Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Twenty One Questions
Xavier's POV I maneuver the car off the busy street and into the small parking lot of my favorite fast food joint. Finding an empty spot, I hop out at the same time as Zoey.  Originally I had a lunch reservation at a top-end restaurant but canceled at the last minute since I have a craving for a real cheeseburger and shake, not foreign chicken. I also wanted to check on the place, it had been a while since I've been. My eyes dart around the surroundings as we both walk in silence up to the entrance. The outside looks better— way better— than the last time I was here.  I'm glad they're putting the money to good use.  The bell rings as we enter the now air conditioned building.
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Paris and Phonecalls
Zoey's POV  I step into the apartment, closing the door behind me after Mr. Danvers dropped me off a minute or two ago. I shake my head remembering the conversation at that diner. At least I got to know two major details about him.  He has no favorite colour and he's a fucking asshole.  I can't believe he suggested...  He's so impossible! I set down the folder on the couch before going into the kitchen with the lunch I got from the diner.  I really don't feel like going into my room, at least not now. 
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Saying Goodbyes
Zoey's POV I stare over at the contract on the table as if I expect it to pounce on me at any moment.  Maybe it will and I would deserve the scratches I get. I can't believe that I recklessly signed the paper. How can I be so stupid and impulsive?  I've been sitting here for almost half an hour now. I gingerly sip my second cup of coffee as I try to conjure up ways to get my signature off the immaculate paper. I thought of everything from white-out to markers to disfiguring it but came up with nothing. Everything I came up with is between childish and downright stupid. I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. I must be outta my mind. I'm just elated that Kat's still asleep. She had the day off. Today's Sunday meaning that tomorrow she will be leaving. I don't thin
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An Unexpected Visitor
Xavier's POV "Thank you for taking me in on such short notice. See you on Wednesday Kay." I stop pacing the office as soon as I hang up the call. I was on the phone with a stylist slash makeup artist, and dear friend of mine, Kaylee Smith.  Everything is now sorted out. I have to take Zoey to pick out an engagement ring on Monday and clothes shopping on Wednesday.  I dial Zoey quickly after to tell her about her friend's good fortune, which she doesn't take so well. Of course I was the one who arranged for Ms. Davis to be sent to Paris because she is talented and needed to, well, spread that talent, but, mostly, to get her out of the picture. It was hazardous to keep her around.  When all this blows up, which it won't, I need to be the one who controls the pres
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Engagement Ring
Zoey's POV I set down the big duffel bag on the bed. As I empty the drawers, I toss the contents into the bag. Hurrying to the bathroom, I cleared the cabinets and dump all the toiletries into another section of the bag. Finally I place the clothes I bought yesterday inside a shopping bag and tied it before stacking it on top of the other clothes. There, all set. I zip the duffel bag and placed the contract next to it before walking out and into the kitchen.  The place feels oddly quiet. I guess it has to do something with Kat not being here anymore.  She left for her flight a bit earlier in the morning. I did follow her to the airport where things got emotional. We both cried our eyes out. 
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Settling In
Zoey's POV "... and this is your room Ms. Saunders," Xavier's housekeeper, Mrs. Anderson says in a kind tone as pushes the door open to a huge bedroom. "If there's anything you want—"  "No, I'm good." I cut her off with a polite smile. "And please call me Zoey."  "Okay Ms. Zoey. I'll be downstairs. If you need anything, just call or shout. I'll hear you." The woman nods once before she turns and walks off.   I enter the room and close the door behind me. This is easily twice the size of our entire apartment flat. Sun rays from the open balcony shine through the glass chandelier, creating a weird shape on the room's luxurious vanity dresser. My eyes wander over to the q
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An Eventful Night
Zoey's POV I set down the now empty bowl on the nightstand. I make a mental note to return it to the kitchen before I go off to bed.  Seconds later, a crash comes from downstairs alerting every cell in my body. Maybe it's a house pet or something. I ignore it and focus back on the laptop's screen. Another loud crash rings throughout the house, followed by hush voices.  What the actual fuck?  I pause the movie then remove the Airpods, setting them both on the other side of the bed. Heaving a short sigh I silently roll out of bed and looked for possible defense weapons.  This is stupid maybe I should just call the police.
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Kissing, Natasha and Phone Calls
Xavier's POV I roll out of bed and jump in my pants, ditching the boxers in the messy heap of clothing.  "Where are you going?" Ashley drawls, pure lust dance behind her eyes as they trail my sticky body. One of the things I like about her is that she can keep up with me.  "To get breakfast." Sinking my palms on the mattress I lean down and peck her on the lips. The woman releases a moan as she pulls my head down deepening the chaste kiss. "I'll be back."  "Hurry." She gives me a shove, realising my lips. I shoot her a smile as I pick up the shirt off the floor and pull it over my head. "Leave the shirt."  "As you wish." I smirk, re
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Breakfast with a Stranger and Discussions
Zoey's POV I give myself a once over in the floor length mirror. My damp hair now hangs down to my tank top, wetting bits and pieces of the fabric. Damnit. I wordlessly pull on a pair of worn, faded jeans then the converse I bought on my thrift store run.  I am seriously contemplating if I should go back downstairs. I wonder if Natasha will be down there. I really don't want to have another run in with her.  I almost screwed things up, I'm just relieved that Xavier dominated the whole situation. My stomach grumbles, reminding me that I'd barely had anything to eat since last night.  I push my hair over my shoulders as I exit the room
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Shopping, Something I Live For
Zoey's POV Damnit.  I groan as I read the time off my phone. Still a bit early. Suppressing a yawn, I roll out of bed and sit upright with a sigh.  I can't believe Xavier gave me no specific time to get dressed. He's so... Aaaarrrggggh! Shopping. I never thought I'd have to say that. Jumping from the position, I make my way over to the bathroom. Once inside, I squirt some toothpaste and begin brushing when my phone from the other room blares. I quickly spit the paste and rush out, grabbing the phone off the nightstand.
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