All Chapters of The Exiled Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
The Plan Begins
I let out a laugh that makes Jack frown.“And how are you going to do that?” I ask him as I place my hands on my hips, doing a Superman pose.“You’re going to be hung from a tree. The old classical way.” Jack says and it looks like he is enjoying this idea a little too much.I have to understand more of this dying plan, because I am not going to let anyone kill me. Not a human, nor any other werewolf.“Let’s make this clear, I am not actually going to be killed, right?” I ask him through my mind.I don’t think I can continue this conversation for another minute, my mind feels drained. I will try to hold on for a few more seconds.“Of course, Jaden.” He says as he rolls his eyes.“That is just a glimpse of the plan. The hardest part is that you would have to trust me.” Jack says and I gulp.And that’s the thing, I don’t. I don’t trust him for even a bit.“The look on your face tells m
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Death Has Come To You
My claws are sharp enough to cut through concrete like butter. They are not exactly long, but they are pointy and deadly.They may look harmless, but they cause more calm than one can imagine. “Oh, look boys. The bloodsucker has his little claws out.” The General mocks me.The sheer amount of confidence this guy has is ridiculous.He has no idea what he’s doing. I could kill everyone here within seconds. I take in a deep breath to steady my nerves when my eyes land on Jack. He is among the armed guards.“Sir?” His voice is puny compared to the General’s.“The werewolves would soon be upon us. They said they were giving us three days to free their leader.” Jack says as his leader stares into his eyes with a cold look.“And you think I fear those dogs?” Comes the reply from the General.“They want war? We will give war! We will spill the blood of those beasts until the sun bleeds red!” The General
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Knight In Shining Armor
Death is a concept feared by many, but not by us werewolves. When death stares into our eyes, we look it right back with equal intensity.I am a leader of so many and dying is not what worries me, but leaving all of them without a leader.I try to fight back against the guards taking me to the tree, but another stone is placed on the back of my neck, causing me to unleash a scream that hurts my throat.“Hold on.” I hear Jack’s voice in my head and I give him a hard look.If I had the strength right now, I would tear his throat open.My neck burns as if boiling water has been poured on it. The pain spreads with speed, reaching down to my back.My vision goes black for a second and I fall to the ground.“Get him up!” General Ross yells the command to his guards. They quickly obey their leader and soon I am lifted from the ground and dragged towards the tree where I am to be hung to my death.I can now se
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Judgement Awaits You
Why does this guy hate me so much?“He did it for us!” Issac responds loudly and everyone looks at him.The rest of the hunting team emerge from the crowd and soon join to defend me.I really want to speak and explain everything, but I feel so drained.“For us?” Erik responds and then he lets out a laugh.He makes me so annoyed.“Nothing is worth breaking the truce! We almost went to war!” Erik seems to have captured the approval of most of the people, for I see them nodding.“You really don’t know what this man has been through, I suggest you keep your grand speech for another time.” Jack’s words surprises me.What is he doing?Erik is second in command to me, he could get killed for talking back to him.I am more merciful, but Erik is relentless.Erik looks at him and a few people gasps.Jack stands his ground and even the hunting team seem to be holding their breath to see
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The council seeking to meet me before the sun goes down is definitely not a good sign.The council is an assembly of high rank officials within the Werewolf Territory.I am also apart of this council, and so are Erik and Ramsey. Then there are twelve elders that makes the council complete.The twelve elders are werewolves who has been alive for at least a hundred years. A knock on the door of the room captures my attention. I look towards the door and I see Jake standing.Why hasn’t he gone back?“What are you still doing here?” I ask him softly and he begins to walk towards me.“I had a talk with Ramsey..he’s a pretty nice guy.” He begins.“He urged me to stay, and although that is a tempting preposition, I can’t just leave the Human Territory. It’s a part of me, it’s my home.” He explains.“That’s not your home, Jake.” I say and he inhales deeply and exhales shakily.“You don’t understand, J
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Our Fallen Leader
My head is now swirling as I consume this new information.“A leader of Werewolf Territory was placed on trial before?” I ask, still not believing.No leader has been under trial by the council. Leaders can only be advised and warned or even penalized, but never tried.At least not to my knowledge.This Is why I’m not buying what Erik and these people are saying, I can’t be tried!“Yes..Lord Cain.” Isaiah replies to me.“Do you want us to go inside the store to discuss this?” He asks me.Jack tries to speak, but I speak over his voice.“No, we’re good here. Tell me about Lord Cain.” I say to him.I have no knowledge of Lord Cain, except that he led our territory about two hundred years ago.We were taught this as kids.“Lord Cain was tried by the council after it was discovered that he accidentally killed his wife.” Isaiah explains it as if he was actually there.And he might
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Guilty Or Not Guilty?
