All Chapters of Taming the Big Bad Alpha: Chapter 301 - Chapter 310
324 Chapters
Pack Initiation II
Olivera’s cheek colored in embarrassment as she heard Raul’s drawled words in her mind. She was more than grateful that he wasn’t looking at her. His eyes were rather on his blood trickling down into the cup. First thing when she got to the confines of her room, would be to ask Vee for help in blocking her thoughts from Raul. “Who is Vee?” Olivera clenched her teeth. “Get out of my head! Can't you observe the rule of privacy?” There was no answer to that. She sighed in relief when she felt his presence no more. At least he had respected her decision. “Okay, it is ready.” Raul gave the cup to Jeremy first. And after he chanted the ritual words of acceptance into the pack, Jeremy took a little more than a sip from the cup, before handing the cup to Olivera. Olivera hesitated, the cup feeling heavy in her hands by each passing moment. “Take the drink, Olivera, so that I can chant the remaining words, which would begin the transition.” Olivera heard Raul’s words, but her mind w
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Olivera woke with a pounding headache, which dissipated when she felt a hand ruffle her hair. She sighed in satisfaction, keeping her eyes closed, shifting her head and body the more towards the source of comfort. That moment ceased though, when she perceived the scent of her benefactor. Raul. Instantly, she opened her eyes, and confirming her worst fears, shoved him out of her side with her whole strength, unperturbed when he landed his buttocks on the floor. She had pushed him out of his bed. She had realized with a sudden jerk. She knew this because after the push, she had taken in the royal colors of the room, and the hanging canopy over the bed. “What am I doing here?” She looked beneath the covers. Her clothes were still intact. Thank the goddess. But where was Jeremy? She thought, ransacking her mind for what had happened, her mouth dropping open in amazement when she remembered that she had fainted from the pain of transition. Was her body that frail? And if she had fai
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White Lies
Olivera angrily tried to slither out of Raul’s hold but all her efforts were futile. The man was like a boulder rock that refused to be moved, and when she met his gaze with undisguised annoyance, he was staring at her with an intensity that made her toes curl, and her heart to begin to beat out of rhythm. She swallowed nothing and looked elsewhere. Damn them both. She wasn’t up for these games. “Okay, I have heard you. I will stay in the room. Now, can you let me go to my room? My head is still playing around, and I think I am still sleepy. I am curious though. Why do you want me back in the opposing room? I thought I was banished from that area.” Her words were strained, the best she could manage in his hold. A sigh of relief escaped her mouth when Raul backed away from her, a relief that wasn’t shortened either by his grunt at her disapproval of his presence, or by the looks that he was bestowing her with. Now what? “Yeah, I thought so too, until I had felt your presence there
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White Lies II
Raul swore when Olivera left his room, before finding home in his bed, his arms across his chest, as he began to wonder what to do with the situation that he had gotten himself into. Fight or flee. He wondered while shutting down the area of his mind which haunted him about the killings in his territory. After some minutes of making some debate and deductions which really weren't going anywhere, he tried communicating to Olivera through the mind path. He had forgotten to ask her how she had managed to learn the mind communication and barricading without a wolf. Of course she would ignore him again. No harm in trying though, is there? “Are you still awake?” He heard the thrumming of aliveness, and knew that she was awake-her mind defenses were still up and strong as ever. But she gave him no answer. She paid his question no heed, just as he had thought. Sighing wearingly, he let it go. There was enough time to play games with her. Right now, he should focus on the dire matter at
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Strange Dream
Olivera was dreaming. A woman’s despairing cry echoed in Olivera’s soul, tearing at her, reprimanding her, drawing her back from the edge of a great precipice. And she was starving. Every cell in her body craved food and something else, something she couldn’t lay her finger on. She was somewhere underground. The hunger raked at her with merciless claws until a red haze covered her sight and her pulse hammered with the need for immediate sustenance. Desperate, she scanned the area above her resting place for the presence of enemies and, finding none, burst through the rich layers of soil, into the air, her heart thundering in her ears, her mind screaming. She landed in a crouch in the midst of dense shrubbery and thick vegetation, and took a slow, careful look around her, not in the least concerned about how she could jump out from the ground.For a moment, everything was wrong-monkeys shrieking, birds calling out a warning, the cough of a larger predator, even the brush of lizard
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Strange Dream II
