All Chapters of The CEO's Forgotten Wife: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
58 Chapters
Chapter 20: Visiting with Clyden
MaiaEdith’s eyes narrowed, and her voice became an octave higher. “What? Why would you go and visit that— that wenc—.”“It’s okay, Clyden. I’m just going in for a quick visit. Besides, the hospital that my mom is in is quite far from the city. You shouldn’t be traveling that far with all your injuries.”Edith didn’t get to finish her sentence because I interrupted her. Although she didn’t get to say the last word completely, I had a feeling of what she was going to call my mom— wench. I know that what we did to their family was awful, but there was no way that I was going to let her call my mother like that.“No, but I really do want to go and visit your mother. I feel bad that you weren’t able to visit her for the past few weeks since you took care of me in the hospital. I think it’s only respectful that I visit her and explain what has happened. Don’t
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Chapter 21: Secrets of Maia
ClydenI stayed silent for the entire train ride after Maia revealed that her father had already died. For some reason, I felt like she didn’t want to talk about the topic anymore, so I didn’t push it. The silence was getting kind of awkward, so I was glad when we finally arrived at our destination.She held onto my wrists, her small and delicate hands spreading warmth on my cold extremities. The first time I saw her, I had a good feeling of her personality. It feels like she wasn’t one of the many people who only visited me for their personal gain.Moreover, she’s probably one of the prettiest women that I’ve ever seen. When Karl said that she was my wife, I felt happy. It felt like I had a good life even before the accident.However, everything’s just so confusing. I feel like the people in my family are not very fond of Maia. It’s also strange that I haven’t visited my mother-in-law for two years. There a
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Chapter 22: A Dress for Maia
MaiaClyden and I were currently sitting on the patio of the house with some of his relatives. It was lunchtime, and the maids prepared some of Clyden’s favorite food, so he convinced me to join him during this time. At first, I refused since I still felt pretty awkward with his other relatives. But after finding out that Jasmine and Edith weren’t here, I agreed hesitantly.Although I still feel uncomfortable with some of his relatives, I swallowed my discomfort because Clyden looks so happy eating the food that they have prepared. This is also quite a treat for me since it’s been a while since I’ve eaten these types of food. Lobster, steak, and other expensive food were sprawled out on the table, and I ate them with gusto.I was just about to finish my last piece of lobster when Jasmine and Edith suddenly went out to the patio. Edith looked around the table with a smile on her face, but it turned into a scowl when her eyes landed on me.
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Chapter 23: Sabotaging Maia
Maia It was finally the day of the party, and everyone was busy in the house. I stayed in my room all day long because I didn’t want to be a nuisance downstairs. I could hear Edith’s commands from here, and I was amazed by her stamina despite her old age. I think she’s already in her mid-60s, but she can still move around and be intimidating for an entire day. Clyden, on the other hand, is also downstairs with Jasmine, going over the different guests that we’ll be having today. At first, he whined and insisted that he wanted to stay with me, but when Jasmine insinuated that he was running away from his responsibilities, he agreed right away. Clyden truly is a filial and responsible man. I just finished showering, and I was in my bathrobe, sitting on the bed. I was waiting for Camille to come up to my room so we could both get ready together. After a while, I heard a knock on the door, and I knew that it was Camille right away. She knocked on the door with a s
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Chapter 24: Shining Maia
MaiaShe went to her big bag and retrieved a medium-sized box. “What is that?” I asked.“It’s your new dress.”My eyes widened in surprise as she fished out the champagne dress from the white box. I went over to her and touched the dress delicately. “Wha—What? Why did you? How? What?” I stammered, confused.Maia patted me on the pack and smiled. “You know that I would have to get you this dress. It practically screamed ‘Maia’ when I first saw it in the store. I’d be crazy to leave it!”I held onto the dress and caressed its details. It really is such a beautiful dress. “But this is so expensive! How much is it? I’ll transfer you the money.”Camille shook her head. “No, that can't be done. Don’t be too worried. This one’s more on the affordable side. I wouldn’t have bought you a dress that’s more than 5000 dollars.&rdq