I am not a fallen leader.I withdraw from the hug with Erik and he chuckles.“Good luck in there, champ.” He says with a smirk.Jack touches my shoulders and I turn to him.“Are you okay? You look like you have seen a ghost.” He says to me and I wet my dry lips.“I’m okay..I’m fine.” I reply to him and he studies me for a few seconds, not believing me, but he lets go of my shoulder nevertheless.We all walk into the Court House and I see thousands of people. I forgot how big this place is.The inside of the building is like an large arena. Stone seats are carved into the ground and all of them are taken by individuals.“Wow, this place is jaw dropping.” Jack says as he looks around.I look to where we are heading and I can see the twelve elders sitting high up watching us approach.“We welcome, lord Erik!” I hear a voice say loudly through some form of speaker that causes his voice to ring like
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The New Leader
“Good. So now that you have pled guilty, would you like to tell the elders, your fellow leaders and the people what happened?” Elder Ian speaks as he looks at me.“Of course.” I say and I turn to the people.I don’t need an object to magnify my voice, I am the most glorious alpha alive, my voice can reach distances if I only focus.“I am not going to lie to you all. I am guilty of the charges brought up against me. I did break the truce, and almost caused a war between us and the humans.” I begin to explain.“That is information you all know. But what you all don’t know is that our food reserves are almost empty.” I say and everyone begins to chatter amongst themselves, including the elders.No one but my hunting team and I knew about our depleting storage of food.“And why didn’t you inform us?” Another elder stands up from his seat and speaks.“Because it was my decision. Telling everyone would have not helped in any w
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My instincts peak and I smile as I watch him attack. His paw flies dangerously close to my face and I dodge expertly.I feel a great urge to morph and beat the crap out of these guys, but if I dare morph, I might risk getting stoned to death.I know the council, and they don’t play favorites. They stand by their word.“Stop this!” I say as each of them attacks. I dodge all their attempts to hit me smoothly until I trip on a rock behind me and I fall.The head of their pack jumps over me as he sees the opportunity. He lands a hit on my jaw with his paw and I groan in pain.As he is about to hit me again, I grab his paw and I send him flying in the opposite direction with a single blow.I stand to my feet and I let out a growl that causes the other wolves to halt their movements. They now seem scared to try anything.Although I am not allowed to morph, I can certainly take these guys in a fight. I could kill everyone
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In Love With The Wrong Alpha
Who I see in this lady’s house startles me, it’s Jack, the deceptive alpha. He is seated on the couch and he looks shocked to see me also. I turned to the lady who owns the beautiful humble home and I decide to interrogate her.She has no idea who this man is, he is a literal trickster, and he cares for no one else but himself. I don’t want him using her.“What is he doing here?” I ask her and she chuckles. “I asked you a question, I did not say a little jokey joke,” I say to her and she looks taken aback but yet answers my question.“He is a guest here, my guest,” She tells me, and then she walks away from me. By the look on her face, I can tell she is pissed at me. I may have been a bit harsh when I spoke, but nevertheless, I still got my answer.She walks to the couch and slumps her body down on it. She folds her arms and stares at both of us.“I am her guest,” Jack says as he stands from the couch and walks over to me. He has had his clothes changed because it is not the same one
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