All Chapters of STALKER DIARIES: Chapter 11 - Chapter 14
14 Chapters
Chapter 10- The Two Wolves
Chapter 10- The Two Wolves Natalie didn’t think. She just wrapped the towel around her body and fled. She didn’t know what to think— hell, she wasn’t even thinking, because if she was, she would have known that going out of the house in just a towel was definitely not one of her most brightest ideas, but who could blame the girl really? She was stuck between thinking someone had broken into their house again, or that the evil force that was haunting them was back again, and she honestly didn’t know which of the stories sounded much better or even more plausible… but it was obvious to her in that moment that either way, her life was very much in danger and that the lesser time she spent being in the house, the better for her, And so she had ran. She didn’t even know where she was going, being blinded by the tears that just wouldn’t stop falling, and she didn’t take her phone too, so she had nothing to use to call her p
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Chapter 11- The Compulsion
Chapter 11- The Compulsion Tristan cursed sharply.He didn’t know what had happened to cause him to shift back into human form so suddenly. Something like that had never happened to him or anyone he knew, so he was a little worried.He looked down at the girl looking so peaceful in his bed, and his heart warmed at the sight.This was where she belonged.He chided his subconscious for thinking such wild— such dangerous thoughts. No, Natalie belonged in her normal, human world, and he had stirred it up too much already. At this point, he wanted her to recover, and then— only then will he be on his merry way.There was a quick knock at his door, snapping him out of his musings. “Come in,” He said, and in stepped Infinity, Oracle for the pack who also happened to have been his mother’s best friend and now acted as a mum to both himself and his brother, Atticus.His thoughts shifte
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Chapter 12- Nothing makes sense
Tristan stood there staring at the Oracle in shock for a moment.A confused chuckle escaped his lips. “No, but— how is that even possible? Natalie is human, it’s-it’s supposed to work— it did work, in fact, because I didn’t see her panicking or showing fear, Infin… not even when we were all alone and I took her downstairs.” He stated in conviction. “I don’t know, maybe the staff is… broken?”Infinity shot him a look, “Don’t be silly, child… there is nothin’ wrong with the staff. The reason why she didn’t show any reaction to ya is because she’s still in shock. It rarely happens, but it can. Sometimes, extreme fear can cause the mind to temporarily shut off some memories, but they’ll appear eventually. They always do.”With those last words, the Oracle headed for the door. “I think the problem is with the girl.” She told the boy h
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Chapter 13- One New Friend
By second period, Natalie was so glad she had decided to attend lectures. Nothing special was happening, really— it was just another normal day in college in fact— but the silver haired girl liked learning, and with everything that was going on in her life— the weird happenings, her incessant interest in Tristan and his life— this seemed to be the only thing giving her solace.Even her own home didn’t do that anymore.Lunch break came surprisingly quickly, hinting at the approaching nighttime and reminding the young woman that soon, she’d have no choice but to return home. She had just three classes today; two in the morning, one after lunch— she didn’t even have to stay the full day on campus, yet Natalie was determined to only go home when the sun had long gone to sleep.Hell, she’d spend the rest of the day at the library if she had to.Natalie was so deep in thought as she went ab
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