All Chapters of Jake: Branston High Series: Chapter 31 - Chapter 37
37 Chapters
Chapter thirty-one -Jake
 Kim's acting like she just tripped over and stubbed her toe, not a massive car accident that has left her with broken bones and bruises over the majority of her body.It was awful seeing her lying in the hospital bed, but what was worse was waiting to find out if she was going to be ok and I knew then, that I couldn't stay away from her anymore.I'll work it out somehow, I have no idea how, but I'll find a way. After dropping my brother's at home, I head back via the shop to pick up chocolates and flowers, because even though I keep thinking about Simon pinning his wife to the front of his car, Kim likes flowers and I want her to be happy.She found the story funny too, like I knew she would.Now w
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Chapter thiry-two - Kim
This last year has gone so fast, which is what I wanted right up until Jake came into my life but now, sitting in my room with Jake beside me, knowing I should have packed already because I leave tomorrow, I wish I had more time. We had a going away dinner with my parents earlier, my friends and I have done the night out to send me off and now it's just Jake and I, the clock ticking louder than normal, but that might just be in my head. Neither of us are talking about the fact that this is our last few hours together, we're actively avoiding it actually, finding anything and everything to talk about instead, but my giant backpack sits on the chair, almost like it's staring at us, mocking us with our impending separation. "You're coming back for your results though, aren't you?" Jake suddenly addresses what we're
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Chapter thirty-three - Jake
Only thirty-seven days left until I see her again! I wake up and the notification is there on my phone, counting down the days until she's back and I can't wait.Logically I know it's already been a week and the rest of the month will fly by, but every day is the same - monotonous, devoid of the excitement I never knew I missed until she crashed into my life and then took herself away and it feels like she's already been gone for a lifetime.We've spoken every day, at seven o'clock on the dot and she sounds like she's having a wonderful time. She's in Spain and so far, she's hiked a volcano, visited a vineyard and toured some historical buildings, writing about it in detail online, complete with beautiful grinning photos of her at each location and I'm taking in every detail of each blog as th
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Chapter thirty-four - Kim
 Spain is beautiful. And hot, I'm already sporting a deep tan after being out and about every day for the last two and a half weeks, but… and here's something I never thought I'd say, I'm lonely. Missing Jake specifically.Every night I look forward to speaking to him, hearing what he's getting up to and telling him all about where I've been.My friend's are all at home together, spending the last few months on the beach before all going off to university and my family have never felt further away. I've never experienced homesickness before, but part of me is wondering whether I've made a mistake.I built myself up to tour the world and I am seeing some amazing sights, but it's not the same as when I went on holiday with my family or friends, there's no one to share the experience with and appare
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Chapter thirty-five- Jake
  Today's the day Kim comes back and I couldn't be more excited!  We spoke for hours last night while she packed and I don't want her to miss out on her dreams but the selfish part of me is incredibly relieved that she sounds happy to be coming home too.  Is it wrong to hope she'll come back more often? Or that maybe she'll travel for a year before wanting to stay with me? Yes, I'm selfish and horrible, but I can't help how I feel. I want to be with her and I can't see that changing. Anyway, her flight is meant to come in at midday and her parents invited me over for a little welcome home meal this evening. I can't deny I'm nervous too. What if she found the separation and long distance thing just
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Chapter thirty-six - Kim
I've been home for all of four days and not said a word to anyone about the possibility of no longer travelling. I know why, because up until the moment I say it out loud, it's still very much just a possibility, even though I've already come to my decision. The moment I say it out loud though, there'll be questions; what am I going to do now? Am I going to university? If so, what am I planning to study? If not, what am I going to do workwise? I can't answer any of these questions because I have no idea myself. My friends will be excited to have me home and I know they'll be pestering me to move away and live with them but I'm not sure if I want that either, none of it fills me with as much excitement as the idea of seeing the world did. And a big part of me is also worried about disappointing my family, it took them a while to understand why I wanted to live a nomadic lifestyle, but they've come to terms with it and now I'll be changing everything up after only a month. So I've k
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Epilogue - Jake
We travelled for three years in the end and it was amazing. I'll forever be grateful to my brother's and Maggie for pushing me to come. Kim did her vlogging and articles and was quickly picked up by a travel website who paid her to write for them. It wasn't a lot, but it was her first paid writing job and she was so excited that it didn't matter that she was earning less than she did at the bar we were working at at the time and in the long run, it allowed her to figure out what she loved doing, which is why she's now a journalist for a well known newspaper as well as continuing to document her activities and review places online on her own personal website. She's actually become so popular that we get a lot of free things: meals, nights out, activities etc… in the hope she'll write a positive review of their business. I also figured out what I wanted to do while we were abroad and no, it wasn't a farmer, although I must admit, those six months in Australia working on cattle ranches
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