All Chapters of Scoundrel With A Noble Heart : Chapter 91 - Chapter 96
96 Chapters
Chapter 91
The Duke of Vermont paused just inside the doorway, surveying his unexpected guests. A young, attractive couple, clad in disheveled clothes, gawked at him, too stunned to offer a polite greeting."Have we met?" His question jolted them from their stupor.Marguerite and Jacob exchanged a bewildered glance, neither able to offer an immediate answer. The man standing before them was a mirror image of Matthew, a mature version with the same build and nearly identical face. The same eyes, an impossibly rare shade of blue, the same nose, the same strong jawline – It was Matthew's face, aged to perfection. Even his voice, a deep, rich rumble, echoed Matthew's own, the only difference being his mane of silver hair, a stark contrast to Matthew's raven locks.A beat of awkward silence passed before Jacob finally spoke, "Forgive me, Your Grace," he hesitated, "There's a... a certain resemblance we noticed between you and someone we know.""A resemblance, you say?" the Duke inquired, a hint of a
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Chapter 92
At the bottom, the butler materialized to guide them to the dining room, where the Duke and the duchess awaited. The duchess, a ravishing woman in her early forties, rose from her seat to welcome them. "I've heard the fascinating story about your connection to my husband's long-lost brother. What an incredible stroke of luck! The two of you are a real godsend!""Your Grace, you are far too kind," Marguerite replied, attempting a curtsy despite the duchess' attempt to stop her."Nonsense with formalities, Miss Goddard. Marguerite, may I call you that?""Of course, Your Grace," Marguerite said with a touch of amusement. "Just call me Maggie.""Then Maggie it is," the duchess declared, a warm smile gracing her lips. "And you, my dear, may call me Ava."Despite their recent acquaintance, Marguerite felt an inexplicable kinship with the duchess. As their conversation flowed, the duchess divulged a curious story."Years before my husband even knew he had a brother," she began, a hint of so
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Chapter 93
When Marguerite entered the dining room later, a hint of vanilla and cinnamon danced in the air, mingling with the sweet perfume of the crimson roses that adorned the table's center. A dozen candles flickered softly, their warm glow painting the brick walls with the shimmering light of a thousand fireflies. The soft crackle of the fireplace added a comforting soundtrack to the ambiance. Linen napkins lay folded beside gleaming silverware, the perfect finishing touch to this romantic setting.Across the room, Jacob awaited her at a small round table draped in a snowy tablecloth. As she approached, he rose to his feet with a flourish, pulling out her chair with a practiced ease. His chivalrous demeanor fit perfectly with his previous image as a master of seduction.Yet, Marguerite had discovered a glimpse of something deeper beneath his carefree facade. Tonight, determined to explore this hidden side, Marguerite settled into her seat, anticipation simmering in the candlelit air. She pic
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Chapter 94
The next day, late in the afternoon, Jacob led Marguerite on a winding tour of the estate. As they strolled the stone path in the garden, Marguerite tilted her head up, admiring the towering trees above them. Sunlight dappled through the leaves, casting shifting patterns on the ground. "Jake, I've heard rumors about your far-flung voyage across Europe and the Middle East, is that true?" Marguerite broke the silence. Her question sounded innocent, but a flicker of something in her eyes betrayed a deeper curiosity."Indeed," he replied, "There was even a year where I barely touched home soil.""The allure of the unknown, experiencing new cultures and faces, it must be intoxicating," Her voice trailed off, her gaze flickering to his face, searching for a deeper emotion beneath the surface."But have you ever missed home amidst your adventures?"A flicker of sadness, as fleeting as a shooting star, crossed his features before a wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Perhaps the thr
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Chapter 95
Dear readers, please let me know if you're happy with the way the story is progressing. You are welcome to share your opinion and give me suggestions. Thank you and know that every comment you leave is a valuable input for me."Not a bad sight," she murmured. "Not a bad sight at all."A slight frown creased his brows then his lips curved into a knowing smile."Seems you've found a more captivating view closer by," he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement.Marguerite felt a blush creep up her neck. "You're... you're so vain!" she stammered, flustered.Jacob shrugged, a hint of a playful smirk still lingering. "Never underestimate the power of a captivating sunset, or perhaps," he added, his voice dropping a notch lower, "the person standing next to it."Marguerite huffed, a strangled laugh escaping her lips despite her annoyance."You are incorrigible!"To Marguerite's relief, the playful banter eased the simmering tension. Jacob turned his attention to the treehouse, stepping forw
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Chapter 96
The next morning, Marguerite wrestled her luggage out of her room, hoping to slip away before anyone awoke. Not anger, but something far more insidious fueled her haste. Sleep had evaded her the prior night. A torrent of rage had engulfed her initially, but as the hours bled into dawn, a sobering train of thought infiltrated the red mist.What was the true source of her anger? Was it Jacob's self-serving motives, or the fact that he'd shoved the ugly truth in her face, shattering the fragile hope she'd built through denial? The answer, a sudden flash of deep knowledge, hit her like a ton of bricks.The anger she'd displayed had been a mere facade. A mask for the real emotion lurking beneath ~ fear. Fear of the feelings Jacob had unearthed, emotions that threatened to lead her down a dangerous path.Shaken by the realization, her first instinct was to escape. A desperate flight before reason abandoned her entirely. Last night, she'd been swept away by his allure. How long could she re
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