All Chapters of Cyan: Chapter 11 - Chapter 15
15 Chapters
Chapter 11
When Valen had said he wanted to take care of me, he really meant it. He’d held me cradled in his arms as we sat atop Brennan’s back, nestled between his huge dragon shoulders. We’d soared through the sky, the view breathtaking and exhilarating. I rode a freaking dragon! “Brennan, take us to the front of the palace,” Valen instructed. I was sure there’d been no way for Brennan to hear Valen’s low murmur, but after another swoop and stream of fire, Brennan landed in the courtyard, in full view of nearly the entire clan. Still cradling me, Valen jumped from the dragon’s back and landed without jarring me. Konah, carrying Dallon, alighted next to him, his burnished wings snapping closed behind him before disappearing completely. The air shimmered behind us and moments later Brennan flanked us. “Your queen,” Valen spoke. He didn’t shout to be heard. He didn’t need to. A cheer went through the crowd before they began to kneel or curtsey, their heads bowed
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Chapter 12
Su·mar /sumar/ /sʏːmaːr/ Icelandic, Old Norse noun meaning summer Soaré My fingertips grazed lightly over the fresh cut blades of grass. I hadn’t seen the gardeners in weeks, but I knew they’d been working nonstop to get the garden to its current glory. Eyes closed, I tilted my head back against the bench I sat cross-legged in front of and inhaled deeply while letting the sun bathe me in its glow. The fresh bloom of floral fragrances permeated the air, blooms with little to no rhyme or reason outside of the fact that some had bloomed in the spring and others were eagerly making their debut upon the cusp of summer. If I opened my eyes, I’d see the white flowers of the apple blossom trees, scattered with bright pink buds, here and there. I’d see the bright oranges, yellows, and dark pinks of the bird of paradise plants. Directly behind me and shading the bench I perched against stood a
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Chapter 13
SoaréFor the first time since she appeared I took in her outfit. I’d been so busy comparing our physical similarities, I hadn’t realized that she not only wore those ridiculous heels, but also a shimmering burnt orange cocktail dress with golden yellow accents. I gripped my fists tighter and forced myself not to glance down at my skinny jeans and t-shirt. I also lamented the fact that the dress was the sexier cocktail version—the exact same color, shimmering, opalescent material and all—of the evening gown I’d chosen to wear for the transition. I’d spent weeks picking the material, designing the dresses, and having it made just for me by a designer that I’d had to travel to meet with. All that time and effort for nothing and I knew Sol had done it just to spite me. The vitriol that I wanted to spew at her was sour as I swallowed it back down.“Of course, Sol. Whatever you’ve picked
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Chapter 14
Sol            I stood near the entrance of one of the many gazebos dotted throughout the garden and listened as my parents voiced their concerns over Soaré. It was always her they fretted over. Her and her abysmal weakness. Especially August, he was the worst. Even now, he sat silently at their table, eyes staring blankly into space with worry creasing his handsome face. My resentment for them grew by leaps and bounds as the transition approached. If they weren’t so hung up on my sister, they’d realize and acknowledge that Sumar belonged to me. I’d be able to handle it, control it, better than she ever could.            “Falcon, if this doesn’t work I don’t know what I’ll do,” my mother fussed, her hands wringing in her lap.          &nbs
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Chapter 15
“This all looks absolutely amazing, Helen. You’ve truly outdone yourself.”            I barely managed to contain my eye roll. Two hours of mingling and all of it has consisted of these simpering suck ups. Yes, the ballroom is gorgeous, but why wouldn’t it be? It’s filled with my ideas. My mother may have implemented it all, but I was the visionary behind it. And I didn’t need praise from the likes of this wide mouthed idiot disgustingly stuffed into a gown two sizes too small. My mother smiled and thanked her before the next one popped up and offered her condolences.            “Phil and I wanted to let you know that we’re praying for the full recovery of Soaré. I hate that she suffers so much. You’d think with modern medicine she would be able to live a better life.”   
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