All Chapters of Bound To The King Of Zidiah - Royal Wolf Of Zidiah, Prequal: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
98 Chapters
Seeing Anja walking towards me in that off the shoulder, skin-tight white wedding dress. . . Goddess, there are no words to describe how beautiful she looked.I stood in my white suit, eyes locked on my mate as she walked down the makeshift aisle of flowers. I could sense both the happiness and nerves coming from Anja. But that didn’t stop her smiling at me, big and wide.I’ll admit there was a tear in my eye, and I didn’t care about the thousands of people watching us—hundreds in seats, family, close friends, and acquaintances.Our ceremony was also televised to the whole of Zidiah, and wolf shifter packs the world over. Everybody wanted to see their King finally marry his Queen.When she reached me, Anja reached for my hands. Of course, I held tightly, listening to my mother as she offici
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Today has been remarkable – more than I could have ever imagined. Okay, I was shocked by the whole ceremony; no one had prepared me for it.However, Orrin made everything seem so easy. I went along with it because I wanted to and not because it felt forced. It did feel sudden, but we’re shifters, and we don’t believe in waiting for anything when we’ve found our mate.I’m starting to understand who I am now, and I like it more than I thought I would. I will never forget where I came from, nor those who raised and loved me, even if they act as though I don’t exist. I will always look out for my siblings, and I hope to see them again one day.It was nice meeting Alphas from different packs, even some from other countries who had been visiting England. One or two seemed a little off to me, and I’ll speak to Orri
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I’ve been losing my mind. Orrin and Anja were bound to their room for the past couple of days, fucking through the heat and rut. I was put in charge as the next in line for the throne; Orrin demanded it as he dragged Anja away, which meant I had to stand in his sted. I had to make sure everyone in attendance was taken care of, and each left when they were supposed to. I also had to ensure no threat was brought forth while the King was out of action.I always wondered when I was younger how great it must be to be King. I envied my brother and all the power he possessed. Yes, I was jealous, if I’m honest, but the one and only time I got the chance to rule, it wasn’t what I thought it would be. I’ve got to admit; I fucking hate it! I honestly hate it more than I ever believed I could. I never realised how much pressure was put on my brother’s shoulders to keep the Wolf-Shifter world running sm
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It wasn’t long before Tracey returned to the forest looking for me.How did she get past the boundaries this time?Goddess knows because I’d had the wards strengthened. Tracey walked right through them once again, which told me there was more to my mate than met the eye.I hadn’t seen Tracey watching my wolf drink from the lake. How I hadn’t sensed her, I’ll never know.This time, Tracey’s eyes widened in shock. As she moved to approach the wolf, I transformed, so my little mate just watched a giant wolf turn into a man before her eyes.Her gasp caused my head to turn in her direction. My heart sank because I thought she would run from me, but she smiled, to my shock and surprise.Something compelled me to t
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Maliki smells our mate as he races towards the lake. My wolf is practically purring by the time we reach Tracey. He drops my clothes from his mouth and quickly shifts into human form. I pull on my t-shirt and shorts just as Tracey turns her head in my direction.I narrow my eyes when I see hers are red from crying. Before I can get to Tracey, she’s out of her seat and running into my arms.“Adrian,” She sobs against my chest.“Baby, what happened?” I take her face in my hands, and my heart sinks. She’s been crying hard and, for some time, by the look of her. “Tracey, talk to me.”“I don’t know what’s happening to me, Adrian.”“What do you mean?” Tracey sobs, her head trying to hang, but I won&rsq
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For six days, Anja and I were in heat and rut. Goddess, we fuck so much that neither of us can barely walk today!But I can’t complain; those six days meant everything to me. Just Anja and I wrapped up in each other without a care in the world. The only time we came up for air was to eat and use the bathroom. Sure, we showered, but even in there, we fucked.I’ve never known anything like it in my life! I knotted my mate so many times I don’t doubt that she’s already pregnant with my cub. My cub, Goddess, I want nothing more than to be a father, which is insane when I never gave it any honest thought before.Anja will be a wonderful mother; I can see it now. I envision her with a little girl on her hip and a little boy holding onto her leg. After a hard day’s work, I’ll walk through the door, and my family will emb
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“I know you don’t allow humans in the mansion,”My eyes widen. “You brought a human into my home?”Adrian nods his head. “I had to,”“No,” I slam my fist down on the table, making Anja gasp. “You had no right, Adrian! Wait, if you brought a human into the mansion, how is it that I haven’t scented her?”“I masked her scent. Please don’t be angry; I didn’t have a choice.”“There is always a choice, Adrian!”“Please,” My brother holds his hands up. “I can’t let her go, Orrin. I love her,”“Tracey,” Anja suddenly gasps.“Wh
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Adrian steps into the room first, and Tracey instantly runs into his arms.“Adrian.” She breathes his name like a whisper – one that humans wouldn’t hear, but with my supernatural hearing, I heard.Adrian wraps his arms tightly around Tracey and kisses her head. “It’s going to be okay, Tracey.”“Tracey?”The girl pulls away from Adrian, eyes wide before she runs to Anja. I watch the two women holding each other for a moment, and Adrian’s eyes lock with mine.He mind-links me. ‘Tell me honestly, how would you feel if Anja were human? Would you walk away from her even though it would kill you? You know you wouldn’t, yet you’d force me
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“I was scared, but I kept walking because the voice said I’d find my wolf.” Tracey continues. “I found him by the lake, only this time, he didn’t see me right away. Not until he shifted into human form, at least.“I was frightened, but only for a moment. When Adrian’s eyes locked with mine, the voice in my head again told me that he was my mate, and I shouldn’t fight the pull. But Adrian said that I wouldn’t be able to feel the mating pull because I’m human. But I do feel it, Anja. Every time Adrian isn’t near me, I feel like I’m in agony.“I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, Anja. The voice won’t leave me alone, and I can feel such pain inside of me. It’s tearing me apart,” Tracey suddenly starts to cry while holding her chest. “Please help me.”
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My open eyes; slowly. I can’t feel my body because I’m numb; I can’t even move my head. However, I can see that I’m back in my room and that Orrin is sitting beside me, looking at me.I sigh as he strokes the back of his hand down my cheek.“How long was I out this time?” I manage to ask in a quiet voice.“Half an hour.” He replies. Not long at all. “Wanna tell me what the hell that was and how you managed to break a witch’s spell? An unbreakable one at that?”“I don’t know,”The truth is, I don’t have a damn clue what the hell I did or how. One minute, I was talking with Orrin and Adrian; the next, I was levitating along with Tracey. Something told me to help my friend free the wolf, so I
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