Semua Bab THE GREAT DIVIDE: Bab 21 - Bab 24
24 Bab
The hospital was eerily quiet for a huge establishment. It’s almost as if I can hear all of our fluttering heartbeats combined, the three of us, Liam and Jake, preparing ourselves from the worst-case scenario.Liam’s disquietude is the most palpable amongst the three of us, who’s blankly staring on a dingy wall with both of his hands, clasps tightly, affixed to his mouth.I caressed Liam’s ruffled hair as we wait for Evans’ health results, hoping not a vital organ was maimed on the stab.The surgery took an hour before the doctor went out of the E.R. door.“How is he? Is he doing alright?”I can see Liam’s desperation to see Evans being in fine fettle, setting aside his ill-will for his cousin.Our satisfying sigh of relief begot a joyful rush running through our body when the doctor announced that there was no critical injury being subjected despite the puncture.It wouldn’t take
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Jet lag must have been working hard lately. We’re already back in Brussels, but my circadian rhythm isn’t restored yet even after three days of staying inland.One more week of vacation still awaits me, and I don’t want to spoil any moment wasted. Liam is still at Majia, attending Evans, whom I hope is going to fully recover sooner. I wanted to bring Evans some flower but I can’t even afford the shipping fee, that could cost me my life.The sun shone so strikingly bright today, bringing radiance to every life being here in our town. Not a sign of impending dark clouds.Animated kids stroll at the side of the road on their bikes, neighbors mowing their lawns that has been neglected for a while, mothers gossiping about almost everything, and dogs scampering and barking endlessly as if they’ve been trapped inside their kennels for a year.On the other hand, Kit here has been unusually down today. He looks weary, his verve is at
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I need to put a halt on despising myself because Liam is not the only family I have. His demeanor is unacceptable and he should deep down realize it.The night was enchanting, with ceaseless laughing on the dining table, that led to a campfire drinking at the idyllic view on the rooftop.All of us gathered on the breezy rooftop, garbled on cardigan and handmade quilts. Mom and Zeke sat closely together, as they share a thick quilt. I lounge on a cardigan that I borrowed from Eloisa. Eric flumped beside me, already done with his second bottle of beer.“You have to take it easy, Eric. The night is still young,” I said smilingly.“Hey! I don’t take a word from a kid, especially who’s inadequate to remain herself conscious just after drinking one bottle.” Why does that made me feel mortified?Back when I was working for Eric, I never ever knew what alcohol tasted like. All I knew is that it has a strong, bitter, disl
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The trial is set next month, about Eric’s allegedly unthinkable behavior. I was sexually violated, not just once, but twice by him. The woeful news became the buzz of our town, as media stations blocked our front yard house with cameras and business vehicles.All of our daily activities were hassled by the dogging stations, that became perceptibly jarring for both me and Mom. The wave lasted for a week, but our nosy neighbors won’t stop darkening our doors, knowing that they’re not concerned about what happened to me, but only to have the full details of what have transpired.Mom was fully exhausting every thing that she can to make sure that Eric will be locked behind bars, notwithstanding the amount of anxiety attacks that she bore she could have had in a week.Liam came by and decided to stay with me in our house, practically to protect me from the possible blackguards. Ashton and Blake frequently dropped by to show their emotional support.
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