All Chapters of Reclaiming my love- A that supurses time: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
91 Chapters
Chapter 30 - Double Down
“So, how did it go?” Kane asks glancing at me from the driver’s seat and he quickly looks back at the road. “What did you guys talk about?” He adds nervously. I look out the window going through the conversation I had with the mother of his child. She said so much more after we talked about Junior. She gave me insight into the type of father Kane is. It was beautiful to hear how present he was even though he was all the way across the world. It wasn't easy for either of them but they made it work. Her words tugged at my heart because of my pregnancy. I've always known he's meant to be a great father but I can't say I'm not nervous. He’s very demanding you know. She said at one point. Kane I mean. She added. He’s the type of man that wants what he wants when he wants it. “We talked about Junior,” I say when I realize I’ve been silent for too long. “She wanted to make sure that I’m in this for the right reasons,” I say looking back at him.He looks at me for a split second and looks
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Chapter 31 - Mine
3 am the next morningI feel Shalom toss and turn next to me. I reach out my hand and touch her back. The moment we make contact my body warms up. I smile at how easily turned on I am by her.“You’re okay baby?” I ask moving my body towards her. My cock makes contact with her ass and it takes everything in me not to grind into her.I know I said I wasn’t going to make love to her until she fully accepts our love but I don’t think I can survive that long. I am desperate for her, my body craves her.My breath hitches as she grinds her ass into me. She moans softly as she feels my hard cock. My body haters up in anticipation of being with her.I want her with every fiber of my being.She moves away from me and I breathe in grateful she had the strength to stop because I don’t think I can.I feel her moving around and I resist the urge to turn on the light so I can see what she’s doing.My answer comes when she reaches back, grabbing my hand. I move close to her as she guides it between h
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Chapter 32 - Family
"I want to start by apologizing for the way things played out." I say when Shalom's mom sits on the sofa in front of mine, She hasn't said anything since I worked through the door 15 minutes ago. She asked her daughter to give us a moment to talk, made us some tea and here we are looking at each other awkwardly. Idon't have the words to express how sorry I am for making her daughter pregnant before marrying her. She probably thinks I'm a dead beat that is going to leave her child with a baby. I had nightmares about this very moment last night. I dreamed she cussed me out, chased me out of her house and made Shalom promise she will never see me again. My heart is in my throat right now. Everything is on the line right now. I want this to go right. I can't lose the love of my life and my child. "Oh?" She says not really giving me anythig to work with. She's not as open as she was the last time we had lunch together. And I understand why, thereason for our meeting today is life alterin
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Chapter 33 - Unearthed
"How are you feeling?" I ask Kane when he walks out of the bathroom and he sits on the far side of the bed. He hasn't said much since we got home from my house to see my mother. I don't know what they talked about and I don't know if I want to ask. If I'm being truthful, I've been dreading their conversation since I told my mother I was pregnant. I know she's happy for and she will love my baby no matter what but... My mother wanted me to have a traditional life. She wanted me to go to school, get a job, meet a man, get married, and then have a baby. For as long as I can remember she warned me about getting pregnant when I'm not "stable"We haven't really had a conversation about it but I know she's disappointed in my choices right now. And my fear is that she might not say it to me but she might say it to Kane. And his mood right now is not giving me any peace. I'm terrified of the things she said to him. I'm afraid to find out that the conversation didn't go so well. I'm afraid
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Chapter 34 - Unsure
Six months later "Wow, Hi mommy. You look good" Jay says when I walk through the door.  I smile at the look on his face. He's looking at me like he's seeing me for the first time. I unconsciously rub my belly, he's seeing me for the first time wityh my belly this big and I can tell it's a shock. I am showing now and people haven't been shy to let me know I look pregnant."Hi" I say shyly, leaving him at the door. I walk into the living room and sit at one of the sofas. A memory of the night I saw Kane pops into my mind. That is the night my life changed. Had he not invited me to that get  together, I wouldn't be pregnant or dating Kane for that matter. "How are you feeling?" He asks smiling at me. "Can I get you anything?" He says and I shake my head no. He sits on the sofa next to mine and he stares at me. "I feel different." I say and he nods a huge smile plasterred on his face. "I can imagine, y
