Все главы THE GREAT DIVIDE: Глава 11 - Глава 20
Be thankful or not. Be thankful or not. Be thankful or not. This phrase kept rewinding over my head as I try to make a straight eye contact with dad. His place looks rundown with the wallpapers barely sticking on the walls, hanging for their lives. The tiling screams for replacement, water pipes to the fore of the wall, and a defunct hanging clock that seems more like an embellishment rather than a useful instrument. Not to mention the noisy neighbors having a spat at the adjoining room. “How are you darling?” he said coolly. I can feel pity, anger, and gratefulness all at the same time. He’s a trainwreck and I have a lot of pointed questions that I needed answer. “Thank you for saving me last night,” I answered plainly. That’s the only sincere respond that I’m going to give him. I don’t want to discredit his valiant effort though t
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Liam’s dream career is within his arm’s reach. His Holy Grail sitting in the room where he’s in. His closed-up radiant façade moved the hearts of millions of viewers. What ensues is carved in stone. I wish he was singing to me. Saturday Morning. Today was Liam’s awaited audition for a nightly telecasted singing competition. He must feel very excited. It has always been his focal point ever since he was a kid.  I’ll have my uneventful day with open arms, for I want to stay at home all day long. Play with Kit, who grew advanced of his time. Taught him a few tricks and I’m proud to say, he’s a fast-learner. I did my laundry earlier than I scheduled it every weekend and centered at my assignments that are due next week.  Mom completely conceded to skip a Movie night for Liam.  Even if I already told her about our split u
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Midterms is just around the corner. I was busy scribbling notes for the upcoming examinations and frequently hang-out with my classmates after class for a group study. Midterms is on the top of my triage, crucial to passing this school year.I provoked and disciplined myself to study harder every time a general examination is in the offing, brewing. So, Liam and I have had lesser time to meet with each other, especially after his successful performance at the Brussels Idol.Speaking of rendezvous, dad’s checking up on me from now and then, by inviting me to have meals over at his apartment, in which I appreciate a lot.Needless to say, I’m not a fast learner, but I was able to dominate the prelims without a hitch. It’s just that I aim to retain my consistency.SATURDAY MORNING.Elijah and I decided to devote our time studying the whole day at their house. No time for procrastinating, literally, no time to waste.Elijah&rsqu
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SATURDAY NIGHT. THE SAME DAY.Mom wouldn’t be at home tonight, or if she did, she’ll be no later than midnight.  As a fail-safe, I rambled around the boulevard a little bit and ended up having supper at a famous fast food chain near my campus.The fast food is in full house as usual, never innocent of patrons. Dining crews streaked across the place like birds, but in an organized manner. The store’s closing is around 10 p.m. and I only have one hour left to chomp my all-time favorite unctuous quarter-pound patty cheese burger.I parroted back my conversation with Elijah inside my head when an eccentric crew, who’s covering his identity with his cap’s visor, loomed at my eating spot. He handed me a plastic cup of chocolate vanilla sundae with a mischievous grin.“This is a limited-time promo for our special customers,” he said half-smiling.His voice sounded neighborly to my ears, but still vague. I can
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We’re halfway passed the school year in sophomore and all I can say thus far is that I’m about to be burned out. The endless list of activities, the surprise quizzes, and brutal examinations. In addition, the short-tempered and fly-by-night professors and the list goes on and on.College is an uphill battle and all the warriors fighting to climb and reach their coveted bachelor’s degree deserves a carte blanche. That’s why a semester break is a reasonable ice-breaker, giving the students to shift their focus away from school matters and get a leg up.My fortnight semester break last year is quite a story. I spent most of my time in the house in solitary, with Mom exiled in a mental facility. I worked part-time jobs at a restaurant as a kitchen crew and worked my fingers to the bone for an extra-income, which explained some minor callouses and scars on my hands. I disciplined myself personally, which propelled me to do even more in life.M