Drops of blood leaked like tears, trailing down Olivera’s face to her surprise as she squinted to try to control the sensation of pitching and rolling as she viewed the rainforest. Emotions poured in. She tasted dark fear, something she hadn’t known since she met Jeremy.What was going on? Olivera fought to get on top of the strange tumbling of jumbled thoughts in her mind. She pushed hard to clear away the debris and focus on what she knew of her past. Fire burned through her insides, spreading rapidly as something like poison worked its way through her system. Blood ran in rivers and light faded quickly. She heard voices calling, chanting, and felt someone reaching for her to try to hold her to earth. She found herself in a shadowy realm, banshees wailing, shadows flickering and reaching. Skeletons. Dark spiked teeth. Talons. Spiders and cockroaches. Snakes hissing. The skeletons are drawing closer and closer until…She closed her mind to her surroundings, to all shared pathway
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Strange Dream III
Had she committed so great a sin that Raul had left her? Was that why the unfamiliar grief turned her heart to such a heavy stone? Around her, the faces slowly dissolved as the forms blurred even more, until they were only wailing shadows and the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach eased, even as her hunger grew beyond craving. She had a mate. She clung to that truth. Beautiful. Perfect. A man born to be her mate. Born for her. Olivera shuddered as voices in her head once again grew louder, drowning out the sounds of the jungle. Little flashes of pain grew behind her eyes, burning and burning until she felt her eyes boiling. Where was Raul then? Had he deserted her? The questions crowded in fast and loud, mixing with the voices until she wanted to hit her head against the nearest tree trunk. The inside of her brain seemed on fire, as did every organ in her body. Her heart nearly burst in her chest, and she sank down into the fertile soil where she had lain, trying to sort ou
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Strange Dream IV
Olivera pulled herself up to her full height, forced her body to stand straight when her gut clenched and knotted. Her body felt different, more leaden, clumsy even. As she shifted onto the balls of her feet, she felt the tremors start. "You chose your fate, dead one. I was merely the instrument of justice." She stated.The heads were thrown back on the long, thin stick necks, and howls rent the air. Above them, birds lifted from the canopy, taking flight at the horrible cacophony of shrieks rising in volume. The sound jarred her body, making her insides turn to gel. A trick, she was certain. She knew in her heart her life was over. There were too many to kill-but she would take as many with her as possible to rid the world of such dangerous and immoral creatures. The mage must have found a way to resurrect the dead. She whispered the information in her head, needing her mother to send a warning to the prince that armies of the dead would be once again rising against them."You a
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Strange Dream V
The jungle erupted into an explosion of sound as the two cats came together. Birds screamed and took to the air, high in the canopy above. Monkeys shrieked warnings and threw twigs and leaves down on the two jaguars as they rolled in the vegetation. Boughs broke beneath the heavy bodies, scattering debris into a thick cloud around them.Olivera pushed past the red rage in the cat’s mind and tried to find the spirit of the animal as she kept its lethal fangs from sinking into her. Jaguars possessed extremely flexible spines that allowed them to turn and twist, move their legs in lateral sideswipes, even change direction in midair. And the ropes of muscles all over their bodies gave them tremendous strength. She took another vicious rake on her side as she tried to focus on calming the cat. She pushed harder, breaking through the wall of rage and found-man. This was no jaguar. This was one of the rare and solitary jaguar-men who still made their homes in the rain forest. Her and the
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Strange Dream VI
Olivera backed off, not wanting to rouse the ire of the cat any further. The animal was shaking, fur wet and dark as its sides heaved. The man was beginning to lose the battle for control of the beast. "You have been touched by the vampire," She said, her voice low and carrying the ring of truth. "I can try to aid you to rid yourself of the poisonous influence, but it will fight to keep ahold of you." And it would leave her vulnerable to attack, perhaps even from the jaguar. It was a risk, not even a good one, but Olivera felt compelled to help. The jaguar species, both man and beast, was losing the battle for existence just as her specie was. Tied to the jaguar now by blood, she could feel his alarm. He was no young man, cocky and full of bravado; he was old enough to know the danger of the vampire, and he had been questioning what was happening among his kind for some time. The cat crouched low and nodded the broad head, the gaze shifting from him to their surroundings, as mindfu
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