All Chapters of Russian Mob Kingpin’s Doll: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
150 Chapters
Chapter 41: Psychopathic 
[Erin]“What happened here?” Our attention immediately snapped towards Akim, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. His face was plastered with perplexity as he turned his gaze directly to the scene that greeted him upon entering the vicinity.Nikolai still had the creepy older man pinned against the wall, his face turning almost purple from being choked, and I was still quivering with fright just to the side of him.“Erin, are you alright?” Akim notices me and my flabbergasted state. He moved closer to my side and removed his coat, which he draped over my shoulders.I just meekly nodded in response to his inquiry. I could still feel the older man's hand on my arms, which caused a revolted shiver to run down my spine.The fact that I even considered talking to him in the first place makes me realize how naive I was. I should be more careful and know that he’s not a good Samaritan.However, if they hadn't a
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Chapter 42: Passed out
[Erin]It was already nighttime, and we were still inside this city dome. How do I know what time it is? Well, I happened to catch a peek of Nikolai's wristwatch, which indicated that it was past eight o'clock in the evening. The day flew by so rapidly, and one of the things that occurred to me was that this was simply too much—all of the turbulence of emotions felt like a roller coaster ride, and my brain could hardly keep up with it all. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of chaos.I kept my distance close to the two gigantic men as we walked down the cobbled pavement. Ultimately have no idea where we’ll be going next. Hope it's not the fighting pit arena, since that would be terrible. Even the concept of it conjures up images of blood and violence in my mind. All of those things have already happened to me today, and I've already been emotionally scarred enough.The other masters and their pets threw off glances on my way, and even s
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Chapter 43: Clinic
[Erin]The strong sterile scent permeated my nostrils as I came to consciousness. My head pounding as though it had been bludgeoned with a wooden bat and threatening to split my skull open. I tried to open my eyes, they seemed to be glued shut, and my body seemed much too feeble to heed my orders. It was a frustrating situation. As a result, I choose to remain still and pay attention to my immediate surroundings.“How is she?” Nikolai's voice, resonating with his questions, drew my attention, and if my memory serves me correctly, he is making a direct reference to me.The last thing I remember is that we were strolling along the cobbled pavement, heading somewhere God knows where. I was having a conversation with Akim, then suddenly I felt dizzy.And then, here I am, in some place, somewhere in this dreaded place. Though there is a little part of me hoping that we are back in my room. The aroma, on the other hand, is quite strange. Fortunately
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Chapter 44: Food
[Erin]It was the very first time I saw Nikolai had ever been stunned since the time I had known him. He wasn't the type of man who was immediately fazed by something or who was ever taken completely by surprise by anything in his life. Normally, he maintained his composure and his stare was usually calculated. However, right now, his eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly gaping open.“I…um—maybe, I…needed something to eat?” I meekly contemplated, stuttering even to complete the sentence. My face burned hotter every passing second, and I even bet it was redder than tomatoes as his gaze pierced my face. My mouth suddenly felt dry, and I was like a fish out in the water, trying to speak, but words failed to come out.Suddenly, Nikolai exhaled forcefully, bursting out of his astonished trance, and for a brief time, amusement crossed his features, and the corner of his mouth looped upwards as though he were struggling to keep hi
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Chapter 45: Italian Chef
[Erin]In the corner of the room, Nikolai sat behind the table desk, browsing through his phone, while I entertained myself by toying with my fingers, my back leaned against the headboard, hoping to distract myself from my gnawing stomach.I just realized how stupid I am. A slice of pizza or a burger would have been more appropriate instant choices. I should have held my tongue when I mentioned those ridiculous meals that are impossible to obtain in a short period of time. Perhaps, I should go back to sleep, then maybe when I wake up again, Akim will be here.Nikolai should have known better than to keep asking me what I wanted to eat over and over and over again. He might have placed an order for anything. I don't have a lot of preferences. I could even eat stale bread and not be bothered to voice my displeasure. Now I'm stuck in the waiting room with a grumbling stomach.I instinctively let out a loud sigh, swallowing whatever moisture was left in my mouth
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Chapter 46: Rest