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The interior was adorned with a predominant masculine accent, black and amber motif, suitable for a patriarch head of the family. Rounded rustic table, surrounded with velvety coal gray ling seats and bear skin rug propped on the floor. Marco and Jake were too immersed in a two- player interactive game at their phones in the corner, while Mom took a forty-winks on the massage chair, obstructed in the corner part of the interior. Liam and I, on the other hand, played with Kit, and caught up with one another, being apart for the past week. “How were the results of your midterms?” asked Liam in his sensuous voice. I extensively narrated to Liam how I managed to aced up the Midterms with the fabulous help that I got from Elijah, which I’m madly grateful for. Liam coped up with almost perfect scores in every subject in his syllabus, making him a potential candidate for magna cum laude. He’s inherently smart, that he could juggle his meteoric career
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I collected myself from the heavenly bliss that Liam and I shared just a moment ago. We should be on the courtyard on the dot at 3 p.m. for the customary teatime. My Mom’s desirous of tea, eclectic-range of teas to be exact, so I bet she’s had her reservation already occupied.I can see Mom and Aries, formally sipping their drinks, articulating about Aries’ magnum opus and list of accolades.We acted well-adjusted as we tried to smoothen out the unwrinkled bit of my dress and shrugged off some grime on my shirt. It’s hard to read Aries disposition behind his golden-frame sunglasses.“You must be Serena. Join us,” offered him.My first impression to Aries is that he’s kind of pompous. The way he sat on the table screamed pride and his lukewarm gestures says it all. You know what they say, a monkey in silk dress is still a monkey.He just bragged the whole afternoon about his philanthropic acts, about his met
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We all agreed to have the twins come with us. Mom’s still at our room and I went upstairs to come collect her. She had a slight fever and adjured us to go without her. I crossed my heart that I would behave rationally as I do most of the time. I waved her and Kit  goodbye and pined her that she would present me the clean bill of health once we get back.The blazing heat on the rainforest section was insurmountable. We could feel the blistering heat permeating inside the airconditioned car.I ensconced myself beside the driver to have a superior view of the whole trip. Monkeys were swinging from tree to tree through vines and dragonflies were droning through air.I can hear the shuttering of camera from behind me, which Evans was too engrossed in capturing money shots. He also works part-time at a start-up business that principally focuses on saving the environment. It pays a little but for Evans, it’s a job where he invests most of his blood, sw
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The night was pretty chilly in our room, specifically in my spot because I lied right beside the wall. I can hear Jake’s snoring from the other room, which made it harder for me to fall asleep. In addition, the strong fruity fragrance of Nica’s sunscreen that densely punched my nose, giving me siege of headaches.Liam lover carried me to our bedroom for I straight down guzzled numerous glasses of premium red wine last night. Slivers of memories suddenly gushed inside my head. Supercuts of Marco’s mind-blowing fire spinning performance, Jake’s cartwheel flops, that almost broke his ankle, and Liam’s tipsiness that made him bend on one’s knees, play pretending an engagement proposal to me. Everybody is wild and out of control. I wonder what would the valets think of our madness earlier.I couldn’t toss and turn because of the strait bed, so I stiffened up like a hollow freckled log running in the river of Nile.My eyes wer
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I carefully dipped from the bluff as Evans assisted me. I can infer that Liam saw red when Evans wrapped his arms around my midriff to aid me. I’ve never seen him this jealous with anyone else, other than the incident with Caleb, that conflicted me ever since the twins set foot on the island.For whatever reason was Liam unrested in sight of Evans, I felt strongly guilty. We plopped at the umbrella’s shade adjacent to the waters.“I’m sorry.”I held Liam’s scrunched face and kissed him. He was trying to hold back, but never detracted.“I don’t have any clue at all with your rivalry with Evans, but if you really wanted for me to avoid him by any means, I’ll-------.”“He stole my first love,” Liam disrupted, as he accidentally crushed his ice cream cone in his fist. He tried to calm himself down after his outburst, as he wiped off the ice cream orts on his hands with a morning to
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