All Chapters of Alpha Alexander : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Chapter 31 wait
“ What the hell do you mean he’s your brother?” Creed growled in a whisper. They pulled me out of the cell so we could speak in private. I don’t understand either but it’s true. I feel sick from looking at my brother; it's as if I’ve seen a ghost. I remember watching them rip his throat out slowly as he screamed till the screaming turned into silence. Now looking at him lay in front of me alive and suffering.  “ Charlotte??” Alex snapped his fingers in my face trying to get my attention  “ I thought he was dead… I thought I watched them kill him. B—but he’s laying in that cell right now barely hanging on these many years later. It’s all my fault.. I shouldn’t have just left like I did to save my own ass.” I whispered to myself knowing they could probably hear me “ then who’d  I watch die if it wasn’t him?” 
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Chapter 32 the talk
Pacing back and forth in the waiting room isn’t my favorite way to spend my morning. My neck and back hurt from sleeping in the waiting room chairs but I couldn’t bring myself to leave until I knew how he was doing. Alex hasn’t left his room since they brought him in here which makes me even more nervous. Yeah he’s my brother but he’s still an intruder, and attacking Luna is an automatic death sentence.  “ Madam Charlotte, can I get you anything?” The nurse that works the front desk hasn’t spoken to me since I’ve been in here just staring constantly, maybe too nervous to say anything until now.  “ Actually, is there anyone who can run and get me coffee?” I asked shyly. I hate asking because I’d rather get it myself but there’s no chance in hell I’m leaving this room until someone leaves him to tell me anything at all. 
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Chapter 33 break through
Alex POV I watched as her soul was crushed from the information Creed decided to hold from me. It was like watching that lovely spark in her eyes deem to darkness. The worst part is I don’t think I’ll be able to fix it. Once the doctor gave her permission to see him, she hasn't left his side, not to shower, or eat anything. The state he’s in, he hasn't opened his eyes yet. He’s coded a couple times but I’ve been told his wolf is doing everything he can to help him stay alive. We still don’t know why his wolf hasn’t shifted until now. Once he wakes up we are hoping we can get some more information from him. Sitting next to the door of his room, watching my mate hold her brother's hand as she chugs her fourth cup of coffee in the last hour. “ Coffee isn’t food” reminding her I link Cr
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Chapter 34 awake
Last night I held her in my arms as she slept. I wasn’t sure she was going to bed at all until I watched her yawn multiple times as she got dressed after her shower. I refused to let her leave the room until she got some sleep. She had no objection and climbed into bed with only a red Columbia sweatshirt on. When I climbed into the bed I made sure to keep my distance at first, the last thing I wanted to do was overstep knowing she’s hurting right now. But when she curled her little body up against my side I couldn’t  help but pull her as close to me as possible without letting go. Her strawberry red hair shines bright from the sun shining through the curtains, I look at her as she snores softly with her mouth slightly open. I would close it for her but I don’t want her to stop making that little sound. As much as I would love for us to just stay in bed all day, I got word from Creed that her brother woke up. The last thing
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Chapter 35 feelings
We met up in my office not too long after breakfast. Charlotte insisted on pushing his wheelchair around the pack house. Creed didn’t mind though, he said he was too good to be pushing someone around all day. I made sure to tell him not to tell Charlotte that. “ So first what’s your name? All I know is you are Charlotte's brother” I started the conversation because they didn’t seem to know what to say to each other really.“ Well I'm not sure if this is the same name she remembers but I’ve always been called Henry. If they used my name, here the past few years they’ve used anything but.” He finished looking towards the ground as he spoke playing with his fingers. “ Who are they?” Charlotte asked to take the blanket from Creed who just look
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Chapter 36 unreal
Charlotte POV When I pictured myself killing him I never imagined him to be my father. I never imagined being the one to take a life from someone who is supposed to love me. What if he is my father but doesn’t know it? Maybe that would make it easier. How can a father distort someone they created so easily? Did his father just not show him enough attention? What am I saying, he can’t be my father. How did my mother get away with lying about who we really belong to? Maybe that’s why he killed her, for lying. My brother suffered because I was too much of a bitch to stay here and fight for what was mine. But now I get to go out and kill what I’ve always wished I had. Why does living have to be so hard? And dying has to be so scary? Fear lives rent free in my head along with anxiety! I don’t even know his name, yet he just changed everything. How is Alex so cool with
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Chapter 37 pretending?
Alex POV “ Where's Charlotte?” He asked me to look around the office till he landed his eyes back on me.“ I thought it would be wise to have this conversation without her. Now you know your sister is my mate.” I started getting a nod in response “ good, and having a mate means you will do anything and everything to protect them. We haven’t always seen each other in such ways but we are trying.” I explain to him “ What does this have to do with me?” Looking confused and scared her wiped his sweaty palms on his pants trying not to make eye contact “ She's been hurt once already from the loss of you. Now that you are back in her life she blames herself for not staying around to save
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Chapter 38 her help
We looked into his past but he’s life has been covered up pretty damn well. The only information we were able to recover was anything he’s life was like before he was taken. Which is useless because it's everything Charlotte has already told us. However there is one thing that stuck out more than the rest. Charlotte isn’t his sister at all, making this even harder for me because I’ll have to be the one to break the news to her after all these years. When Henry was born, the mother passed away at birth, Charlotte's mother was the one to perform the birth of the child and with no one else in the pack wanting to take him in, her mother almost had no choice. But she was so young at the time that she didn’t know better and believed every word they said about him being her real brother. I don’t know if they planned on telling her at all but they definitely didn’t get a chance to if they were. I don’t think it
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Chapter 39 unexpected
After breakfast, I headed downtown to the workshop because Charlotte wants a bakery built close to the packhouse. I told her she could have any job she ever wanted and she told me a bakery loaded with homemade treats and pastries is what she’s always wanted. With everything going on I thought something like this would help keep her mind at ease. Once I arrived I had Creed and Ryan head in and buy everything we needed to start off. Looking at the blue print laid out on the hood of the car, I notice ways I can make it bigger, might also add a second story for her office and inventory. As I waited for them to come back out, my phone rang in my pocket.“ hello?” “ hey long time no speak” chuckling on the other end I will say I wasn’t expecting her to call “ What's up
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Chapter 40 anger
“ Did you find him??” She yelled running off the packhouse porch towards me “ Yeah, we found him.” I huffed out spitting blood onto the ground “ what happened??” She gasped coming closer wiping the blood off my mouth with sleeve“ ask him.” I growled pointing to her brother that was shifted into a wolf being pinned by two of my men “ Why is he in wolf form??” She mumbled wrapping her little arms around me in a hug. If she was to cry right now I wouldn’t blame her. No one would. But she didn't; she just stared at him as if she was trying to find the answers in his eye. The way she keeps herself together is impressive, women are way stronger than we give them credit for. At least she is any
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