Semua Bab Being CEO's Fake Fiancée: Bab 61 - Bab 70
71 Bab
Chicken Quesadillas and Wipped Cream
Zoey's POV "I can't believe that you're making me do this," Xavier grumbles, pushing an empty cart as we walk down the frozen foods aisle. We are currently walking around an empty mini mart about a mile or two from the mansion, which is, miraculously, still open at this hour. "You know I won that bet fair and square." I stick out my tongue childishly at him. I grab a pack of frankfurters and bologna, placing them in the trolley. "Now what do you want to eat?" "You," he answers boldly as his eyes hungrily rake my body. We lock each other's gazes, both of us communicating in ways that basic, sputtering words failed to do. "Guys, make this quick. I'm locking up in twenty!" I turn around to the man who had yelled from behind the cash register. He eyes us for a moment before they skim the old newspaper he has gripped in his hands. "Sure." I look briefly over at the scrawny man before I cast my eyes back at my soon-to-be husband. "Seriously, what do you want?" "Uh," the man s
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It Was Never Really About Me
Zoey's POV Holding up my head to the shower head, I let the hot water sting my face and run down my relaxed body. I grinned, biting my lip, as I recall all the wild lovemaking we did last night and most of the morning. I flutter my eyes shut feeling his muscular body and lips caressing my back. His hot breath scorches my shoulders as his soft lips move, tantalizingly slow, across my smooth skin. The slamming of the bathroom door quickly snaps me out of my sexual reverie. "Shit. You scared me," I jump back a little before turning off the tap. I wipe my face with my hands, then run them through my wet hair. "What time should we even be at your parents', by the way? Seven or six? Is six early?" Not hearing any response, I look at his silhouette walking quietly around the bathroom. "Xavier? Are you even listening? I know you don't trust Matthew, I keep telling you he's a great person. Is it because he's a guy?" Still no reply. Is he seriously angry about this? He doesn't even hu
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Near Death Experience and Confession
Zoey's POV Complete darkness. That's the first thing that I notice when I open my eyes. Hissing, I feel a sharp pain jolt through the back of my head as small white flashes of light dance around my vision in the dark. Everything hurt too much. It feels like a ticking bomb exploded in my head. My eyes burns painfully and I feel like throwing up due to a lack of fresh air. Slowly, my memory starts to drift back to my conscious mind, even though random bits and pieces are missing. Where the hell am I? I inhale deep, greedily gasping for clean air, only to breathe in the same hot, stale breath. The air becomes stuffy as my sweat and tears mingle before running off my face. There's something over my head! I reach out to grab the thick un-breathable fabric from my face, but my hands are bound to a sturdy object. Grunting, I pull at the rope, jerking around to loosen the grip, but it does not budge— not once. I, tiredly, close my eyes, fearing to take my last breath as life effortles
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Mixed Emotions
Xavier's POV "Look Dad, I don't have time for this bullshit! I need to find Zoey." I stop and look sharply at him. My fiancée has been missing for over an hour now, and this hedgehog wants me to talk about personal problems. He always finds a way. He will find a way. He's coming for me. Her words and frightened face haunts me every single moment I breathe. I really didn't have time for this shit. "So, like, stop following the fuck behind me." "You called me 'Dad'." He sighs, looking at me in disbelief, shoving his hands in his pants pockets. A smile slowly crawls on his face. Oh for fuck's sake! I look at him incredulously, shaking my head, then clasp my hands together shaking them at him. I try to reason with him. "My fiancée, the love of my life, is fucking missing, so do me a huge favor and get lost." I hols onto the railing and continue to climb the stairs. "Shouldn't be too hard, you've been doing it your whole life." "I just need to talk to you," I hear him yapping be
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An Unknow Ally
Zoey's POV My chest heaves in silence and burns painfully as tears flow freely from the corners of my eyes. All different scenarios play out in my head, but not one has a happy ending in which I walk away alive. "Okay." My voice comes out croaky, conveying the exact opposite of the emotion I am trying to portray. I hold my hands up in a form of surrender, trembling slightly from the awful thought of being put down from behind. "Just don't shoot, alright?" I slowly turn around, ready to face the bruised, unforgiving face of Troy, but stumble involuntarily when I saw Matthew a foot or two away aiming a gun directly at my head. I swallow instinctively and cast my eyes away from his, breathing heavily. "Go ahead then! Isn't this what you always wanted?!" My eyes dart back on him, not caring about the tears falling heavily from my already puffy eyes. "Go ahead and blow me to pieces! How dare you befriend me. How dare you try to come between Xavier and I?! You have some nerve—" "Go."
