All Chapters of My Alpha My Queen: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
105 Chapters
Charlie’s POVHanging out with Ally was interesting, she really was a good laugh and it was nice to listen to her as she showed me around the grounds, although I was annoyed to hear that Alpha Zach had other girls in his room I don’t tell her as much, thankfully she talks so much that I didn’t really need to speak.We are near the forest where I had seen that thing kill one of Alpha Zach's men and she looks at me“Is it true you saw it?”I nod my head“You saw a vampire?”I wasn’t sure what she was getting at but she flicks her blue hair from her face and smiles at me“That must have been fucked up”I frown at her, I didn’t like curse words but I don’t say anything for all I know it might be common practice around here, although I hadn’t heard Alpha Zach use them.I don't tell her about what Alpha Zach told me, I was still trying to accept it m
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Alpha Zach’s POV“She is missing? Like actually missing?”I nod my head“How?, I don’t understand, it’s a bit coincidental isn’t it. I come and she suddenly goes missing”She was not wrong but whoever this vampire was, he seemed to be looking for Sophia too.“Charlie, I have my men on it now, they are scouring the house and will report back with any findings”She folds her arms across her chest, her blue grey eyes focussing on me but she was not directly looking at me, it was almost like she could not look me in the eye and when I think about it, she has never looked me directly in the eye, more like she was looking through me.“Do you expect them to find anything?”She was always so direct with her questions, never skirting the issue, she would make a fine Queen when she is ready.I shake my head because honestly, no I did not expect my men to find
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Charlie’s POV The realisation that the vampire was after me was just too much and the tears start streaming from my eyes. I couldn't help it, nor could I stop them and I turn to the only person that I know and bury my face into his shirt, my arms gripping my waist. I wouldn’t have normally but I just wanted to be held and thankfully Alpha Zach didn’t reject me. When I open my eyes, I’m confused at first and it takes a second for me to work out that I am back in my room and I sigh, this was becoming a weird habit and I really needed to stop falling asleep. There was some sort of commotion going on downstairs and I carefully open the door and listen in on what is being yelled, I could just make out Alpha Zach with his arms folded, his biceps bulging in his shirt sleeves. They were talking about me, accusing me of murder, demanding to know who I was and why I was targeting their pack. They were also asking Alpha Zach why he would bring someone li
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Alpha Zach’s POV“Why did you tell her?”“I’m sorry, Look, I didn’t know she was Sophia’s daughter, how was I supposed to know when you never tell me anything”He folds his arms over his chest, refusing to look at me, typical bloody teenager“It should have come from me” I sigh, she should never have found out this way“How many more times Zach, I am sorry”It was not Adam who I was angry with, it was myself, the news of Sophia should have come from me and only me. The only problem was now she had no reason to stay.“Why has she got you so worked up?”I glare at my brother“Shit, you’re mated to her aren’t you?”“Mind your language”He rolls his eyes at me, come on bro, catch up with the twenty first century, everyone swears”I shake my head at him in annoyance“S
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Charlie’s POV “Get off of me”“Shut up”I struggle against the man holding me, Ally was completely out of it and already face down on the floor of the room the vampire was trying to put me in“Hold still or I will rip your throat out too”It was a weak threat and I continued to fight against him, I could just use my magic but then I would be revealing more about myself and I couldn’t risk that yet, besides he was only man handling me at the moment and I might need my magic further down the line.‘We need to get out of here’‘I know Gypsy but its not that simple, I have no idea where here is and besides I can’t leave Ally’The vampire drops me and I roll across the floor but before I get a chance to have a go at him, the door was slammed shut and a key turns in the lock.Clearly he was stupid and didn’t know anything
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Alpha Zach’s POV“For fucks' sake”“What is it Alpha, what have you found?”“It’s the vampire, he was here”“The one who killed Kendal and Sophia?”I nod my head“No, no, this cannot be happening, I cannot lose Ally. Why would he take them both”“I do not know but we cannot lose the Queen. Kayden there is something you need to know but you cannot and I mean cannot tell anyone, do you understand?”He nods his head, his eyes wide with fear“Charlie is half vampire”“You are telling me that our new Queen, the girl you are madly in love with is a half breed”“Yes”“But, how is that even possible and why the hell did you bring her here?”“Firstly I do not know how it was possible and secondly she is our Queen”There was no other reason“
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Charlie’s POVWe found a café and sat at an outside table so we could keep a look out for Alpha Zach, Ally orders us some coffees and the waitress looks at us a little too long for my liking.As the waitress walks away, she mutters something to a colleague who also turns to look at us“Act natural” Ally whispers across the table at me.How was I suppose to act natural when these humans wanted to kill us.The waitresses head inside, the door swinging shut and I see them talking to more people.“Ally we need to go” I didn’t like the idea of being around humans that might know what we are“We’re fine, besides Alpha will be here any minute”Moments later the waitress comes back carrying our coffees and as she places them on the table she asks where we are from because we don’t look like locals, but she was mostly focussed on me.Ally smiles and names somewher
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Alpha Zach’s POVI stop the car because I feel her staring at me with those big grey blue eyes, she wasn’t in the least bit impressed about what I had to say and it made me feel bad, the first time anyone had made me feel bad“Look Charlie, I know you do not want to accept that he is your father but he will not stop killing people of my pack until you agree to visit him and learn about your vampire side”“Wait, is someone else dead?”“Yes, Adam’s mate Kieron”Her eyes begin to fill with tears again and as I look at her I realise that she is shutting down, she only had to deal with Damon when she was with Max and since her arrival here it had been nothing but death.“Please do not cry Charlie”“But”“But what, I still want you here”“People are dying because of me”I do not answer her immediately, I mean how can I
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Charlie’s POVI couldn’t believe that Alpha Zach was asking me to do such a thing but at the same time I understood that he had to protect his pack and I couldn’t let more people die, not because of me.“Why are you doing this?” my voice was more whiny than I wanted it to be and I try to shift it and make it sound reasonably unbothered, the vampire could see straight through it.“Simple, you are my daughter and now that I have found you I want to spend time with you. Do you understand how long I have been looking for you”“How many more times!. You are not my father and you never will be”His red eyes focus on me, his face unreadable and he turns to look at Alpha Zach who had his arms folded across his chest, you could see he was weighing up Dravens threat even if he said nothing.“Daughter, do not fight what you know is true”I stand there indecisive, I hated this man
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Alpha Zach’s POVI could not believe what I was seeing, five teenagers in a row, no older than my brother, all with a horrified look on their face, the worse thing is they had no chance of protecting themselves because they had not shifted yet.My people were waiting for me to say something but I could not form any words verbally, we had not been a target ever, everyone had been afraid of us, afraid of me.“Have their parents been informed?”“Yes” one of the children’s mothers steps forwards from the crowdHow on earth was I supposed to help her through this, a mother should not have to lose their child ever.She makes eye contact with me, the pain evident in her eyes as she keeps her face relaxed“I’m sorry, this is my fault” Charlie’s hand slips into mineThe mother shifts her eyes from me to Charlie, “You are our Queen yes?”“I… I can
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