrusive media.

They swiftly made their way into the station, where they could discuss the details of the case in a more private setting.

"Attorney, what are we
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