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It's Finally Over
Zoey's POV It's over. It's finally over. I squeeze my fiance's hand lightly as he gently tugs me through the small crowd filing out of the courtroom. The eagerly awaiting paparazzi and media outlets on the concrete step quickly run up to meet us, flashing their cameras and shoving microphones in our faces. Xavier's bodyguards quickly spring into action, trying to make a safe walkway for us to get to our car. "Right this way, sir." One of them guide us while the others tried to form a semi-circle to separate us from the thick crowd. I press the dark shades to my face in order to protect my eyes from the blinding flashes. General and personal questions are thrown my way but I ignore them. Do these people have, like, no chill? I feel extremely queasy as I absentmindedly hold my slightly puffy belly. I don't know whether it is due to the fact that I have morning sickness or that I have to relive my awful experience in that unpleasant courtroom, or maybe the fact that I'm basically
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Secret's Out
Xavier's POV I roll my eyes at Natasha who staggers through the doorway of her father's secret hoard of liquor. The strong scent of vodka, mixed with the cool air, takes over the foyer almost immediately. What the fuck is she even doing here? "Finally you made it," she slurs, hiccuping as she gives me a once over. Her eyes then flicker to Zoey. She clicks her tongue and raiseher eyebrows. "This should be fun." I look behind me at Zoey. She just rolls her eyes and stand her ground. I smirk, turning back around. I swear, if she so much as lets a letter slip from her mouth I'll fuck her up real bad. My mind automatically goes back to the day when I wake up in my office drunk and angry beside a naked Natasha. I grimace. Even now I can't remember what happened. Knowing this vindictive bitch though, she'd try to ruin my life every possible chance she got. Drunk or not. I roll my eyes once more taking in her drunken state. "Uh, babe, can you go up to our room? I need to have a w
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Still on the Contract
Zoey's POV I try to suppress the disappointment and the dull pain in my chest, clutching it until I can hardly breathe. The newfound pain gnaw at my throat, coming out in the form of a silent cry. Beads of salty water carelessly fall from my eyes tainting my cheeks. I sniff, trying to control it, as I slowly slide down the bathroom door and unto the cold floor. A new wave of emotion struck my heart sending a chill through my entire body. I can hardly hold it back anymore. My soundless sobs rock my body as my shoulders convulse, forcing more tears to stream from my already blurry eyes. I can feel the hot tears dripping on my blouse and hands. I squeeze my eyes shut silently letting the tears weld there. I'm so stupid! How could I have been so stupid?! I lean my head back against the wall for support, an excruciating pain jab at my chest. My hands immediately falls to my belly, rubbing my it in a circular motions, whispering comforting words to our unborn child. How could he do
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The Truth
Zoey's POV I groan looking at my reflection in the mirror. My hair is combed neatly in a sleek low ponytail and a light layer of makeup settle on my face. Twisting my body sideways I look down at my belly. I gently rub it. It's growing but it hardly shows; it just looks like I am a bit bloated. It has been a week since I came back here and my symptoms are getting worse. I have frequent headaches, my breasts are a bit tender and I am a little fatigued and more nauseous than usual. I have an appointment tomorrow though that I have to go to with Xavier. He'd been asking questions but I just shut him down every single time. I can't bring myself to tell him, this past week especially, after what happened last week. He has a right to know, that's why I plan on telling him tonight when we get back from this engagement dinner. It is his kid regardless of our situation. I step into a pair of flats and grab my purse from the bed. I was just about to leave when I see Xavier standing at th
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His Dilemma
Xavier's POV I look over at the two beautiful women standing in front of me. A look of extreme guilt rests on both of their faces. "Does this have anything to do with what you wanted to talk about later?" I direct the question to Zoey, already knowing the exact answer: Yes, it does. Alex cast her eyes to the floor before quietly excusing herself, leaving Zoey and I alone in the long hall. She folds her slim arms across her chest looking down at the floor. "Come with me." I turn on my heel and walk to the nearest room so we can have a private conversation. What she said about thinking she was pregnant has been eating at me. She looked so hurt when she told me it was nothing. I guess that's why she has been avoiding me the entire week. She wants a child. If I'm being completely honest, I really do not want a kid right now. I have so many things to think of and balance. Having a kid would not be healthy for the both of us. I would need to give him or her all the love and support
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