All Chapters of The Coven of the Crow and Shadows : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
Chapter 11- Zane
I didn't mean to come off cold, but my irritation is getting to me. I didn’t think it would be so fucking hard. Just when I think Ari’s walls are coming down, she puts them back up. She hasn’t even been here for forty-eight hours, and I’m already losing my cool with her. I can’t even really be that annoyed with her. Her world just got turned upside down. She doesn't know me and doesn't understand our bond yet. Everything is so new to her, and she probably has more questions than she’s ever had before about her family, pack, and her wolf. I immediately regret my reaction. Deciding I need to work out my frustrations and get my head on straight. I hit Liam up for a drink. He owes me answers, and he knows it. I manipulate the shadows as they come around me to teleport me to the human realm. Once there, I head to the town near Liam’s pack. I hop into my black Dodg
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Chapter 12- Ari
Zane left in a hurry. I could tell he wasn’t happy that I acted like I didn’t like what happened. I’m surprised that I did. I feel like I’m spiraling out of control. I don't know if I can just fall for him so blindly, but damn, was the kiss amazing. I thought I’d been kissed before, but I’ve never been kissed like that. Zane had a point, what else will I like doing with him? Sleeping in his bed was nice. Training today was the most fun Sasha or I have ever had. My heart swells thinking about how he was with Sasha. For the first time in my life, I had someone look at my wolf with admiration and love. I didn’t have to be ashamed that I was different. I wasn’t expecting Sasha to want to emerge like she did. She saw the shadows around me as a way to transform privately. Sasha was itching to get out, so I let her. She was so happy to be free, and so was I. I
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Chapter 13- Ari
On the way to the dining hall, through the maze of the damn mansion, Zane tells me I look beautiful, and my heart melts at his words. I feel like a high school girl whose crush just noticed her for the first time as the butterflies dance in my stomach. No one has ever had this effect on me, never. My mouth drops when we enter the dining hall. Long tables with benches are lined up in perfect rows. The back of the room has a large table where Cade, Blair, and another man, who I assume is Zane’s dad, are sitting. The stained glass windows are beautiful, depicting the grim reaper, crows, skulls, tombs, and shadows. There is a large chandelier overhead with skulls with candles inside them. Zane and I walk to the large table. The older gentleman stands. He’s wearing a fancy black velvet robe. His short white hair and short trimmed white beard
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Chapter 14-Zane
Waking from my deep sleep, I find Ari snuggled against me again. I don’t think she means to, but I’m not complaining. Her close to me is something I enjoy, even if she is being difficult and stubborn. It’s been a week since she’s been here. She is doing well with training, but she is still resistant to me. Sometimes she succumbs to the bond, and in others, she acts like she doesn’t feel it all. It’s beyond frustrating. I’m trying to have patience with her, but damn, is it hard sometimes. Her bed that I ordered still hasn’t come. My brother and Blair deny their involvement, but I know they are meddling. I want to yell at Cade that not all of us have familiars that bend to our will right away. I know they think they are helping, but I’m not sure they are. Ari hasn’t seemed to mind sleeping in my bed. Every night she starts on the opposite side
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Chapter 15-Zane
Heading back to my room, I find Ari coming out of the bathroom dressed for training. “Good morning, Master.” She greets with a smile.  “Morning, Pet. Why are you so chipper this morning?” I asked skeptically. My dad, I can get. Mom’s coming home, and that makes us all happy. However, Ari is in a good mood that I don’t know about.  “I slept well last night. Actually, I’ve slept better in the last week than I have in my whole life. Maybe I was just grumpy because I didn’t know what real sleep was.” She says, shrugging her shoulders.  I chuckle at her words. If only sleep were why she was grumpy, then half my issues wouldn’t be so bad. “I’ll work on getting your bed today,” I assure her. I’ve been saying that since she came home with me. I can’t help Blair and Cade are meddling in my relationship. I’v
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Chapter 16-Ari
“Get up, Ari. You will be late for school.” I heard my mom call to me. I groan. Not another damn day at that hell hole, I thought to myself. Glancing at the clock, it’s seven am. Who the fuck gets up this early for school? Who even bothers getting out of bed? If I had it my way, I’d never leave my room. What’s the point? I’m a freak. One more year, and I’ll be eighteen. Maybe then I can be free. I don't know where I’d go. If I left the pack, I’d be a rouge, but perhaps that’s better. You’d think being a damn werewolf was terrific, that my life would be interesting, but it's not. It’s mundane. I’m bullied at every chance. Even with Sage being a friend, it’s still not good enough to save me from the bullies. Sage is also wishy-washy. When no one is around, I’m he
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Chapter 17-Ari
“You alright, Pet?” Zane asks, breaking my thoughts. He’s standing at the edge of the bed in his training clothes. “Yeah, fine. You know I’m not a morning person.” I grumble, deflecting my feelings. I can’t bring myself to open up to Zane. I’ve tried. I just can’t seem to break down the wall I built around myself. The wall that I never realized I put up around myself. I’m so used to defending myself against everyone that it’s hard to trust. I’m too afraid to trust. I don’t think I’ve ever really trusted anyone before. I didn’t trust my parents because I knew they kept shit from me. I thought I trusted Sage, but I realize I never really did. I always secretly questioned her friendship, but I could never admit that she meant more to me than I did to her. I didn&r
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Chapter 18- Ari
Zara seems like a total badass and someone who can make her master work for what she wants. I’m not sure I’m that much of a badass. I’d like to think I could be, but I don’t know. My confidence is gone again as I struggle to process my trauma and life. Everything is fucked up in so many ways. I’m questioning everything I know. I hate that  I’m lost and confused. Maybe training with Zara isn’t a bad idea. Perhaps I don't like training in my human form with the guys because I’m afraid of what they will do if they beat me in the fight. After all, the males of my pack sure enjoyed beating my ass, and if they thought I didn’t see their lustful stares, they were wrong. I saw how the males looked at me. Sage's brother took advantage of me, and I see that now. Fuck did that whole damn pack take advantage of me, and why was I so blind to see it? Fuck me; I’m overthinking again. 
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Chapter 19-Ari
Dinner is full of fun conversations. Zara is clearly the life of the party and the one who keeps all these grumpy men happy. I know Zara keeps Blaine happy. Somehow, I feel like they are still very much sexually active. Zara is blatantly flirting with Blaine. Zane and Cade groan several times throughout dinner for their parents to get a room. I chuckle to myself when they do it. Even Blair seems amused by it. It’s pretty funny watching Zara and Blaine torment their sons with their flirting and sexual comments.  By the time dinner is over, Zane and Cade have entirely given up on their parents. Zane makes some cranky comment about at least someone is getting laid tonight. Man, how long has he gone without it? I honestly assumed he fucked someone the night before he came to my pack. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but I assume he had sex within the last year, at least a few months. Zane is good look
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Chapter 20- Ari
A month has passed, and I’m getting more confident with my training. Zara has been training me for the most part. Zane has slowly started coming and working with us for a bit. Zara has been fantastic with helping me get comfortable fighting in my human form and is now helping me gain comfortability with changing from human to wolf form and back while in combat. I was apprehensive at first, not happy about getting naked to transform and then to transform back, but then I learned Zane could wrap me in shadows. So when it comes time for me to transform, Zane covers me in shadows. I can strip and transform without anyone seeing me naked. Even when I go back to human form, he wraps me in the shadows and uses them to put my clothes back on. It’s pretty damn cool, but it takes practice. We have it almost perfectly, but it was rough getting to that point. I ended up naked and exposed a few times,
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