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Chapter 25: Captivated by Maia
ClydenI tapped my foot against the floor as I waited for the guests to enter. I’ve already finished taking pictures with the media, and now I’m bored as hell. How did I endure these kinds of events back then?“Focus, Clyden. Our main shareholders are here,” Grandma nudged me and gave me a heated look.I sighed quietly and faked another smile. Although I’m not enjoying this right now, I also know my duties and responsibilities as a company owner. It’s not in my character to just leave my role in the dust just because I lost my memory.A family of four came into the entrance, and grandma nudged me once again. I displayed a big smile and politely greeted them.I recognize the entire family from the hours of research that Jasmine forced me to do. They are the Ledger family, owners of Ledger enterprises. Mr. and Mrs. Ledger have been my business partners for two years now, and they’re the main shareholders of t
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Chapter 26: Exposed Maia
MaiaClyden looks like a totally different person out there. Observing closely, he reminds me slightly of himself in college—before we got married. Before the accident, he felt a little bit distant and cold. Right now, he could even crack jokes in front of serious people.He was now done with his speech, and it was now time for him to answer some questions coming from the reporters. At first, all of them were just normal questions pertaining to his future plans with the company. However, the last question made everyone look at the reporter in shock.“I’m sure that we’re all curious about this, but we’ve all seen earlier how you treated this one girl.”My eyes widened in shock as some people glanced over my way. Edith and Jasmine also turned to me quickly, causing me to look down on the tablecloth.Camille went near my ear and whispered, “Oh fuck, she’s talking about you!”“Can you d
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Chapter 27: Jealous Clyden
Maia “Made for each other, huh? How exactly are you and my wife made for each other?” We both turned around to see Clyden towering over us with his arms crossed. He raised his eyebrows then turned to both me and Lucas. Lucas pushed back his chair and also stood up. He faced Clyden, and although he was a little bit shorter than him, it was only by a few centimeters. “Welp, that’s my cue to leave,” Lucas said and attempted to leave. However, Clyden held onto his shoulder and smirked. “No, it’s okay, Mr. Lucas Ledger. You can stay. I’m actually a little bit curious about what you just said to MY wife.” I clicked my tongue and tugged on the hem of Clyden’s suit. “Clyden, let him go. We didn’t talk about anything special.” “Hmm,” he said and looked at me. “That might be the case to you, but I wonder what the case is with Mr. Ledger right here.” Lucas sighed and removed Clyden’s hands away from him. “What a stubborn man you are. I gu
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Chapter 28: Drunk Maia
Clyden“Wee Woo! Wee Woo!” Maia started acting like an ambulance the second Camille and I carried her to the kitchen.“Settle down. Settle down, love,” I said and caged her in my arms.“I’m an ambulance! Let go of me, you douchebag! I need to save people's lives!” She said and tried pushing me away from her. However, I kept my grasp tight because who knows what she’ll do when I let go of her.Camille facepalmed and said, “How the hell did I get those drinks mixed up? Maia’s going to kill me tomorrow.”“It’s too soon to talk about tomorrow. How will we get Maia upstairs without other people noticing?” I asked.Camille waved her hand. “She’s fine. Just lead her upstairs then it’s all good. Just let her sleep it off!”Just then, Maia was able to get out of my grasp and started performing CPR on a loaf of bread on the counter. &ldqu
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Chapter 29: Bashful Maia
MaiaI snuggled closer to the warm pillow. This is probably the warmest pillow that I’ve hugged. However, it was a little bit hard, so I tapped it gently to fluff it up. The ‘pillow’ didn’t fluff up at all, and it became even harder. Confused, I wandered my hands around and felt the pillow move beneath me.I finally opened my eyes and saw two big mountains beneath my face. I looked up to see Clyden’s smirking face as I held onto his abdomen.“Enjoying yourself?”I broke away and moved to the farthest corner of the bed. I looked around the room and felt relieved when I saw that it was my room. But, what is Clyden doing here? Wait… How did I even get here? And why is he naked? I panicked and peeked through the covers to see if I was also not wearing anything.Clyden chuckled. “Relax. We didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t do that without your formal consent.”I nodded my
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