All Chapters of Sleeping with the enemy : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
24 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chapter 11SiennaWhen I went to stand with my brothers and locked eyes with Cole, I was so happy to see him until I saw how shocked both he and Jace looked. Then when my brother told me they were acquaintances, I couldn’t think straight. The only thing I could focus on was Bella’s arm in mine as she steadied me. Then to make matters worse, Bianca waltzed in and announced to everyone that she had slept with Cole. I had wanted to punch my sister in the face many times in my life but never more than right at that moment; in fact, I think if I hit her once, I wouldn’t be able to stop. The icing on the cake was when Steve walked in drunk, making a scene. Cole jerked forward as if he was going after him, and I knew when he saw the broken nose that he had put two and two together. I didn’t even think it was as if I was on autopilot, stepping in front of C
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Chapter 12
ColeAfter Jace and I left Steve by the side of the road, we drove home and had a few drinks. It wasn’t until I woke up in the morning I realized how many times I had phoned and texted Sienna. She was clearly ignoring me, but I couldn’t stop. Eventually, she answered, and the first thing she asked was whether it was me that had attacked Steve. I told her the truth, that it was me. I tried to get her to agree to meet me, but instead, she asked me to give her time before she hung up and turned her phone off. I sent a few more texts before receiving one from her telling me she loved me and would meet me tomorrow and asked that I leave her alone today. I put my phone down before I pissed her off so much that she blocked me. I felt restless all day, so I was happy when Natalia appeared.“Wow, someone looks like they had a bit too much to drink last night.&rdqu
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Chapter 13
SiennaAfter my friends had left me and Bella crawled into bed only to be rudely woken by Bianca. According to her, she was in my room screaming at me because Steve was in the hospital and in pain, and it was my fault. She accused me of lying about Steve and jealousy of her because she can have any man she wants. I didn't even see it coming. To be honest, it wasn't something I was thinking about; I didn't even know I had done it until after I punched her. She screamed as she held her face running out of my room, calling me a psycho bitch. I turned to face Bella, who had her mouth hanging open as I sat back down on the bed."I can't believe I did that," I said, shocked."The Green-Eyed Monster is a hell of a thing." She joked before she started laughing."I'm not jealous of her." I snapped.
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Chapter 14
ColeI phoned Jace to check on things as soon as Sienna left the cabin. He couldn't believe I had willingly gone to the fairground In Calona as I had bitched about having to take Natalia the last time we went. I had so much fun with Sienna, and instead of being a twenty-two-year-old man with businesses and family to take care of or someone trying to kill me. I felt like a teenager having fun with my girlfriend. Sienna always had that effect on me. Her face lit up when I won her that big teddy bear as she squealed with joy. I had never been on a Ferris wheel before as I'm not the biggest fan of heights, but I couldn't say no when she pulled me to it looking at me with those big brown eyes. The lights were beautiful, but it was watching the happiness on Sienna's face that made me happy. It almost broke my heart when she got so excited about me taking her out for something to eat as for most couples, going out for so
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Chapter 15
SiennaSaying goodbye to Cole was hard as I knew I wouldn't see him for one whole month, so I was sad driving back to Bella's house. Luckily my best friend knows me well and had my favourite ice cream and friends on Netflix all ready for me. We tried to nap for a few hours before her dad woke us up to prepare for the airport. We were both excited as we reached the airport and met up with Penny and Alex to go to Rhodes first. We all managed to get a few drinks and fall asleep on the plane, and got to the hotel before we knew it. As soon as I got to the beach, I texted Cole a pic of me in my bikini. I also texted my brothers to tell them I arrived safely, although I omitted the bikini shot. The next few days consisted of spending the day by the pool or the beach then going to nightclubs or beach parties. I spoke to Cole every day, and we texted all the time too, and although I was missing him, it wasn't as bad as I
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Chapter 16
ColeThis month has been the longest month ever without Sienna. We've texted all the time and have spoken every night, except for the night Natalia opened her big mouth and told her about Bianca's visit to my office. She was so angry that I hadn't told her, and I think it stemmed from jealousy, but once I explained that I had planned to tell her everything once she was back from her holiday, she calmed down. She sent lots of photos, and it looked like she was having a great time, but she was back tonight, and I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow. She phoned me earlier tonight to let me know she was home safely and told me what Bianca had said, and I honestly thought that killing Steve was my best bet because there was no way he would be in her house. Sienna somehow managed to calm me down, which I was still unsure about because no one could calm me as she could. I had a meeting in the afternoon with her brothers ab
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Chapter 17
Sienna"I need to talk to my sister alone."I looked at Luca, and I knew this was coming, and I was surprised at how calm he was. "Follow me," I said as I stood up and walked through to the bedroom, closing the door behind us."How are you doing?" He asked as he gently pulled me into his arms."I've been better," I told him honestly as I returned his hug."Why didn't you tell me any of this. We used to be so close." Luca looked sad."I didn't think the shooting had anything to do with me. I thought it was a case of wrong place, wrong time, and I didn't want you to go overboard again. I didn't know who Cole was, but I liked him, and I thought if he knew who I was, he might not be interested, so I didn't tell
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Chapter 18
ColeI promised Sienna I'd try harder with Luca, and I would because I know that we have the same end game, and that's to keep Sienna safe, but by fuck it wasn't going to be easy. He was pushing my buttons, throwing his weight around as if I was just going to stand back and let him walk in here and take Sienna away from me to god knows where, as if this wasn't his fault, to begin with. Acting like this was somehow my fault instead.After Sienna was dressed, we walked back out, and I quickly saw that Luca wasn't any calmer and was still insisting that Sienna and Bella leave with him as he wasn't happy about them being in the middle of nowhere if anything happened. He had spoken to Bianca and made her promise not to tell anyone, not even Steve, about Sienna and me, but he wasn't sure if she had already blabbed to anyone once she had worked out why Steve was attacked. Luca sa
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Chapter 19
SiennaThe past few days had been hard on all of us being cooped up in Jace's apartment. On the one hand, lying on the couch ordering takeout with Bella and Jace watching Grey's anatomy wasn't considered a hardship, but on the other hand, I was starting to get cabin fever, and Cole couldn't sit still. He was agitated, almost pacing around the place, constantly bringing me food and drinks, and I was going to slap him if he asked me if I was okay one more time. I told him to go out and get some air and take care of his business before I killed him. "Thank god you told him to leave", Jace commented seconds after Cole got on the elevator. "He was starting to get on my nerves with the fidgeting.""Me too," Bella laughed with him as she watched the telly. "I was going to slip some Valium in his coffee to give us a break."
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Chapter 20
Cole As soon as I dropped Sienna off at her house, I immediately wanted to drag her back out again. I knew that there was no way Luca would sit back and keep his mouth shut now that Sienna was safe and he didn't need me to look after her anymore. I also knew there was nothing he could do to stop it, but I didn't want him giving Sienna a hard time about it, even if she was adamant that she could handle Luca. The past few days with her were amazing if we just ignored why we were hiding. We were getting closer and closer. It was almost like we were back in our own wee bubble like it was when we were at the cabin when we first met before we found out about each other, and even with Bella and Jace hanging around, I loved it."How was the big romantic dinner last night," Jace asked from his spot on the sofa as soon as I walked in the door.
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