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Chapter 35 - No
I stare at the beautiful woman sitting in front of me. My heart starts racing. I still can't get over the fact that she's carrying my baby. "Hi" She says so softly I almost miss it. I love how soft and delicate when she becomes when she sees me. Her feminine energy recharges me. "I missed you." I say and she looks at me confused. This is the firt time she's given that look since we reconnected. I hold myself from frowning. maybe she's having an off day."You did?" She asks taking me by surprise. Why would she be confused by that? "Yes. I came here to take you home with me." I say taking a step closer to her, as soon as she told me she's coming here I knew I had to come get my woman. I was excited to see her tonight but I must admit, this is not the reaction I expected. She blinks at me a few times and I can see the machine in her head running, I don't know what's going on with her but I don't like it. Every time she starts t
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Chapter 36 - "Old friends"
"Are you going to answer that?" I ask Kane when his phone rings over and over in his car. It's been ringing for a while, whoever wants to get a hold of him really needs to. He's driving us to his house. I left my car at Jay's house so we he can drive us home. I was greateful when he suggested that we he drives becuase I don't think I could have driven mysel. I was so shaky and emotional a few minutes ago.  I didn't want to be in the same place as him in that moment. I hate to admit it but I was feeling like there was no way we could be close again. It was over for me. But now that we're here, I'm happy again. I miss  being close to him. "Yeah," He says and he presses the answer buttomn."Hey...Are you okay?" Olive says and her voice fills the entire car. I feel the sound vibrate in my chest. I feel my breath get heavy. When did they start talking to each other again? Or they never stopped. "Or are you at work? Oh, I didn't think of that," S
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Chapter 37 - Flood gates
"Shalom, can we talk about this?" I say following her into the bathroom. She hasn't said a word to me since I ended that call with Olive. I'm freaking out. I don't know what to do or say. I want to know what she's thinking. Well, I have an idea because she was crying but..."No!" She states taking her toothbrush and toothpaste. I watch her put the toothpaste on the brush and she starts to brush her teeth without another word. Her eyes have so much pain behind them. She's never looked at me like that."No? What do you mean no?" I ask when she says nothing. She turns around bending over the sink. "We need to talk. We haven't talked about anything in a long time." I say and watch her continue to brush her teeth ignoring me. When she's done, she gets started on her skincare. Still, she says nothing to me. "Are you going to pretend I'm not talking to you?" I ask looking at her in the mirror. She sighs deeply but still, she says nothing. I sta
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Chapter 38 - Call me Out
"You look like crap," Junior's mother says when I walk into her kitchen. I sit on the bar stool on the island and sigh. She's right, the past two weeks have been a horror show. Shalom is not really talking to me. She asked for some space to think and I had to give it to her. I'm in no position to demand otherwise. "Thanks" I say and she looks at me concerned. She comes to sit on the stool in front of me. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asks after a beat. "I don't know," I say and she frowns. "You still don't talk to anyone about your struggles huh?" She says and my conversation with Shalom hits me like a train. I didn't talk to her and now we're here. The sad part is that we were waiting for me to talk to her. For a whole six months, she was patiently waiting for me to come to her and I never did, instead, I went to my ex. "Did I do that when we were together?" I ask even though I know
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Chapter 39 - Choices
A few hours later: Kane and Junior's mother are sitting in her living room Kane decided to stay for dinner. The thought of going home is not appealing since he's going to an empty house."Do you think she's coming tomorrow?" Junior's mother asks me for the 100th time today. And every time she asks me my heart breaks a little bit. I don't know if she's coming or not and I'm afraid to ask her.Things are different now. She's mad at me, she's not really talking to me, so I don't know. She made a promise to my son that she'd show up to his regional final soccer game months ago. This is before I decide to be an ass and make her feel left out. The game is tomorrow so we still have 24 hours to figure out what to do. I could tell Junior to not expect her to show, to avoid disappointment. But I don't know if I want to have that conversatio
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