[Erin]I could no longer move, nor could I breathe properly.This durian fruit is the best fruit I've ever had in my entire life. Although the smell is a little overpowering, it had no effect on the creamy, sweet, custard-like flavor. Overall, the cuisine is far superior to what I had anticipated, and I am completely satisfied with my meal.“Have I already told you that you eat like a cow?” Akim remarked on my side, looking at me with such an unbelievably long stare as he took a quick gander at my empty plates. Yes, I did told them I could not finish the whole plater, but I had grossly miscalculated the power of my appetite, that I, even to myself, was surprised.And, yes, I did finish everything served before me, but of course, with Akim’s meager assistance—very little, I should say.But I'm not going to admit that.“Hey, don't put the entire blame on me. You also had your part.” I jested, putting back the dirty plates on the table cart and pu
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Chapter 47: Roiling Turbulence
[Erin]He completely devoured me.He was taking everything and left me with nothing to pick up the shards of my own sanity. I didn't even care if the glass partition of his car were down, nor did I even care that Akim or anyone from the front seat could see us right through the rearview mirror. All I could sense now was how warm his lips were molding against mine, his tongue invading my whole cavity, imposing for dominance. How his gigantic hand cups the back of my head and how good is his other hand caressing one of my breasts with his thumb running over the peak of my hardened nipple. Oh, gosh! What am I doing? What the hell am I doing? I internally berated myself. I just told him I didn't want this. Yet here I am now, nibbling, sucking on his essence, shivering beneath his touch, and melting away like ice in his arms.I hate this, yet at the same time, this feeling I had seems like the only thing that matters the most in the world and nothing else.
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Chapter 48: Prized
[Erin]What should I do? What the hell should I do?This thing…if Nikolai sees me holding this thing, he will falsely accuse me of stealing it. He's erratic, he takes things into his own hands on the spur of the moment, and sure is he will think that I stole this from him. But on the second thought, why would he put something this precious inside the pocket of his coat as though he had only acquired it from a thrift store? I was under the impression that he had stashed it away inside some highly secured titanium case that only his biometrics could open. Not like this. Tucked so carelessly as though it does not possess any high value.Hell, it even has a higher value than myself. “Oh, God. What should I do?” I jump out of my bed, struggling to unfasten the straps on my heels and kicking them off. I pace back and forth, wracking up my nerves as I stare at this shiny little thing—well it’s not really tiny cause it's almost big as my thumb, but hell, this cost a fortune. Now that I hav
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Chapter 49: Interrogation
[Third Person’s Point of View—Nikolai]“Did he talk yet?” Nikolai queried as he strode through the room which was lit only by a single bulb and reeked of blood and urine, among other unpleasant odors that one would prefer not to describe.“Not yet, boss,” Akim replied, setting down the pair of pliers he was holding—still dripping with thick crimson liquid and bits of flesh that clung to the rust-crusted metal.“Hmm,” a low rumble resounded on Nikolai’s chest as he veered his eyes towards the man seated on a wooden chair whose legs and hands were bound. Blood beading down from his mouth and nose, his eyes blackened from recent bludgeoning, his face almost distorted beyond recognition with some of his teeth missing, broken, and chipped.He’s awful to spare a stare, but in Nikolai’s eyes, he looked like a magnificent piece of artwork chiseled by violence and power.Akim took a step aside, making way for Nikolai to step closer toward the suffering man. His chest heaving, barely holding o
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Chapter 50: Leaving for Italy
[Erin]“Oh my goodness, Erin!” Micah’s shrilly voice pierces my ears faster than the light blinding my soon as I stirred awake. “Why didn't you change your clothes last night?” She chided, pointing out the dress that I still wore, clinging to my body for dear life while I am still curled in the middle of my bed.I, begrudgingly peeled my eyes open, blinking the sting away, however it was before long followed by a beating torment in my head. “Uh, Micah, you know that I love you, but please my head is killing me,” I groaned, pressing my palm heel on my temple in hopes to assuage the twinge, but it was little to no avail.“Were you drunk?” She queried, taking Nikolai’s coat off from the carpet that I had deserted the previous evening before I crept to bed. I was exhausted from yesterday’s extravaganza, I know I kind of little bad for leaving simple things for Micah to do it for me, but I wasn’t myself. All I wanted to do was melt away in this world. I shake my head to get rid of all
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