All Chapters of The Demon Prince's Promise: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
79 Chapters
Chapter 28
Kozuko keeps thinking about his sister and Kenshi’s words. If he breaks his promise to Kenshi, two life will be lost and he can’t afford to lose the demon crown prince’s life. He does not know to what extent Kenshi is capable of but he knows it will always be his lost if he dare defy Kenshi. He has seen it before, the dark place where Kenshi’s demons hide. Confusing enough, there was not only demons there, there were from the light too. White wings glowing as bright as the sun and he could not see clearly what it was.  The crown prince of demons can easily govern everything but why does he want everyone to treat him like he is to their level? Isn’t it good to suppress your people? Doesn’t it feel good to be that powerful and design the world like how you want to be in your mind? But why K
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Chapter 29
In the kitchen, Mizuko is all out in her honesty with Miranda’s cooking. She isn’t the one cooking but it’s almost her anyway. She has no idea why but it is her that is panicking when it is just Kenshi.  “I never saw you so worked up in the kitchen before.” Miranda noticed how she’s fast and careful with slicing. “I wonder if it is Kenshi. Hmm.” “He knows I am in the kitchen and he knows I taste your cooking. If it’s bitter or too sweet he will blame it on me!” Miranda softly chuckles, stirring her soup. “I think Nozumo is coming for dinner tonight.” “Was it your guest the other night?” Mizuko asked and
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Chapter 30
It’s a bright morning and Blue is on a hide out with Yushiro. She is supposed to be with Mizuko practicing but then she was called in for a very important mission in Pinress: to find out where these deformed demons came from.  These shuffled beast keeps crossing their borders and they are getting harder to contain. They suspect that Yami could be experimenting and the deformed ones are being sent over to Hikari.  “If only we could cross over,” Yushiro muttered.  “Why don’t we cross their borders, master?” Blue suggested.  “That’s defiance, Blue.” “But doesn’t th
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Chapter 31
During the day, Mizuko helps in the shop and around 4:00 pm, Kenshi would come and take her to see places with him. Her days were suddenly full and sunny, her nights were starry and her face displays a bright smile.  Her life is quickly changed from monotonous to this crazy adventure! She would not ask for her to be back in her old world where she works all night and eat cup noddles and canned foods. It was lonely.  Mizuko was in her joyful thoughts when suddenly Miranda came rushing in their shop. The witch was still catching her breath and her arms rested on the counter.  "I-Is something the matter, Miranda?" Miranda raises a hand in front of her, inhaling deeply and finally facing her. "It
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Chapter 32
On the front porch Blue kept her eyes at the dark surroundings, waiting for Keisuke to come back. He was suddenly gone when she went down for dinner. She was also being mean to him.  It has been two nights of staying in Yami's territory and all they showed her is kindness. Even Keisuke does come back when he said he would. It's like they don't lie.  When she raised her head once again, she saw Keisuke heading back to her. There was an unexplained expression on his face. The moment their eyes met, she saw him twitch his upper lip.  "Aish, this demon," she murmurs.  Keisuke sat beside her, watching the outside too. "You should be in bed so your wounds heal up fast."&nb
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Chapter 33
Kenshi was just chilling around a shop in Hikari when he noticed someone had throw him a glance. Those lavender eyes were piercing at him making a side of his mouth to curve up.  “He never fails to notice me,” he murmurs. When a carriage passed through, he disappeared as well.  Now he is on a roof turning the tables on Yushiro. The prince has a lot to learn, he thought to himself watching Yushiro search for him.  This is just like the old times and it’s getting interesting when he saw Mizuko walking down the streets. She will eventually bump into Yushiro again but before she does, he won’t let it happen.  He jumped off the roof and in front of Mizuko which made her jum
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Chapter 34
The day was warm and the daylight is melting the coldness Blue felt from last night. Keisuke is walking her towards the way out of Yami. He said they would get there faster if he carries her but there's no way she would agree after her hopeful night.  In her small bag was the dresses lady Amore made her. It would be a waste if she left and throw it along the way. The dresses were also lovely and she is not that heartless to throw away their kindness over her letting down herself. Every time she remembers her stupidity, she would bite her lower lip and walk a little faster to avoid walking beside Keisuke. She's not sure if he noticed but she hope he didn't.  Because the two of them were trained to be fast, they decided to take off running towards Pinress. And
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Chapter 35
A clear Friday afternoon and their shop closed early. Miranda, Mizuko and master Kaja decided to hike at some mountain to get some important herbs from above. That herb is important for healing they say.  They were just about to ride Miranda’s flower when Master Kaja told them they were walking. It painted their faces a disapproving look but they had no choice.  Just as they started walking someone shouted Mizuko’s name and when they looked they saw Blue waving her hand as she runs towards them. Mizuko hugged Blue tight. She was really worried about her until Kenshi told her that Blue was fine.  “I’m so glad you could come!” Mizuko jumps in happiness. “I almost thought you couldn’t.”&n
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Chapter 36
As the night gone darker, Mizuko opened her eyes and carefully standing up, tiptoeing as she walks past the sleeping ladies. She walks out of their door and outside in the chilly night.  "Roya, come out right now," she commanded.  Then Roya came out, her eyes down already like some puppy who had done something wrong. Mizuko had already a bad feeling that the heiress is her mom.  "Roya, is there something you are not telling me?" "Forgive me, your highness! The late heiress Hanabi told me not to tell you. She said for you to live your life in a word where everyone is in harmony! Forgive me!" Roya cries. Mizuko breathes out heav
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Chapter 37
"What are you looking at us like that?" Keisuke asked Zed who was glaring at them. "You look cute, Zed!" Kenshi commented in his high voice. "Do you two not know how dangerous that fight was?" he questions them, his little hands crossed over his tiny and fluffy chest. "You made a great damage all around us!" "We will fix it, Zed. Let us rest for a little while. I made sure  I have done no harm, not even to an ant." "I think I hit a fly. It shouldn't matter, should it?" Zed is left to face palm. These two in front of him makes it sound like all they did was play a tag game. But no! They ruined areas around them! What if so
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